23 states suing Biden for destroying US energy independence

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
We already import oil and have for years with trade agreements..

I just love the Trump/GOP super-duper stupidity, my how they like to regurgitate the same lie over and over....

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”

What is Keystone XL?​

The Keystone XL pipeline extension, proposed by energy infrastructure company TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) in 2008, was designed to transport the planet’s dirtiest fossil fuel to market—fast. An expansion of the company’s existing Keystone Pipeline System, which has been operating since 2010 (and is already sending Canadian tar sands crude from Alberta to various processing hubs in the middle of the United States), it would dramatically increase capacity to process the 168 billion barrels of crude oil locked up under Canada’s boreal forest. To be precise, it would transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas.

Some 3 million miles of oil and gas pipelines already run through our country. But Keystone XL wouldn’t be your average pipeline, and tar sand oil isn’t your average crude.

Beneath the wilds of northern Alberta’s boreal forest is a sludgy, sticky deposit called tar sands. These sands contain bitumen, a gooey type of petroleum that can be converted into fuel. It’s no small feat extracting oil from tar sands, and doing so comes with steep environmental and economic costs. Nevertheless, in the mid-2000s, with gas prices on the rise, oil companies ramped up production and sought additional ways to move their product from Canada’s remote tar sands fields to midwestern and Gulf Coast refineries.

Leaks and the pipeline​

Tar sands oil is thicker, more acidic, and more corrosive than lighter conventional crude, and this ups the likelihood that a pipeline carrying it will leak. Indeed, one study found that between 2007 and 2010, pipelines moving tar sands oil in Midwestern states spilled three times more per mile than the U.S. national average for pipelines carrying conventional crude. Since it first went into operation in 2010, TC Energy’s original Keystone Pipeline System has leaked more than a dozen times; one incident in North Dakota sent a 60-foot, 21,000-gallon geyser of tar sands oil spewing into the air. Most recently, on October 31, 2019, the Keystone tar sands pipeline was temporarily shut down after a spill in North Dakota of reportedly more than 378,000 gallons. And the risk that Keystone XL will spill has only been heightened: A study published in early 2020, co-authored by TC Energy’s own scientists, found that the anti-corrosion coating on pipes for the project is defective from being stored outside and exposed to the elements for the last decade.

Now here's the kicker the proponents of the Keystone XL are Chinese operatives

China buys Alberta oil sands
China has invested $55B in Alberta
The China Institute estimates China has invested a total of $55 billion in Alberta, the majority in energy projects, out of $85 billion in Canada.

Laugh Marvin as your OP gets shot down and dies...You again show total ignorance about the XL pipeline and the fact that the pipelines in the US are over 200,000 miles worth..
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The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
Please explain how putting on hold the NOT built yet Keystone XL pipeline affects American independence?

No, the XL pipeline from CANADA is not for American use, but for export.... Not to be used here in the USA from every article I have read on it, the past 10 years.
The Keystone XL is not American oil so how does it make the USA more energy independent when the oil comes from a foriegn nation? Derpa!
This ALL ended under the cheated in dementia buffoon, on DAY ONE, and every single person that owns a car and fills it with gas knows it.

The only thing Biden did was help the oil companies out to help raise prices in a depressed market..Oil companies were dying under Trump.
The only thing Biden did was help the oil companies out to help raise prices in a depressed market..Oil companies were dying under Trump.

See, that is the thing. The Oil market, for the United States, is all about price. Matter of fact, we become more energy "independent" as the price goes up. Cause we got oil, might be expensive to get, but we got it. But Saudi Arabia, Russia--hell their cost to well-head is nothing, I mean like two bucks a barrel. In a race to the bottom, we "lose", to even Mexico.
The only thing Biden did was help the oil companies out to help raise prices in a depressed market..Oil companies were dying under Trump.

See, that is the thing. The Oil market, for the United States, is all about price. Matter of fact, we become more energy "independent" as the price goes up. Cause we got oil, might be expensive to get, but we got it. But Saudi Arabia, Russia--hell their cost to well-head is nothing, I mean like two bucks a barrel. In a race to the bottom, we "lose", to even Mexico.
These people have no idea how the market works or the mechanics of capitalism. Biden has signed off on around 1200 oil and gas leases yet the Repubs keep on saying he is shutting down oil operations...He can't on any place but federal land.
The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
This is the simplest explanation of the new Keystone Pipeline that I have seen.

Here are some of the alleged pros and cons of the new Keystone Pipeline.

With oil trains being the only viable alternative to oil pipelines, the dangers of transporting bulk oil are greatly increased. Here is what we might see repeated in the future, either by sabotage or equipment failure.

I don't expect the habitual trolls here or any of the Biden Crime Family Administration soldiers to read the above linked articles. They are too stuck on their own imaginary internal fountains of knowledge and propensity to lie to bother with reality.

I hope the states suing Biden come out and top.
The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
This is the simplest explanation of the new Keystone Pipeline that I have seen.

Here are some of the alleged pros and cons of the new Keystone Pipeline.

With oil trains being the only viable alternative to oil pipelines, the dangers of transporting bulk oil are greatly increased. Here is what we might see repeated in the future, either by sabotage or equipment failure.

I don't expect the habitual trolls here or any of the Biden Crime Family Administration soldiers to read the above linked articles. They are too stuck on their own imaginary internal fountains of knowledge and propensity to lie to bother with reality.

I hope the states suing Biden come out and top.
There are two Keystone pipelines so in order to cause less confusion they named the second one Keystone XL...
The only thing Biden did was help the oil companies out to help raise prices in a depressed market..Oil companies were dying under Trump.

The middle eastern oil companies. His partners.
We import Canadian oil also, oh my, Saudis get to ship oil here because we ship our products there, ever hear of international trade? It happened during Trump also, get a grip and realize that US is not energy independent it means that we ship some oil to over seas markets instead of hogging it all for us, why, trade agreements...
The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
Please explain how putting on hold the NOT built yet Keystone XL pipeline affects American independence?

No, the XL pipeline from CANADA is not for American use, but for export.... Not to be used here in the USA from every article I have read on it, the past 10 years.
BS it would go to multiple refineries for N. American use. The existing Keystone pipeline already does this.
The Keystone XL is not American oil so how does it make the USA more energy independent when the oil comes from a foriegn nation? Derpa!
Oil for Canada verses Oil from the Middle East where they use the money to murder we infidels?
The Biden crime family are DESPERATE for us to be forced into buying oil from his partners in the middle east, and have it shipped to us in carbon-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The "Big Guy" has got to get his 10%!

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states officially involved in a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced that two more attorneys general – Florida’s Ashley Moody and Alaska’s Treg Taylor – have signed on to the lawsuit.

Knudsen described President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline as “unconstitutional” and warned that recent cyberattacks on other pipelines make the project even more critical.

“The fallout from the Colonial pipeline cyberattack made it very clear that we need more energy infrastructure, not less,” he said in a statement.

“The Keystone XL would get more oil … to American refineries to be sold to American consumers.”
Please explain how putting on hold the NOT built yet Keystone XL pipeline affects American independence?

No, the XL pipeline from CANADA is not for American use, but for export.... Not to be used here in the USA from every article I have read on it, the past 10 years.
Much of the oil will go to our Gulf Coast refineries. At all points where the oil is handled in the USA, American workers will be paid to do it.

There is already a Keystone pipeline (small and less efficient) between the same two points in Canada and the US.

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