2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Whoever the republican nominee is, the election will not be about how acceptable that nominee is, but how much obama is despised.

How do you think Arnold Schwarzeneggar got to be governor of California? A less than ideal candidate took the office not because he was liked or qualified but because Gray Davis was the subject of universal revulsion.

Glad you think that..

The Republican candidate will have to meet the broad standard of being presidential. It means, I can be trusted to run this country. Only two of the candidates can meet that standard.....Romney and Gingrich

Republicans will have to run on something........Running on the assumption that America hates Obama is a losing proposition

All they need to do is talk jobs and democrats are left out of the discussion. After 3 years we know only government jobs are important to democrats.

Do you have a job? Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago? If not how not?
Glad you think that..

The Republican candidate will have to meet the broad standard of being presidential. It means, I can be trusted to run this country. Only two of the candidates can meet that standard.....Romney and Gingrich

Republicans will have to run on something........Running on the assumption that America hates Obama is a losing proposition

All they need to do is talk jobs and democrats are left out of the discussion. After 3 years we know only government jobs are important to democrats.

Do you have a job? Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago? If not how not?

I build homes, do you want me to hold your hand through the process?
Whoever the republican nominee is, the election will not be about how acceptable that nominee is, but how much obama is despised.

How do you think Arnold Schwarzeneggar got to be governor of California? A less than ideal candidate took the office not because he was liked or qualified but because Gray Davis was the subject of universal revulsion.

Which turned out to manufactured by Jon and Ken and other right-wing activists. Remember when they accused Gray Davis and his administration of lying about power companies manipulating power outages and Davis bought all that power at those super high prices, locking in overpriced rates for years? He did that to combat the "outrage" over his "lying" about power outage manipulating. He wasn't great, but Davis turned out better then Arnold and how'd that "lie" about power manipulation turn out?

Quite true! California has been overpaying for energy for years. And, will pay for it for years to come.

My electric bill in CA was about $230 a month. When I moved to Nevada, I had to run the AC 24/7, my bill ran about $80.00 a month. Same square footage. It never got about $113.00 on the hottest days.
During that recall election democrats thought they could rig the election by closing half the polling places in republican districts. When I went to vote, I thought I was going early. Not early enough, the line was around the block. A more grim faced group you would ever see. All determined to fire Gray Davis and we did. Not only Davis, but his little henchman Cruz Bustamante too.
Whoever the republican nominee is, the election will not be about how acceptable that nominee is, but how much obama is despised.

How do you think Arnold Schwarzeneggar got to be governor of California? A less than ideal candidate took the office not because he was liked or qualified but because Gray Davis was the subject of universal revulsion.

Which turned out to manufactured by Jon and Ken and other right-wing activists. Remember when they accused Gray Davis and his administration of lying about power companies manipulating power outages and Davis bought all that power at those super high prices, locking in overpriced rates for years? He did that to combat the "outrage" over his "lying" about power outage manipulating. He wasn't great, but Davis turned out better then Arnold and how'd that "lie" about power manipulation turn out?

Quite true! California has been overpaying for energy for years. And, will pay for it for years to come.

My electric bill in CA was about $230 a month. When I moved to Nevada, I had to run the AC 24/7, my bill ran about $80.00 a month. Same square footage. It never got about $113.00 on the hottest days.

Hoover Dam?
Which turned out to manufactured by Jon and Ken and other right-wing activists. Remember when they accused Gray Davis and his administration of lying about power companies manipulating power outages and Davis bought all that power at those super high prices, locking in overpriced rates for years? He did that to combat the "outrage" over his "lying" about power outage manipulating. He wasn't great, but Davis turned out better then Arnold and how'd that "lie" about power manipulation turn out?

Quite true! California has been overpaying for energy for years. And, will pay for it for years to come.

My electric bill in CA was about $230 a month. When I moved to Nevada, I had to run the AC 24/7, my bill ran about $80.00 a month. Same square footage. It never got about $113.00 on the hottest days.

Hoover Dam?

Nope. Gray Davis power contracts.
None of them will be able to beat him.

Yet these same "not better off" people just spent record amounts shopping on Black Friday.

Meaningless... We always have this hype over "black Friday", and then we have all these stories about disappointing retail sales that follow.

You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Did you watch and learn? I'm reading the political winds just as skillfully. Obama is going to win reelection with ease, it's easy to see.

"Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak"

"Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as many U.S. consumers unleashed pent-up demand and bought for themselves.
Shoppers spent $11.4 billion yesterday, ShopperTrak said in a statement today. Foot traffic rose 5.1 percent, according to the Chicago-based research firm."

Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak - Bloomberg
Well? What will you do? Complain and shout hyperbolic things for another four years?

If the reaction to Clinton's reelection in 1996 after years of being chased by Ken Starr for issues that were completely unrelated to the original Whitewater investigation is any indication of what an Obama 2nd term would mean, I would have to say that Republicans would probably look for any premise or pretense to start impeachment proceedings.
The conservatives continue on w/ their whine-fest? It'll be good for Fox because thats their bread & butter/stock & trade. ;)
Glad you think that..

