21st century politics


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
The 21st Century Ugly Americans - American Thinker

The current American ruling class is the laughingstock of the planet. This coterie includes among its number the Democrat party, the media/entertainment complex, Wall Street, tech oligarchs, corporatists and the professoriate. This gaggle of buffoons are perhaps the most inept, egocentric and oblivious among all ruling classes in democratic and free nations around the globe.

This descent into absurdity began many decades ago but accelerated precipitously over the past five years. The primary catalyst: the campaign and election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.

The shock of Trump winning the presidency confirmed that the contemporary elites never really accepted the commonly held belief that American society was essentially devoid of rigid and immutable classes. Their near-hysterical reaction and unfettered determination to oust President Trump from office by any means possible was solely based on their belief that he was not only a reprobate but far worse -- a denizen of the deplorable lower classes to whom he had vast appeal. The ruling elites knew that if the rabble in flyover country were to unite under Trump’s banner of populism, they could permanently oust them from the corridors of power. This potential dire consequence had to be nipped in the bud.
You're overthinking it. Its a battle between the globalists and nationalists.
1. Globalists like the Chamber of Commerce and the oligarchs moved jobs overseas to maximize profits. They gutted the US manufacturing sector as we saw when we couldn't make PPE. It all had to come from China.
Globalists also like cheap Mexican labor.

2. The America First nationalists like Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer's new trade policies of "fairness", and bringing back US manufacturing jobs are still very popular. Trump had the energy sector rocking, and Biden shut it down.

3. So its not a class thing, its a business thing. You want to import stuff or manufacture stuff?
You're overthinking it. Its a battle between the globalists and nationalists.
1. Globalists like the Chamber of Commerce and the oligarchs moved jobs overseas to maximize profits. They gutted the US manufacturing sector as we saw when we couldn't make PPE. It all had to come from China.
Globalists also like cheap Mexican labor.

2. The America First nationalists like Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer's new trade policies of "fairness", and bringing back US manufacturing jobs are still very popular. Trump had the energy sector rocking, and Biden shut it down.

3. So its not a class thing, its a business thing. You want to import stuff or manufacture stuff?

Trump is a globalist who claims he's a nationalist.
You're overthinking it. Its a battle between the globalists and nationalists.
1. Globalists like the Chamber of Commerce and the oligarchs moved jobs overseas to maximize profits. They gutted the US manufacturing sector as we saw when we couldn't make PPE. It all had to come from China.
Globalists also like cheap Mexican labor.

2. The America First nationalists like Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer's new trade policies of "fairness", and bringing back US manufacturing jobs are still very popular. Trump had the energy sector rocking, and Biden shut it down.

3. So its not a class thing, its a business thing. You want to import stuff or manufacture stuff?

Trump is a globalist who claims he's a nationalist.
Why is Trump a globalist, because he had some ties made in China?
Look at Trump's "protectionist" and pro-US trade policies and then tell me he's a globalist.
You're overthinking it. Its a battle between the globalists and nationalists.
1. Globalists like the Chamber of Commerce and the oligarchs moved jobs overseas to maximize profits. They gutted the US manufacturing sector as we saw when we couldn't make PPE. It all had to come from China.
Globalists also like cheap Mexican labor.

2. The America First nationalists like Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer's new trade policies of "fairness", and bringing back US manufacturing jobs are still very popular. Trump had the energy sector rocking, and Biden shut it down.

3. So its not a class thing, its a business thing. You want to import stuff or manufacture stuff?

Trump is a globalist who claims he's a nationalist.
Why is Trump a globalist, because he had some ties made in China?
Look at Trump's "protectionist" and pro-US trade policies and then tell me he's a globalist.

Trump's tariff's were paid by the American consumer. Trump has golf courses and buildings all over the world..

