2017 Military Ranking

All that treasure dumped on 'defense', and so little spent on the things worth defending!
So true.

Imagine what could have been done to HELP Americans, with the trillions WASTED on defense (funny...it isn't defense, but warmongering).

David Stockman was just on Fox Business saying how dumb war spending is. He said Europe, Japan, and SK can defend themselves...time to bring all the troops home and DEFEND the homeland. He also said no need for a border wall...just end the war on drugs. Make them legal and grant work permits to Mexicans, who want to work in the USA. Problems solved....of course, the Neocons on the panel wanted nothing to do his solutions.
All that treasure dumped on 'defense', and so little spent on the things worth defending!
That’s is the price we pay for spending more on defense than the next eight nations combined

We sacrifice modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education, public services

All so we can exert power half way across the globe


Antipas Ministries - Articles From Other Sources
All that treasure dumped on 'defense', and so little spent on the things worth defending!
That’s is the price we pay for spending more on defense than the next eight nations combined

We sacrifice modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education, public services

All so we can exert power half way across the globe
Imagine if a future POTUS were to somehow greatly reduce US war spending. How great would that be?...though I suspect he or she would be either impeached or dead, by nightfall.
All that treasure dumped on 'defense', and so little spent on the things worth defending!
That’s is the price we pay for spending more on defense than the next eight nations combined

We sacrifice modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education, public services

All so we can exert power half way across the globe
Imagine if a future POTUS were to somehow greatly reduce US war spending. How great would that be?...though I suspect he or she would be either impeached or dead, by nightfall.
Military industrial complex is very powerful. They are also adept at creating fear of overblown threats and selling weapon systems that do little to mitigate those threats
...we did not need to go to Korean 1950 or Vietnam.... my dad fought in Korea and made it home....my wife's uncle died in Nam in one of the biggest ambushes
...we fought, spent Billions$/troops-CIA-etc to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam--all 3 countries were lost to communism-etc...guess what??-----------------------the US is still OK!!
....we sent Marines to Beirut --TWO times!! 1958 and 1983...I remember being in the USMC and hearing the news say the Marines would not be in offensive mode---DING DING!! immediately I thought ''that's not good''......the place was a madhouse of inter and INTRA fighting.....and look what happened--the greatest one day loss of troops since WW2
--I was in the USMC for 8 years so it's not like I'm anti-military......just the facts of history tell the truth
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2017 Military Strength Ranking

US no.1
then Russia
and in 3rd place China
Why do we need to increase our military budget again?
Didn't you miss Xi's declaration of wanting to rule the world?
If only bad guys have guns, bad guys win every time.
So what if he did? Does it mean in your mind that the USA ruling class should send young Americans to kill and die, to do something about it?
No but they should be trained and equipped in preparations for such an act to be necessary in defense of our country and our allies.
We are treaty bound to protect it.

Are you saying that Trump could stand by, NOT meeting his legal obligations to our NATO allies and he would not be destroyed by the Left, and the establishment Right, in this country?
We will have to see how willing Trump is to stand up to Russia

You just said that AMERICA "does not think Estonia is worth fighting for".

If that is true, then we are LYING to the Estonian people, by accepting them into NATO while not planning to actually defend them as we are treaty bound to do so.

Pretty much so

Then we should stop doing that.

You ready to do that? Cause when I suggest it, I get called all sorts of names by lefties (and righties).
Agreed. It does seem when one criticizes the absurdly destructive empire building warmongering interventionist policies of our imperial government, one is attacked by both those on the left and right. This would seem to indicate that many on the left and right approve of the empire's warmongering policies. Or, maybe they are just brainwashed statists.

When four US servicemen were killed in battle in Niger last Fall, my immediate reaction was WTF are US military personnel doing in Niger. Upon reading and watching news reports of the incident, not one report questioned why they were there. The Empire is just accepted by Americans these days.

Four Americans Killed in Niger Battle Had Limited Combat Experience

Trump ran and WON on a non-interventionalist platform.

That's big, and should have been bigger.

But right out of the gate, hell BEFORE he was even in office, the Left and the Right, the Media, the Deep State, all were beating the war drums about Russian, putting quite effective political pressure on him to do something more aggressive in foreign policy.

We blew the best (only?) chance at a real outbreak of peace for America, since before WWII.

It was such a huge disappointment.
We will have to see how willing Trump is to stand up to Russia

You just said that AMERICA "does not think Estonia is worth fighting for".

