2012 election the year that proved the TEA party is a sham


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.


It's a shame the TEA party had a great idea and became it's own worse enemy.
its was all based on stupidity anyway.

Lies adn more lies.

Its was merely a republican dodge to pretend they were not Bush voters.
You want a REAL TEA Party candidate? His name is Ron Paul.
Did you notice the TEA party no longer supports Ron Paul they support big government Romney and GETRICH.

I disagree.... at least regarding Romney. I see him as a reasonable candidate for TEA Partiers. He is what they respect.... hard working, honest, decent, intelligent, thoughtful, calm, rational, articulate. He'd make a good President, he is personally conservative and believes in getting government out of our lives.... with the added bonus of being the most economically smart man in the running.
Unlikely Activist Who Got to the Tea Party Early - NYTimes.com

Ms. Carender’s first rally drew only 120 people. A week later, she had 300, and six weeks later, 1,200 people gathered for a Tax Day Tea Party. Last month, she was among about 60 Tea Party leaders flown to Washington to be trained in election activism by FreedomWorks, the conservative advocacy organization led by Dick Armey, the former House Republican leader.

This month, a year to the day of her first protest, Ms. Carender stood among a crowd of about 600 on the steps of the State Capitol, acknowledging the thanks from a speaker who cited her as the original Tea Party advocate. Around her were the now-familiar signs: “Can you hear us now?” “Is it 2012 yet?” “Tea Party: the party of now.”
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.
You want a REAL TEA Party candidate? His name is Ron Paul.
Did you notice the TEA party no longer supports Ron Paul they support big government Romney and GETRICH.

I disagree.... at least regarding Romney. I see him as a reasonable candidate for TEA Partiers. He is what they respect.... hard working, honest, decent, intelligent, thoughtful, calm, rational, articulate. He'd make a good President, he is personally conservative and believes in getting government out of our lives.... with the added bonus of being the most economically smart man in the running.

As you once told me Go take your meds.:lol:

honest, he is personally conservative and believes in getting government out of our lives
These two things are what I hold against Romney I have no doubt that he's not any of the other things but Honest NO
For keeping the government out of peoples lives what as governor did he do the effect that?

Until a third party becomes viable this is what will happen to any ideological movement in the USA. It gets absorbed into one of the big two, and then lost in the details of the campaign platform when they go towards the center.

The TEA Party isn't the first group this happened to. The Moral Majority is pretty much toast (How on God's Green Earth they can support Newt is a mystery to me). The Environmentalists are toast in the Democratic party, as are Code Pink. OWS will soon be subverted too.

The best shot the TEA Party and the OWS have is to realize what they have in common (hatred of government bailouts and special interests), set aside their differences, and line up behind Ron Paul for a third party run. Since that won't happen, both movements are toast.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

You don't stop the overflow by clogging it with more shit. First you stop doing what you did to cause the clog then you turn off the water.
If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

I've always been sympathetic to TEA party goals, even if I don't 100% agree with all of the stances, but no, Anybody but Obama makes no sense. Newt is no different than Obama, just as McCain was no different than Obama and Kerry was no different than Bush. You're flushing your voice in the GOP down the toilet. After all, why should they EVER listen to you if you're going to line up behind anyone they'll run on the ticket?
Bush caused this problem and you continue to pretend he did not.

Its obvious who the tea party is.

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