The Republican candidate will have to meet the broad standard of being presidential. It means, I can be trusted to run this country. Only two of the candidates can meet that standard.....Romney and Gingrich

Republicans will have to run on something........Running on the assumption that America hates Obama is a losing proposition

All they need to do is talk jobs and democrats are left out of the discussion. After 3 years we know only government jobs are important to democrats.

Do you have a job? Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago? If not how not?
hell no I am worse now than I was 4 years ago.
Might as well let obama have the sinking ship USA if he wins the election he has just one month left before the end of the world. :lol:
Meaningless... We always have this hype over "black Friday", and then we have all these stories about disappointing retail sales that follow.

You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Did you watch and learn? I'm reading the political winds just as skillfully. Obama is going to win reelection with ease, it's easy to see.

"Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak"

"Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as many U.S. consumers unleashed pent-up demand and bought for themselves.
Shoppers spent $11.4 billion yesterday, ShopperTrak said in a statement today. Foot traffic rose 5.1 percent, according to the Chicago-based research firm."

Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak - Bloomberg

Wishful thinking.... It just meant they were grabbing bargains earlier.
Meaningless... We always have this hype over "black Friday", and then we have all these stories about disappointing retail sales that follow.

You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Did you watch and learn? I'm reading the political winds just as skillfully. Obama is going to win reelection with ease, it's easy to see.

"Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak"

"Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as many U.S. consumers unleashed pent-up demand and bought for themselves.
Shoppers spent $11.4 billion yesterday, ShopperTrak said in a statement today. Foot traffic rose 5.1 percent, according to the Chicago-based research firm."

Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak - Bloomberg

Did you "really" just try to make the point that Barack Obama is going to be reelected because sales on Black Friday were up? Nah, nobody would be that silly...
You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Did you watch and learn? I'm reading the political winds just as skillfully. Obama is going to win reelection with ease, it's easy to see.

"Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak"

"Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as many U.S. consumers unleashed pent-up demand and bought for themselves.
Shoppers spent $11.4 billion yesterday, ShopperTrak said in a statement today. Foot traffic rose 5.1 percent, according to the Chicago-based research firm."

Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak - Bloomberg

Did you "really" just try to make the point that Barack Obama is going to be reelected because sales on Black Friday were up? Nah, nobody would be that silly...

What he and most have over looked is one thing how many of those buyers used cash or plastic to make those purchases? How many bought something when they could not offord it? How many will lose their homes in 7 months because of they went into deeper debt on black Friday? Of course it doesn't matter because everybody knows it's all Bushes fault.
The exact same thing that happens if Herman, Sarah, Michelle, Noot, Perry,Jeb. Ron Paul,Ronald McDonald or Bozo the fucking clown wins. Nothing will "change".
The Drunk Irishman.:clap2:
You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

Did you watch and learn? I'm reading the political winds just as skillfully. Obama is going to win reelection with ease, it's easy to see.

"Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak"

"Black Friday sales increased 6.6 percent to the largest amount ever as many U.S. consumers unleashed pent-up demand and bought for themselves.
Shoppers spent $11.4 billion yesterday, ShopperTrak said in a statement today. Foot traffic rose 5.1 percent, according to the Chicago-based research firm."

Black Friday Sales Rise 6.6% to Record: ShopperTrak - Bloomberg

Did you "really" just try to make the point that Barack Obama is going to be reelected because sales on Black Friday were up? Nah, nobody would be that silly...

Well, he is fairly desperate at this point.
I know enough about investing to know that it is unpredictable and you need to be divested

Right now, most retirees rely on a three legged stool with their money spread between a Social Security annuity, a paid off home and cash savings.

Removing that dependable annuity is highly risky. Also most retirees would choose to keep their Social Security

And given the choice if they are confronted with death before a long retirement, most people would choose to have the right to pass on their retirement accounts to their loved ones rather than giving it away to Congress.

I, for one, do not believe that SS should be eliminated. However it should be privatized and those tax dollars should be placed into an account in the name of the taxpayer with options similar to a mutual fund rather than stolen by Congress for a promise to pay later.


So the the fascistic club of government corporatism can have the opportunity to get even moe obscenely wealthy at the real risk of SS recipients getting nothing in return?

You have no stats whatsoever to even begin to chatter that "most people would choose . . ." nonsense. Nothing at all. It's your opinion, but you cannot support it.

So you deny that any thinking human being would rather pass on his/her life's savings to children than to the government?

Okay, if you think so. I guess I am just one of the few that actually care about my children. Or maybe I am just one of the few thinking human beings.
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Glad you think that..

The Republican candidate will have to meet the broad standard of being presidential. It means, I can be trusted to run this country. Only two of the candidates can meet that standard.....Romney and Gingrich

Republicans will have to run on something........Running on the assumption that America hates Obama is a losing proposition

All they need to do is talk jobs and democrats are left out of the discussion. After 3 years we know only government jobs are important to democrats.

Do you have a job? Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago? If not how not?

I have a job. I am not better off now than I was 4 years ago.

I spent 21 months on the unemployment line and finally got a job making 2/3 of what I was making before Obama took office. I finally had to file bankruptcy.

I am not by any means "better off now than I was 4 years ago".


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