If that is true, then we are LYING to the Estonian people, by accepting them into NATO while not planning to actually defend them as we are treaty bound to do so.

Pretty much so

Then we should stop doing that.

You ready to do that? Cause when I suggest it, I get called all sorts of names by lefties (and righties).
Agreed. It does seem when one criticizes the absurdly destructive empire building warmongering interventionist policies of our imperial government, one is attacked by both those on the left and right. This would seem to indicate that many on the left and right approve of the empire's warmongering policies. Or, maybe they are just brainwashed statists.

When four US servicemen were killed in battle in Niger last Fall, my immediate reaction was WTF are US military personnel doing in Niger. Upon reading and watching news reports of the incident, not one report questioned why they were there. The Empire is just accepted by Americans these days.

Four Americans Killed in Niger Battle Had Limited Combat Experience

Trump ran and WON on a non-interventionalist platform.

That's big, and should have been bigger.

But right out of the gate, hell BEFORE he was even in office, the Left and the Right, the Media, the Deep State, all were beating the war drums about Russian, putting quite effective political pressure on him to do something more aggressive in foreign policy.

We blew the best (only?) chance at a real outbreak of peace for America, since before WWII.

It was such a huge disappointment.
Agreed. When Trump fired missiles into Syria shortly after taking office, I feared he would be just like W and BO. However, what we saw from the left, right, and the media after that intervention based on lies, was very instructive. They all agreed with his warmongering action. Proving they are controlled by the MIC. Disgusting!

The left media seems intent on pushing Trump into war with Russia. They publish all sorts of absurd and ignorant articles. Like this one....
Opinion | Why Is Trump So Afraid of Russia?

Now he is blaming Russia for the poisoning based on flimsy evidence, just like BO did with the Malaysian jetliner shoot down.
Trump: Russia likely poisoned ex-spy, 'based on all the evidence' - CNN

We can only hope he is trying to appease the Deep State and MIC, so that he doesn't get his head blown off in broad daylight, as was done in 1963.
You just said that AMERICA "does not think Estonia is worth fighting for".

If that is true, then we are LYING to the Estonian people, by accepting them into NATO while not planning to actually defend them as we are treaty bound to do so.

Pretty much so

Then we should stop doing that.

You ready to do that? Cause when I suggest it, I get called all sorts of names by lefties (and righties).
Agreed. It does seem when one criticizes the absurdly destructive empire building warmongering interventionist policies of our imperial government, one is attacked by both those on the left and right. This would seem to indicate that many on the left and right approve of the empire's warmongering policies. Or, maybe they are just brainwashed statists.

When four US servicemen were killed in battle in Niger last Fall, my immediate reaction was WTF are US military personnel doing in Niger. Upon reading and watching news reports of the incident, not one report questioned why they were there. The Empire is just accepted by Americans these days.

Four Americans Killed in Niger Battle Had Limited Combat Experience

Trump ran and WON on a non-interventionalist platform.

That's big, and should have been bigger.

But right out of the gate, hell BEFORE he was even in office, the Left and the Right, the Media, the Deep State, all were beating the war drums about Russian, putting quite effective political pressure on him to do something more aggressive in foreign policy.

We blew the best (only?) chance at a real outbreak of peace for America, since before WWII.

It was such a huge disappointment.
Agreed. When Trump fired missiles into Syria shortly after taking office, I feared he would be just like W and BO. However, what we saw from the left, right, and the media after that intervention based on lies, was very instructive. They all agreed with his warmongering action. Proving they are controlled by the MIC. Disgusting!

The left media seems intent on pushing Trump into war with Russia. They publish all sorts of absurd and ignorant articles. Like this one....
Opinion | Why Is Trump So Afraid of Russia?

Now his is blaming Russia for the poisoning based on flimsy evidence, just like BO did with the Malaysian jetliner shoot down.
Trump: Russia likely poisoned ex-spy, 'based on all the evidence' - CNN

We can only hope he is trying to appease the Deep State and MIC, so that he doesn't get his head blown off in broad daylight, as was done in 1963.

The media and the talking heads all seem to think the missile strike was ineffective political grandstanding.

THe lack of any escalation from Russia, seems to support that idea.

If so, then Trump might have been acting to remove steam from the War Mongers, and succeeded.

I see that, finally, he is moving on to his formerly stated agenda, ie Trade, and hopefully, this will be the focus of the rest of his administration.

I would hope for more, formal and permanent steps to step back from foreign entanglements, but I will take what I can get.

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