23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit

I pretend nothing.

The facts are teh American people dont like your historically failed ideas
Historical is right!:
Consumer Sentiment Plunges to Three-Decade Low - Bloomberg
Confidence among U.S. consumers plunged in August to the lowest level since May 1980, adding to concern that weak employment gains and volatility in the stock market will prompt households to retrench.
Welcome Back Carter! :lol:

Of course, I really can't blame Obozo for all this. He's only doing what his handlers at G.E. and The Federal Reserve are telling him to do.
23 polls show Americans don't understand basic economics or math. Even raising the tax rates on the "evil rich" to 100% will not solve the budget problem.
Sure it would.

You've just shown how supremely ignorant you on this subject. The fact of the matter is that you could seize ALL of the wealth of the top 1% and it wouldn't even put a dent in the looming unfunded entitlements crisis. People like you are a problem...a SERIOUS problem.
23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit


Go to the link to click each poll.

Obama should have gotten off his ass when he had the super majority.

VERY deceptive title to your thread -which doesn't surprise me IN THE LEAST. But then liberals always believe their ends justifies THEIR means.

People did NOT say they wanted THEIR taxes increased! I noticed pollsters VERY CAREFULLY avoided asking THAT question, didn't they? ROFL So pollsters got a bunch of people to say they had no problem if the taxes of SOMEONE ELSE WERE INCREASED. Oh wow -a bunch more polls showing a sorry percentage of people may think increasing taxes on others won't somehow bite THEM in the ass. You really only have a bunch of polls that were carefully worded to make people believe it will be someone else picking up the tab as if its all a FREE LUNCH for them, right? Right? As if it all happens in a vacuum with no consequences for anyone else, right?

Where are the polls showing that just because these polls shows that, that it means its the best thing to do? Where are those polls showing economic reality is changed by this -and raising taxes during a bad economy and high unemployment really won't make the economy even worse and increase unemployment even MORE after all? That it won't actually end up making our budget deficit problems even WORSE because fewer people working will provably reduce government revenue. Sorry, but THAT is the economic reality -it will make things worse for EVERYONE and the ones harmed the most -will be those on the bottom who could LEAST afford it. Doesn't matter how many polls you show that a lot of people may believe in a fairy tale, it will NEVER make that fairy tale come true! Wishing it were different WON'T MAKE IT SO -so how about we deal in reality instead of pushing FAIRY TALES. Do YOU believe in fairy tales? Then why promote the notion THIS fairy tale is true that it is possible to target a specific economic class for higher taxes during a bad economy and it will all happen in a total vacuum without real time consequences for EVERYONE ELSE -really bad consequences too that will actually hurt those at the bottom the most.

Deal with REALITY, ok? Raising income taxes on the rich when the economy is already bad will not hurt the rich -it will hurt the POOR the most. It will make our economy WORSE, it will result in even higher unemployment. Wishful thinking will NEVER change that. IT IS ECONOMIC REALITY. So what are you REALLY pushing here -and WHY? Where are the polls that first explain those FACTS to people first -and then ask them if they still think its a good idea or not.

Just because people like YOU want to promote the fairy tale belief that targeting a specific economic class with higher taxes can be done without any consequences to them personally -doesn't change the FACT it will harm THEM. It won't change the FACT those hurt the worst will not be the rich -but those on the bottom and already living on the edge. It always does, it always will. No matter who is pushing the fairy tale, what we will get from it will still be REALITY. Those who will be harmed the most by raising taxes on the rich -will NOT be those on the top like morons like YOU want to believe and NEED to stupidly believe. This isn't an issue where belief will magically make it so, sorry. The REAL question people should be asked - is even if it means you lose YOUR job and everything you buy will end up costing even more -do you still want to pretend we can raise taxes on the rich without it biting YOU in the ass?

So let's move on to reality here. Where is the evidence that raising taxes on the rich will NOT further tank the economy -when it is FACT and ECONOMIC REALITY that doing so when the economy is already in bad shape will cause even MORE harm to our economy and end up throwing MORE people out of work. Do you even have the mental capacity to understand it will mean government will end up with LESS revenue, not more -which means it will make our budget problems even WORSE, not better?

Seriously -people like you pushing for this FAIRY TALE as if we just PRETEND it won't result in what it ALWAYS DOES and ALWAYS WILL -will somehow change the outcome is beyond immoral.

As I've said before -at some point we have to face facts about people like you. After nonstop repeated PROOF that raising taxes on ANYONE when the economy is bad only makes it worse and hurts those on the bottom the most, we need to start looking for the explanation of why people like you push this fairy tale anyway, knowing full well those who will be harmed the most will NOT be the rich -but those who can least afford it. What's the REAL deal they keep pushing this PROVABLE fairy tale then.

So why is it Republicans face facts on this issue -that it is IMPOSSIBLE to raise taxes on one economic class when the economy is already bad -without it causing the MOST harm to those on the bottom and damaging a bad economy even more, that the consequences for it NEVER happen in a vacuum. But Democrats push the fairy tale insisting it raising taxes on one economic class when the economy is already bad will always happen in a total vacuum without ANY consequences to others at all, much less harming those on the bottom the most? Why do they push this LIE when history and economic reality has proved those harmed the most are not only those on the bottom, but that is the only possible outcome.

