28 years ago today...

Dirk the Daring

Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2009
...where were you when you heard the news?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa7icmqgsow]Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech - 1/28/86 - YouTube[/ame]


I was at recess in 5th grade. The kids who went home for lunch told us the shuttle blew up, I didn't believe them until the Principal made the announcement over the PA system.

A prayer was said (Catholic School) and I was riveted on the news when i got home.

Its interesting today that as an Engineer I can read the accident report and understand all that went wrong, something I couldn't as a 10 year old.
Pre school. My brothers watched it live in grade school.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
So horrible still.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
He could remember,I thought he had alzheimers.The only thing he could remember was where he put those black jelly-beans.
What do we have today? NASA scientists are sitting around manufacturing fake global warming junk? Reagan makes Hussein look like a pip-squeak community activist.
What do we have today? NASA scientists are sitting around manufacturing fake global warming junk? Reagan makes Hussein look like a pip-squeak community activist.

They have selected the first man for the Mars mission they have been working on. The plan is to build larger cargo rockets to move supplies to the Moon to build a space station to send astronauts to Mars on an 18 month mission.

The shuttled started development and construction during Carter........

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