23% of business owners get no salary this year


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics
Wait, they didnt get a money tree? I thought all businesses had a money tree and they can pay workers whatever they want and they dont because they're greedy SOBs, that's what these leftwing loons tell us anyway
I really liked this... because it kind of says what I think personally about Obama:

He resents American exceptionalism. It doesn’t matter if he was born in Kenya or Hawaii. He’s not an American at heart.
Small business owners and entrepreneurs are at the bottom of the list when it comes to Obama and liberals. You should not be trying to be independently successful. Oh, you created jobs? Time for more regulations and increased liability and costs. As for the layoffs, you are just like evil corporations.

Main street and small business are the ultimate symbol for American Capitalism. Obama and his administration have been anything but pro capitalism.
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics

Sounds to me like you have or had a poor business plan....
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics

Sounds to me like you have or had a poor business plan....

You mean like when a state or local agency, city council or school fails, their poor business plans are rewarded with infusions of more taxpayer funds.
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics

Sounds to me like you have or had a poor business plan....

You mean like when a state or local agency, city council or school fails, their poor business plans are rewarded with infusions of more taxpayer funds.

You speak in generalities....do you have a specific state of local agency, cit council or school you are referring to?
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics

Sounds to me like you have or had a poor business plan....

WAit that's not a bad business plan, that's what liberals want, isnt it? When did they like profit?
Since 2010, I have not received a salary from the company where I’m the president and have worked for 31 years. My business partner, who is vice-president, also does not receive a salary. In addition, we’ve had to lay off a few people. My wife was the first to be let go. Thankfully, we have other jobs. We’ve used some of the profits from our successful businesses to help with the financial shortfall of our struggling company. Here’s what a report by Citibank found

Read more: 23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay and Obama is Happy About It - Godfather Politics

Sounds to me like you have or had a poor business plan....

WAit that's not a bad business plan, that's what liberals want, isnt it? When did they like profit?

So, HomeInspect is a liberal?
I really liked this... because it kind of says what I think personally about Obama:

He resents American exceptionalism. It doesn’t matter if he was born in Kenya or Hawaii. He’s not an American at heart.

Could not agree with you more....This whole paragraph sums it all up:

President Obama does not like American values. He resents American exceptionalism. It doesn’t matter if he was born in Kenya or Hawaii. He’s not an American at heart. But like all would be dictators, he wants to live above the rabble. So while he pushes for some form of economic parity among the common people, he will live far above them.
23% of business owners get no salary this year.............

:raiseshand: That would be me.

In fact I spent my retirement savings to keep the company afloat for the last two years. At 57, I'm not sure I have time to rebuild, my husband turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~
23% of business owners get no salary this year.............

:raiseshand: That would be me.

In fact I spent my retirement savings to keep the company afloat for the last two years. At 57, I'm not sure I have time to rebuild, my husband turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~

And let me guess.....this is all Obama's fault, right? And if so, please give us specifics on how Obama ruined your business and your retirement.
23% of business owners get no salary this year.............

:raiseshand: That would be me.

In fact I spent my retirement savings to keep the company afloat for the last two years. At 57, I'm not sure I have time to rebuild, my husband turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~

And let me guess.....this is all Obama's fault, right? And if so, please give us specifics on how Obama ruined your business and your retirement.

well the trashing of business and the regulation. I mean "clean" energy is expensive as hell and most people cant afford it, Obamacare (some stuff has already been implemented, which is why states are suing now instead of 2014), same with gas, when Obama took over it was around $1.80,it hasnt been close to that almost his entire term, including now. And he doesnt nothing to help people as far as making it easier to conduct buisness, he just increases costs.
23% of business owners get no salary this year.............

:raiseshand: That would be me.

In fact I spent my retirement savings to keep the company afloat for the last two years. At 57, I'm not sure I have time to rebuild, my husband turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~

And let me guess.....this is all Obama's fault, right? And if so, please give us specifics on how Obama ruined your business and your retirement.

well the trashing of business and the regulation. I mean "clean" energy is expensive as hell and most people cant afford it, Obamacare (some stuff has already been implemented, which is why states are suing now instead of 2014), same with gas, when Obama took over it was around $1.80,it hasnt been close to that almost his entire term, including now. And he doesnt nothing to help people as far as making it easier to conduct buisness, he just increases costs.

Please specifically explain your wild assertion "trashing of business and regulation". Clean energy has not even been implemented, nor have any costs been passed onto businesses. Please specifically state the increased costs on small business that Obamacare has caused. As far as gas prices, Obama has kept them under $4.00/gallon (national average) which is something his predecessor failed to do, and businesses didn't seem to be drastically hurt back then? What specifically do you want Obama to do to "make it easier to conduct business"?
I've had several businesses and know many small business people. I lost my business the second year of obama. Liberals do not understand what small business owners go through to build a little business. They have no concept of sacrifice only getting. To them all people who own their own businesses are rich capitalists. In the commercial district where my shop was located, most of the business owners lived in a back room of their little store or shop because they were building a business and rent was a luxury. A mortgage might have to wait for years because every dime went back into the business. Fortunately I was very smart and in only six months, my business was supporting itself and required no infusion of extra money.

That's basically what's wrong with obama. He doesn't have a concept of what small business owners sacrifice already. They are all rich exploiters.

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