Do I really think Obama just doesn't know this? That none of his advisers know this? That Democrats just don't know this and liberals just don't know this? In spite of the fact history has repeatedly proven it is the ONLY possible outcome? So I think they know EXACTLY who will really be hurt the most. The real question is WHY do they push them then?

Clearly harming those on the bottom is EXACTLY what Democrats, liberals and people like you WANT to see happen in the first place - because they believe it to be politically advantageous for THEMSELVES. And then naturally will turn around and lie some more and tell them the people to blame for it are those who warned those policies would end up hurting them the most.
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23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit

Clearly none of those POLLSTERS focused their attention on Country Clubs in America.

Had they done that, their findings might have been wildly different
All you Libs screaming for higher taxes - "Whip Out Your Fucking Checkbooks and Lead By Example."

If you don't have a checking account, fine. Send the U.S. Treasury your Food Stamps.

Short of that - STFU

You're like a broken fucking record.
23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit

Clearly none of those POLLSTERS focused their attention on Country Clubs in America.

Had they done that, their findings might have been wildly different

You mean they should have polled those people who are already paying the majority of taxes?

That's idiotic.
I think we should raise taxes. I don't know why Republicans are being so fucking stupid on this topic.

Half of the workers in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Time for that to change. Everyone should be taxed the same amount out of every dollar they make. No loopholes.
I think we should raise taxes. I don't know why Republicans are being so fucking stupid on this topic.

Half of the workers in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Time for that to change. Everyone should be taxed the same amount out of every dollar they make. No loopholes.

You do, huh?

How much Federal Income Tax did you pay in 2010 ?

I will bet I PAID more than you earned.

The government can kiss my fucking ass.

I can spend my money more efficiently than those fuck-ups in DC are currently doing.

Is Obama on vacation this week?

Of course he is.

Send him a fucking check.
All you Libs screaming for higher taxes - "Whip Out Your Fucking Checkbooks and Lead By Example."

If you don't have a checking account, fine. Send the U.S. Treasury your Food Stamps.

Short of that - STFU

You're like a broken fucking record.

Shit, it's all Kabuki theater at this point. The same people who didn't PASS tax increases when they controlled the House, Senate and White House are saying that they want to pass them now? So what's different NOW compared to a year ago? The economy still sucks...unemployment still sucks...Europe is still teetering on complete collapse. What IS different is the so called "stimulus" is history and States like California are even more broke than they were before.

So is there really anyone out there with half a brain that thinks the Democrats are really serious about raising taxes? Come on folks, it's all Grade A, US Prime, BULLSHIT. We have to cut spending and we have to address out of control entitlements. If we don't any tables you look at show us insolvent in a few decades if not sooner.
Repealing Obamacare would help reduce the deficit. Now that the young don't have to buy a policy, it is a deficit monster roaming the streets.
I think we should raise taxes. I don't know why Republicans are being so fucking stupid on this topic.

Half of the workers in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Time for that to change. Everyone should be taxed the same amount out of every dollar they make. No loopholes.

You do, huh?

How much Federal Income Tax did you pay in 2010 ?

I will bet I PAID more than you earned.

The government can kiss my fucking ass.

I can spend my money more efficiently than those fuck-ups in DC are currently doing.

Is Obama on vacation this week?

Of course he is.

Send him a fucking check.

I pay plenty in taxes each year, how much is quite frankly none of your fucking business.

But half this country pays nothing at all.

Time to raise taxes from 0% up to 33% for those brackets that pay nothing at all.
23 polls show Americans don't understand basic economics or math. Even raising the tax rates on the "evil rich" to 100% will not solve the budget problem.
Sure it would.

You've just shown how supremely ignorant you on this subject. The fact of the matter is that you could seize ALL of the wealth of the top 1% and it wouldn't even put a dent in the looming unfunded entitlements crisis. People like you are a problem...a SERIOUS problem.

First off, who said only the top 1%? He said the "evil rich". That could include the to 7%, for instance.

Second, all the deals about cuts in spending are spread out over 10 years, etc. Taking the taxes for 10 years yields a lot more.

Obama should have gotten off his ass when he had the super majority.

VERY deceptive title to your thread -which doesn't surprise me IN THE LEAST. But then liberals always believe their ends justifies THEIR means.

People did NOT say they wanted THEIR taxes increased!

Who gives a fuck? The people are saying - in 23 different polls - that they want the taxes raised on the rich.

Sorry that makes you sad.
I guess Synthaholic thinks the Iraq War was a good decision, since 70 percent of the country agreed with it.
I think we should raise taxes. I don't know why Republicans are being so fucking stupid on this topic.

Half of the workers in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Time for that to change. Everyone should be taxed the same amount out of every dollar they make. No loopholes.

You do, huh?

How much Federal Income Tax did you pay in 2010 ?

I will bet I PAID more than you earned.

The government can kiss my fucking ass.

I can spend my money more efficiently than those fuck-ups in DC are currently doing.

Is Obama on vacation this week?

Of course he is.

Send him a fucking check.
Don't like paying taxes? Move to fucking Somalia.

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