2022 Senate Election


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one

Well let's see. The AZ and CO Senators you mention aren't up until 2026 since both of those gentlemen just won their seats.
I thought GA was going to stay Republican but now, I don't know. It's a crapshoot. But I want to see that cow Leoffler get her
ticket punched out of the Senate. Murkowski isn't up until 2024.

Good Luck getting Chuck Grassley out of Iowa. Like McConnell, you'll have to carry him out on a stretcher. Rubio is pretty popular
and Florida has shown itself right now to be hopeless.

Only time will turn the tide in the Senate. I consider it the most useless political body this country has seen in decades. Nothing gets done...except when Democrats control it.
Once again in 2022, Republicans will have 22 seats up as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Last Tuesday was a disappointment for Democrats but if a Biden administration can be
seen trying to get things done for the average American, Democrats may be able to make a case to shoehorn Republicans out because of their obstructionism. I'm not holding
my breath. I'm pretty sure only evolution and shifting demographic toward Democrats may be able to solve this issue. But it will take another 15-20 years.
We need DOJ supervision of our elections.
The Dems cheat all of the time.
Not really a constitutional / states rights kind of guy, eh? Surprising since most are under the control of republican governors and that is not likely to change in the foreseeable future.
While the United States Constitution does set parameters for the election of federal officials, state law, not federal, regulates most aspects of elections in the U.S., including primaries, the eligibility of voters (beyond the basic constitutional definition), the running of each state's electoral college, as well as the running of state and local elections. All elections—federal, state, and local—are administered by the individual states.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one

Well let's see. The AZ and CO Senators you mention aren't up until 2026 since both of those gentlemen just won their seats.
I thought GA was going to stay Republican but now, I don't know. It's a crapshoot. But I want to see that cow Leoffler get her
ticket punched out of the Senate. Murkowski isn't up until 2024.

Good Luck getting Chuck Grassley out of Iowa. Like McConnell, you'll have to carry him out on a stretcher. Rubio is pretty popular
and Florida has shown itself right now to be hopeless.

Only time will turn the tide in the Senate. I consider it the most useless political body this country has seen in decades. Nothing gets done...except when Democrats control it.
Once again in 2022, Republicans will have 22 seats up as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Last Tuesday was a disappointment for Democrats but if a Biden administration can be
seen trying to get things done for the average American, Democrats may be able to make a case to shoehorn Republicans out because of their obstructionism. I'm not holding
my breath. I'm pretty sure only evolution and shifting demographic toward Democrats may be able to solve this issue. But it will take another 15-20 years.
The 17th Amendment was a right taken away from the voters. Small population states aside.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
You left out Johnson in Wisconsin. Dead Man Walking! The Dems have a problem in New Hampshire. The electoate there isn't happy unless their pizzed at someone.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
You left out Johnson in Wisconsin. Dead Man Walking! The Dems have a problem in New Hampshire. The electoate there isn't happy unless their pizzed at someone.

Hmm. We've been a purple trending toward blue state for some years now. The closest race in NH last Tuesday was Chris Pappas House seat. Annie Kuster won her seat comfortably. Senators Shaheen and Hassan are well respected (by both sides) former governors of NH. Shaheen won her re-election easily. I expect the same for Hassan in 2024.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one

Well let's see. The AZ and CO Senators you mention aren't up until 2026 since both of those gentlemen just won their seats.
I thought GA was going to stay Republican but now, I don't know. It's a crapshoot. But I want to see that cow Leoffler get her
ticket punched out of the Senate. Murkowski isn't up until 2024.

Good Luck getting Chuck Grassley out of Iowa. Like McConnell, you'll have to carry him out on a stretcher. Rubio is pretty popular
and Florida has shown itself right now to be hopeless.

Only time will turn the tide in the Senate. I consider it the most useless political body this country has seen in decades. Nothing gets done...except when Democrats control it.
Once again in 2022, Republicans will have 22 seats up as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Last Tuesday was a disappointment for Democrats but if a Biden administration can be
seen trying to get things done for the average American, Democrats may be able to make a case to shoehorn Republicans out because of their obstructionism. I'm not holding
my breath. I'm pretty sure only evolution and shifting demographic toward Democrats may be able to solve this issue. But it will take another 15-20 years.
The purpose of the Senate is to stop stupid shit before it becomes law.All the Dumbocrat nonsense will fail there.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
You just said it is 4 seats.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one

Well let's see. The AZ and CO Senators you mention aren't up until 2026 since both of those gentlemen just won their seats.
I thought GA was going to stay Republican but now, I don't know. It's a crapshoot. But I want to see that cow Leoffler get her
ticket punched out of the Senate. Murkowski isn't up until 2024.

Good Luck getting Chuck Grassley out of Iowa. Like McConnell, you'll have to carry him out on a stretcher. Rubio is pretty popular
and Florida has shown itself right now to be hopeless.

Only time will turn the tide in the Senate. I consider it the most useless political body this country has seen in decades. Nothing gets done...except when Democrats control it.
Once again in 2022, Republicans will have 22 seats up as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Last Tuesday was a disappointment for Democrats but if a Biden administration can be
seen trying to get things done for the average American, Democrats may be able to make a case to shoehorn Republicans out because of their obstructionism. I'm not holding
my breath. I'm pretty sure only evolution and shifting demographic toward Democrats may be able to solve this issue. But it will take another 15-20 years.
The purpose of the Senate is to stop stupid shit before it becomes law.All the Dumbocrat nonsense will fail there.

