2022 Senate Information

That deserves quotes and links

at a Brookings Institution event in April 2018, Biden addressed Social Security again. “Paul Ryan was correct when he did the tax code. What’s the first thing he decided we had to go after? Social Security and Medicare. Now, we need to do something about Social Security and Medicare,” Biden said, then added in a whisper: “That’s the only way you can find room to pay for it.”
Next thing we need to correct you on?
Trimming redundant costs is not even close to “privatization”
Biden is increasing the military budget, giving more money to the police, and privatizing medicare.

He is ruling just like Trump, yet liberals love him and conservatives loathe him.

It shows that most Americans base their politics on party loyalty and feelings instead of facts. Apparently most Americans are dumb fuckers.

REPUBLICANS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Democrats. Their voters keep falling for it.

DEMOCRATS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Republicans. Their voters keep falling for it.


I’m talking about our political class. If you think Biden is solely responsible for inflation well…
Biden and the left are MOSTLY responsible for inflation. Yes, if Trump had remained president, inflation would have ticked up. But, Biden & Co threw their inflationist liberal policies on the inflation fire, causing inflation to skyrocket.
Biden and the left are MOSTLY responsible for inflation. Yes, if Trump had remained president, inflation would have ticked up. But, Biden & Co threw their inflationist liberal policies on the inflation fire, causing inflation to skyrocket.
That partisanship is coloring your opinion. The Rs and Ds are equally responsible. Both voted for massive spending for decades and did nothing about the Fed’s ridiculous ZIRP and bond buying.
That partisanship is coloring your opinion. The Rs and Ds are equally responsible. Both voted for massive spending for decades and did nothing about the Fed’s ridiculous ZIRP and bond buying.
We haven't had this inflation for decades. We have had this inflation since Biden & Co came to town.

By allowing Afghanistan to fall so easily, it encourage Russia to invade Ukraine, increasing inflation

By putting forth policies to increase people's wages and encouraging it, inflation rose

By trying to go green and attacking big oil, inflation rose
We haven't had this inflation for decades. We have had this inflation since Biden & Co came to town.

By allowing Afghanistan to fall so easily, it encourage Russia to invade Ukraine, increasing inflation

By putting forth policies to increase people's wages and encouraging it, inflation rose

By trying to go green and attacking big oil, inflation rose
There is much to blame all around. Blaming only dumb old Joe is partisan foolishness.
There is much to blame all around. Blaming only dumb old Joe is partisan foolishness.
I don't blame ONLY dumb old Joe. But, Biden AND the left in general, are responsible for a good chunk of our increased inflation. Yes, both parties spend like drunken sailors that was bound to catch up to us sooner or later. When our country was already faced with the prospects of increased inflation, Biden AND the left threw gasoline on a burning fire. When our country is already behind the eight ball, it is not the time to go full progressive as Biden wanted a "transformational" presidency. Sometimes you get what you wanted and Biden got a "transformational" presidency, just not the one he wanted.
I don't blame ONLY dumb old Joe. But, Biden AND the left in general, are responsible for a good chunk of our increased inflation. Yes, both parties spend like drunken sailors that was bound to catch up to us sooner or later. When our country was already faced with the prospects of increased inflation, Biden AND the left threw gasoline on a burning fire. When our country is already behind the eight ball, it is not the time to go full progressive as Biden wanted a "transformational" presidency. Sometimes you get what you wanted and Biden got a "transformational" presidency, just not the one he wanted.
Sorry but no. There is no real left in this country. Believing there is, is proof you’ve been duped.

The Ds are just like the Rs but they do talk like leftists sometimes, but never enact anything leftist. Actions speak louder than words.

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