2 questions about this impeachment thingy

Presidents do bad shit all the time and the only time you care is when the other side does it. Way worse shit then asking a foreign govt to see if a politician abused his powers to stop possible criminal charges, BTW.
You are the duopolies bitch
I wish the Rs wouldn't have impeached Boogie Nights Bill for lying about a blow job, but they were stupid and did it anyway. I guess this is payback.


Clinton was so popular, he could have admitted it and his numbers would have ultimately gone up.
Clinton was so popular, he could have lied about ANYTHING and everybody would have believed him.

Seriously. That dude is the best liar I have ever seen. Totally believable.

He could get up and speak at a campaign rally and say (in his voice that sounds like a mix of elmer fudd and elvis):

"I...am not...here."

And everybody be like, "Whoa. Where'd he go, man?"

Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
How is Biden a political opponent?
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
First, Schiff made up a bunch of bullshit about the content of the call:

Then, someone got knowledge of the conversation, by complete fucking hearsay and total lack of personal knowledge.

The whistleblower, with the "help" of his DNC lawyer (the lawyer wrote the entire report) brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but he should be calling this person a DNC hack who, with the help of Hillary's lawyer, wrote the report based on ZERO personal knowledge.

There. Fixed it for you.

I didn't say squat about Schiff. I said that Trump released a transcript of his conversation hoping to cut off the whistleblower at the knees, but when the whistleblower transcript was released, it basically said what Trump had released the previous day. Sorry, but Trump kinda screwed himself on this one. He was trying to release the transcript to clear himself, but all it did was verify the whistleblower was right.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Yea and presidents also take an oath to preserve the constitution and none of them do that.
That's my point, jackass.
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
He is working for the Democrat party, which is the same as another government. They are the enemy of the American people.
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
The transcripts showed no such thing.
But we have proof Democrats did that.
You shills are falling right into my trap
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
First, Schiff made up a bunch of bullshit about the content of the call:

Then, someone got knowledge of the conversation, by complete fucking hearsay and total lack of personal knowledge.

The whistleblower, with the "help" of his DNC lawyer (the lawyer wrote the entire report) brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but he should be calling this person a DNC hack who, with the help of Hillary's lawyer, wrote the report based on ZERO personal knowledge.

There. Fixed it for you.

I didn't say squat about Schiff. I said that Trump released a transcript of his conversation hoping to cut off the whistleblower at the knees, but when the whistleblower transcript was released, it basically said what Trump had released the previous day. Sorry, but Trump kinda screwed himself on this one. He was trying to release the transcript to clear himself, but all it did was verify the whistleblower was right.
It said what Trump had released? The whistleblower transcript was nothing but a huge pile of slander.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has no control over Biden’s previous potentially criminal conduct. Being a candidate does not make Biden immune from criminal investigation for past misuse of office.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has no control over Biden’s previous potentially criminal conduct. Being a candidate does not make Biden immune from criminal investigation for past misuse of office.

Even the Ukrainian prosecutor said that Biden did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.
The only problem is, presidents can't "negotiate" with money that Congress has already approved and is ready to send. The unspoken (or at least untranscribed) threat here is that Ukraine was not going to get its millions.
Made up bullshit.


Specifically which part is made up? For example form your image above (why an image?) the beginning where Trump says "We've been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don't see much reciprocity"

From the memo of the transcript:

Well it’s very nice of you to say that. I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time.1 Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it’s something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she doesn’t do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it’s something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn’t say that it’s reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

Sounds about the same.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has no control over Biden’s previous potentially criminal conduct. Being a candidate does not make Biden immune from criminal investigation for past misuse of office.

Even the Ukrainian prosecutor said that Biden did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.
You realize that what you just posted is misleading? No one has said that Hunter Biden has done anything wrong, other than be the beneficiary of his father's extortion.

It was the father, Joe Biden, that forced the government to terminate the prosecutor who was looking into that corrupt company. The father, Joe Biden, did not want any taint to touch his son when he was named to the board. It was the replacement prosecutor who ended the investigation. Just as the father, Joe Biden, wanted.

It is funny that this suddenly comes about when it looks as if the DoJ is investigating Joe Biden. Having read the transcript, it is clear that the left and the Democrats in Congress are in the act of writing whole fiction about this, just as you have done. Nothing in the transcripts supports the information filed by the CIA operative.
First of all he did not.

But if he did, then nothing, and by nothing I mean Trumpslide 2020, because it is still a nothing burger. Only Democrats are this desperate.
Do you blame them?

Biden is being thrown under the bus.

Crazy Bernie? Hahaha. Really?

Pocahontas is a loser looking for a place to lose.

Yeah... They need to be desperate.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has no control over Biden’s previous potentially criminal conduct. Being a candidate does not make Biden immune from criminal investigation for past misuse of office.

Even the Ukrainian prosecutor said that Biden did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.
You realize that what you just posted is misleading? No one has said that Hunter Biden has done anything wrong, other than be the beneficiary of his father's extortion.

It was the father, Joe Biden, that forced the government to terminate the prosecutor who was looking into that corrupt company. The father, Joe Biden, did not want any taint to touch his son when he was named to the board. It was the replacement prosecutor who ended the investigation. Just as the father, Joe Biden, wanted.

It is funny that this suddenly comes about when it looks as if the DoJ is investigating Joe Biden. Having read the transcript, it is clear that the left and the Democrats in Congress are in the act of writing whole fiction about this, just as you have done. Nothing in the transcripts supports the information filed by the CIA operative.

Its not coincidence that the dems are in full cya concerning bidens nefarious dealings in ukraine. All this while O's admin was covertly overthrowing the ukrainian govt. Yeah, the dems are scurrying quick.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has no control over Biden’s previous potentially criminal conduct. Being a candidate does not make Biden immune from criminal investigation for past misuse of office.

Even the Ukrainian prosecutor said that Biden did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.
Nice try... I wasnt referring to Hunter Biden....

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