No the purpose of the Senate is to be final interpreter of bills. It's where the conversation, the haggling, and the compromising is supposed to get done.
Under Mitch McConnell, that's ground to a halt. Don't bet on Democrats bills being dead on arrival. Biden is a more skilled politician than Trump will
ever hope to be in his lifetime. This is where the benefit of experience and the art of the deal works in your favor. If the Republicans are seen blocking key
measures that help the voters in their districts, enough of those voters...may turn on them. I hope Democrats play that message up.
No the purpose of the Senate is to be final interpreter of bills. It's where the conversation, the haggling, and the compromising is supposed to get done.
Under Mitch McConnell, that's ground to a halt. Don't bet on Democrats bills being dead on arrival. Biden is a more skilled politician than Trump will
ever hope to be in his lifetime.
This is where the benefit of experience and the art of the deal works in your favor. If the Republicans are seen blocking key
measures that help the voters in their districts, enough of those voters...may turn on them. I hope Democrats play that message up.
I agree with you 100% about Biden being a more skilled politician for sure.
47 years in the swamp and Im sure he knows how to work the system, rather than let the system work.
We need DOJ supervision of our elections.
The Dems cheat all of the time.
Absolutely... we need more authentication when registering, voter ID, ban on ballot harvesting and the electoral votes should be distributed by county rather then winner takes all. The election came down to 6 states: AZ, FL, MI, PA, GA and NC.
Some states were 45-55. These states don’t matter, they would matter if the electoral were distributed proportionally!
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one

Well let's see. The AZ and CO Senators you mention aren't up until 2026 since both of those gentlemen just won their seats.
I thought GA was going to stay Republican but now, I don't know. It's a crapshoot. But I want to see that cow Leoffler get her
ticket punched out of the Senate. Murkowski isn't up until 2024.

Good Luck getting Chuck Grassley out of Iowa. Like McConnell, you'll have to carry him out on a stretcher. Rubio is pretty popular
and Florida has shown itself right now to be hopeless.

Only time will turn the tide in the Senate. I consider it the most useless political body this country has seen in decades. Nothing gets done...except when Democrats control it.
Once again in 2022, Republicans will have 22 seats up as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Last Tuesday was a disappointment for Democrats but if a Biden administration can be
seen trying to get things done for the average American, Democrats may be able to make a case to shoehorn Republicans out because of their obstructionism. I'm not holding
my breath. I'm pretty sure only evolution and shifting demographic toward Democrats may be able to solve this issue. But it will take another 15-20 years.
AZ was a special election for McCain seat it is up in 2 years.
No the purpose of the Senate is to be final interpreter of bills. It's where the conversation, the haggling, and the compromising is supposed to get done.
Under Mitch McConnell, that's ground to a halt. Don't bet on Democrats bills being dead on arrival. Biden is a more skilled politician than Trump will
ever hope to be in his lifetime.
This is where the benefit of experience and the art of the deal works in your favor. If the Republicans are seen blocking key
measures that help the voters in their districts, enough of those voters...may turn on them. I hope Democrats play that message up.
I agree with you 100% about Biden being a more skilled politician for sure.
47 years in the swamp and Im sure he knows how to work the system, rather than let the system work.
Biden has never been a skilled politician and, with his dementia, he is now a puppet
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
You left out Johnson in Wisconsin. Dead Man Walking! The Dems have a problem in New Hampshire. The electoate there isn't happy unless their pizzed at someone.

Hmm. We've been a purple trending toward blue state for some years now. The closest race in NH last Tuesday was Chris Pappas House seat. Annie Kuster won her seat comfortably. Senators Shaheen and Hassan are well respected (by both sides) former governors of NH. Shaheen won her re-election easily. I expect the same for Hassan in 2024.
When we are socialized it will definitely be the lowest common denominator. You take a job with a hundred people and 20 of them are bums. All get paid the same. You have raised taxes to the point where the other 80 people who have varying degrees of ability, lower themselves to the 20 bums. It will happen and has. Meanwhile in China the quality is improving and the price of the products are much lower then here.
It will probably end up 52-48 Republican. The Senate will not give any ground the next 2 year. The Dems could also lose the house like Obama did, but I digress. I am conservative so I don’t want this to happen, but the senate race will be the Dems to lose.

Vulnerable Dem seats:
AZ - Kelly. AZ is officially purple and getting more blue. Kelly has his wife’s name. His to lose
CO - Bennett. Slightly but kinda unlike. Think of how VA has shifted.
NV - running with a very unpopular Governor. Probably unlike with the CA immigration vote.

Vulnerable GOP:
AK- everyone hate the Kow. Last time she lost the primary and ran as an independent and won. See that happening again and see her splitting the vote creating a path for a Dem steal

FL - Yea FL went for Trump, but FL is always in play
GA - we know what is happening here
IA - still a swing state
NC - has been shifting more blue every year
OH - is the one exception that seems to be getting more red, but is still a purple state.
PA - toomey, sorry this guy is going to lose.

The GOP has a mere 2 seat lead. It will be an interesting one
You left out Johnson in Wisconsin. Dead Man Walking! The Dems have a problem in New Hampshire. The electoate there isn't happy unless their pizzed at someone.

Hmm. We've been a purple trending toward blue state for some years now. The closest race in NH last Tuesday was Chris Pappas House seat. Annie Kuster won her seat comfortably. Senators Shaheen and Hassan are well respected (by both sides) former governors of NH. Shaheen won her re-election easily. I expect the same for Hassan in 2024.

I was going by the margin of victory. Hassan and the Senator from NV have the lowest MOV.

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