Globalism has been with us since the Bronze Age..
From the comments: It’s not a bio weapon ffs, it’s a psychological control mechanism. The pandemic response is not an attack on humanity per se, it is window dressing for the economic collapse we are currently experiencing. It is a means of transitioning to global governance on the rubble of the former economic system. The virus didn’t kill the economy, central banking did. But by blaming it on a virus TPTB ensure mass compliance instead of mass resistance. An act of God has been spoofed to conceal the acts of men. When you have gained absolute control over the minds and bodies of a people, why bother to attack them? TPTB may truly desire depopulation. But we must keep in mind that we are their livestock, and ultimately they are more interested in milk than blood.

The New Normal (Phase 2)

The article calls it Globocap- of course one has to read other than approved sources to encompass objective thinking- that leaves most political message board posters out of the equation-
From the comments: It’s not a bio weapon ffs, it’s a psychological control mechanism. The pandemic response is not an attack on humanity per se, it is window dressing for the economic collapse we are currently experiencing. It is a means of transitioning to global governance on the rubble of the former economic system. The virus didn’t kill the economy, central banking did. But by blaming it on a virus TPTB ensure mass compliance instead of mass resistance. An act of God has been spoofed to conceal the acts of men. When you have gained absolute control over the minds and bodies of a people, why bother to attack them? TPTB may truly desire depopulation. But we must keep in mind that we are their livestock, and ultimately they are more interested in milk than blood.

The New Normal (Phase 2)

The article calls it Globocap- of course one has to read other than approved sources to encompass objective thinking- that leaves most political message board posters out of the equation-

Global governance? Like the Illuminati ?
Globalism has been with us since the Bronze Age..
Indeed- how-some ever, in this day and time, it's a bit more complicated, yet simple.
It used to be referred to as hegemony- the US was/is at the forefront.


noun: hegemony; plural noun: hegemonies
  1. leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
That TPTB are US citizens, and in some cases hold double citizenship, it becomes a bit more nefarious- it becomes Global with nefarious intent-

The New Normal (Phase 2)
Are you actually worried about Global Gvernance?
That's immaterial- try again-

But, for your record, I'm too fucking old to worry about much- maybe what my next guitar purchase will be- not much else.
Globalism has been with us since the Bronze Age..
Indeed- how-some ever, in this day and time, it's a bit more complicated, yet simple.
It used to be referred to as hegemony- the US was/is at the forefront.


noun: hegemony; plural noun: hegemonies
  1. leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
That TPTB are US citizens, and in some cases hold double citizenship, it becomes a bit more nefarious- it becomes Global with nefarious intent-

The New Normal (Phase 2)

I know what hegemony is.. It was the same back during the Bronze Age when only some countries had copper ore.
Pity the poor Trump cult. DearLeader can't have lost because he was a crappy candidate. No, it must be because the whole world is an evil place that was conspiring against him.

If you have to invoke a global conspiracy, you're way down the cult rabbit hole.
Pity the poor Trump cult. DearLeader can't have lost because he was a crappy candidate. No, it must be because the whole world is an evil place that was conspiring against him.

If you have to invoke a global conspiracy, you're way down the cult rabbit hole.
Can you ever provide pertinent content? You come across as very fucking ignorant-
You're overthinking it. Its a battle between the globalists and nationalists.
1. Globalists like the Chamber of Commerce and the oligarchs moved jobs overseas to maximize profits. They gutted the US manufacturing sector as we saw when we couldn't make PPE. It all had to come from China.
Globalists also like cheap Mexican labor.

2. The America First nationalists like Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer's new trade policies of "fairness", and bringing back US manufacturing jobs are still very popular. Trump had the energy sector rocking, and Biden shut it down.

3. So its not a class thing, its a business thing. You want to import stuff or manufacture stuff?

Trump is a globalist who claims he's a nationalist.
Why is Trump a globalist, because he had some ties made in China? Look at Trump's "protectionist" and pro-US trade policies and then tell me he's a globalist.
Trump isn't a globalist or a protectionist; he's a Trumpist, i.e. he'll do anything he thinks will put money in his pocket, regardless of ethics, legality or morality.

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