20 States Send Letter to Senate Leaders Promising Swift Consequences if HR1 Passes

The Breeze

Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2010
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.


‘Consequences’ that are “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Thanks for posting a most informative article. It might come down to the SC weighing in as the protection of states rights is dear to many of us citizens...From OP's article: " A final decision on this case may ultimately require an interpretation of the 10th and 11th Amendments by the Supreme Court. "
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Thanks for posting a most informative article. It might come down to the SC weighing in as the protection of states rights is dear to many of us citizens...From OP's article: " A final decision on this case may ultimately require an interpretation of the 10th and 11th Amendments by the Supreme Court. "
That would have put a swifter end to the Texas lawsuit from last December.
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Thanks for posting a most informative article. It might come down to the SC weighing in as the protection of states rights is dear to many of us citizens...From OP's article: " A final decision on this case may ultimately require an interpretation of the 10th and 11th Amendments by the Supreme Court. "
That would have put a swifter end to the Texas lawsuit from last December.
The article supports that the issue is over selecting the state electorals...oh this is a major deal...federal control selecting states' electoral reps instead of each state whoa...not many are going to like that I wouldn't think:).
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Republican lawyers admitted before the Supreme Court that their goal in passing several laws in Arizona was to hdelp them to swin. Republicans have admitted that their goal in passing election law changes is to help them to win. You Republicans are the despicable ones. You are attempting to establish a dictatorship through voter suppression.

That link is the biggest piece of bullshit. The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate federal elections if they choose. Congress can even refuse to seat a candidate who wins a election.

Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of chusing Senators.

It gives Congress supremacy in writing election laws. It is written in plain English. If the Supreme Court were to overturn this then they would be making law.
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Thanks for posting a most informative article. It might come down to the SC weighing in as the protection of states rights is dear to many of us citizens...From OP's article: " A final decision on this case may ultimately require an interpretation of the 10th and 11th Amendments by the Supreme Court. "

You also have Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1 which is written in plain English.
These dissenters need to point to what sections of this bill they disagree with and clearly state the basis of their disagreement, in writing. The bill applies to all without regard to any political party.
Good for them. Democrats are despicable.

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Dems are all-in on rigging elections.
Are these the same States who sued at the Supreme Court to have the Federal Government intervene in State election law? ...


What a bunch of two-faced bastards ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School, he doesn't understand ...

Those states were NOT following their own election laws.

Who gave you the nickname Bubba and why didn't you finish middle school?
HR-1 will never get 60 votes in the senate, so it really is DOA.
The democrats used all their "reconciliation" powers passin g the $1.9T stimulus package.
They are done until next year.
Remind me to send the Senate Parliamentarian a "thank you" card.
I really doubt they could enact any consequences here. They most likely would take actions.
Those states were NOT following their own election laws.

You're smarter than sitting judges? ... of course they followed their election laws ... you just don't like their election laws ... H.R. 1 is for you then, let the Feds tell States how to run elections ... bigger government is always better ...

Look up the word 'hypocrite' in the dictionary ...
Those states were NOT following their own election laws.

You're smarter than sitting judges? ... of course they followed their election laws ... you just don't like their election laws ... H.R. 1 is for you then, let the Feds tell States how to run elections ... bigger government is always better ...

Look up the word 'hypocrite' in the dictionary ...

The entire point of the case was states like Pennsylvania changing the rules on elections without approval by lawmakers. The SCOTUC ruled the parties did not have standing to bring the case, meaning they heard nothing as to the merits of the case.

Try reading instead of relying on the lies from the lame stream media like libtards always seem to do.

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