2016-2022 in review


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
A. Trump said white supremacists are good people.
No he didn't. But Biden's made racist comments right?
The left remained left anyway.

B. Trump colluded with Russia and stole the election.
Hardly, but the left colluded with Russia among others for another story time.
The left remained left anyway.

C. Trump was impeached for Ukraine comments.
Cool story, he did less than Biden beforehand, and the left subsequently supported Biden anyway.

D. Kavanaugh supposedly mishandled a woman 30 years ago.
Cool story, you have to appreciate the loon still speaks like a little girl, how dramatic, ride me too for another failure.

E. Hunter's laptop is fake.
No it aint, and the Biden's were busted.
The left remained left anyway.

F. Trump led an insurrection in the hundreds, oh my.
Classic false flag. The left remained left anyway.

G. Trump was impeached for leading an insurrection.
Another misuse of govt. in a Democrat's banana republic, did you really think it would stick?
The left remained left anyway.

H. Trump stole secret documents. He's a traitor and so dangerous.
He probably never saw them, but fuck, turns out Biden stored the same at his house and wasn't even POTUS. What was it again, "safely in my corvette" that Hunter drives.
The left hid the information until after the election, but they square (cough!)
The left remained left anyway.

I. Trump's a LIAR.
When is Biden honest, anyone?
The left remained left anyway.

J. Trump's administration is incompetent.
Really, and today's Democrat degenerates are an improvement? Really?
The left remained left anyway.

K. The right are the Gestapo cuz we say so.
The left are the Gestapo in action.
The left remained left anyway.

L. Covid and covid economy was Trump's fault
The left shut everything down, then removed restrictions with Biden in office despite twice the cases.
The left remained left anyway.

M. We need masks, they're so important
Masks are no longer important, just cuz
The left remained left anyway.

What are the left right about, and how do they choose to remain left?
Do you feel the left do a good job of defending themselves, or do you feel their comfort zone is a twisted and fabricated reality?
A. Trump said white supremacists are good people.
No he didn't. But Biden's made racist comments right?
The left remained left anyway.

Trump said the group, which included many carrying tiki torches and chanting, you will not replace us, we're good people.

If you were marching in a legitimate protest and suddenly realized a large amount of people around you were yelling racial epitaphs, would you stay with them or leave? Personally I would leave the area but if you are also a racist or have no integrity, likely you keep marching with them.

B. Trump colluded with Russia and stole the election.
Hardly, but the left colluded with Russia among others for another story time.
The left remained left anyway.

Colluding is not a crime. The investigation was for coordinating bt the Trump campaign and Russia...which ultimately was true. Just ask Trump's old campaign manager.

That said, it was a republican investigation anyhow, so not sure why you are blaming Dems.

C. Trump was impeached for Ukraine comments.
Cool story, he did less than Biden beforehand, and the left subsequently supported Biden anyway.

Yes. He was. Biden wasn't because the right wing alleged nefarious dealings we're actually sanctioned by the President and Congress.

D. Kavanaugh supposedly mishandled a woman 30 years ago.
Cool story, you have to appreciate the loon still speaks like a little girl, how dramatic, ride me too for another failure.

This is word salad.

E. Hunter's laptop is fake.
No it aint, and the Biden's were busted.
The left remained left anyway.

It did seem pretty far fetched.

What was Biden busted for? Trump's DoJ had the laptop for a couple years. What did they find besides pictures and tax stuff?

F. Trump led an insurrection in the hundreds, oh my.
Classic false flag. The left remained left anyway.

Trump didn't lead it but certainly was the foremost instigator and to this day defends insurrectionists.

G. Trump was impeached for leading an insurrection.
Another misuse of govt. in a Democrat's banana republic, did you really think it would stick?
The left remained left anyway.

Again, he didn't "lead" it.

H. Trump stole secret documents. He's a traitor and so dangerous.
He probably never saw them, but fuck, turns out Biden stored the same at his house and wasn't even POTUS. What was it again, "safely in my corvette" that Hunter drives.
The left hid the information until after the election, but they square (cough!)
The left remained left anyway.

Trump is not in trouble for stealing secret documents. He is in trouble for not returning them when requested ultimately leading to a potential obstruction charge.

With Biden; no obstruction, no intent.

I. Trump's a LIAR.
When is Biden honest, anyone?
The left remained left anyway.

They both lie but certainly Trump lies the most...although I think the repub drag queen, Santos, may give him a run for his money.

J. Trump's administration is incompetent.
Really, and today's Democrat degenerates are an improvement? Really?
The left remained left anyway.

It was pretty incompetent. Mass firings, constant infighting, and ill prepared to confront the COVID virus.

K. The right are the Gestapo cuz we say so.
The left are the Gestapo in action.
The left remained left anyway.

Ah, because you say so? Ok.

L. Covid and covid economy was Trump's fault
The left shut everything down, then removed restrictions with Biden in office despite twice the cases.
The left remained left anyway.

Largely yes. Trump lied to America about how serious the virus was, praised Xi and according to the right created a dangerous vaccine he fast tracked, against the advice of Fauci, by throwing socialist money at big pharma.

M. We need masks, they're so important
Masks are no longer important, just cuz
The left remained left anyway.

Yeah. Hospitals are no longer overflowing and COVID numbers are relatively low.

Did you want to wear a mask forever?

What are the left right about, and how do they choose to remain left?
I stopped reading here "Trump said the group, which included many carrying tiki torches and chanting, you will not replace us, we're good people."

He did no such thing. Words, content and context matter. Did you intend to mislead?

I stopped reading here "Trump said the group, which included many carrying tiki torches and chanting, you will not replace us, we're good people."

He did no such thing. Words, content and context matter. Did you intend to mislead?

They have lied about that constantly since that day.

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