2020 Presidential Primary Erupts Into Democratic Party / DNC Civil War


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The Democrat establishment is screwing Bernie Sanders…AGAIN.

"Biden Reveals Why Dem Establishment Working to Block "Socialist” Bernie Sanders From Winning Nomination"...AGAIN!
- Biden ADMITS / EXPOSES Democratic Party / (Hillary-led) DNC attempting to rig the 2020 Democratic Party Primaries Against Bernie.....Biden is the 2020 equivalent to the 2016 DNC E-Mail Leak and DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile and her 2016 confession!

And Here It Is... Biden Reveals Why Dem Establishment Working to Block "Socialist" Bernie Sanders From Winning Nomination (VIDEO)
To Dem elites, "democracy" is a bad and dirty word....

Corrupt, bigoted kleptocracy is what the Dem elites are all about....

The Democrat establishment is screwing Bernie Sanders…AGAIN.

"Biden Reveals Why Dem Establishment Working to Block "Socialist” Bernie Sanders From Winning Nomination"...AGAIN!
- Biden ADMITS / EXPOSES Democratic Party / (Hillary-led) DNC attempting to rig the 2020 Democratic Party Primaries Against Bernie.....Biden is the 2020 equivalent to the 2016 DNC E-Mail Leak and DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile and her 2016 confession!

And Here It Is... Biden Reveals Why Dem Establishment Working to Block "Socialist" Bernie Sanders From Winning Nomination (VIDEO)

Whatever happened to - it's not "Socialism", it's "Democratic Socialism"?
And never forget that it was a post 1998 GOP House, Senate, and treasonous President who SOCIALIZED SENIOR DRUGS..... in part by threatening the actuary who did the cost estimate and deliberately lying to Congress about the estimated cost.

Dem socialism
Post 1998 GOP socialism

Where can a voter turn to if said voter rejects socialism


61% of Americans in a recent poll said they would be willing to join a third party. That time is NOW....

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