2 more men shot and stabbed in Britain on top of the other two reported...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have 2 more men shot and stabbed in Britain.....in a country that banned and confiscated guns...

These are on top of the 14 year old who was shot, the 19 year old who was shot and the 2 women who were shot to death in my latest reports.....

Young man stabbed and shot dead in third murder in London this week

A young man had died and another is in a serious condition in hospital after they were shot and stabbed in the street in Enfield.

It is the third murder investigation to be launched in the capital in just three days.

Scotland Yard said the victims were attacked in South Street in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The first victim, aged in his early 20s, was declared dead at the scene after medics fought desperately to save him.
Here is more from the earlier report on the shooting of the 19 year old...
First picture: college student, 20, shot dead while sitting in car in Walthamstow

This is the first picture of a former college student shot dead as he sat in a parked car in the street.

Joseph Williams Torres, 20, was sitting in a car in Walthamstow, east London, when he was approached by a gunman who fired several shots through the window.

The former Waltham Forest college student, who had studied carpentry, was treated at the scene in a car park on the Essex Close estate but died en route to hospital.

A close friend told the Standard: “We’re all heartbroken. We would walk to school together every day. He had a cheeky smile and was the class joker.
Here we have 2 more men shot and stabbed in Britain.....in a country that banned and confiscated guns...

These are on top of the 14 year old who was shot, the 19 year old who was shot and the 2 women who were shot to death in my latest reports.....

Young man stabbed and shot dead in third murder in London this week

A young man had died and another is in a serious condition in hospital after they were shot and stabbed in the street in Enfield.

It is the third murder investigation to be launched in the capital in just three days.

Scotland Yard said the victims were attacked in South Street in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The first victim, aged in his early 20s, was declared dead at the scene after medics fought desperately to save him.
2. My goodness, it's a massacre. Our 17 CHILDREN in about 20 minutes cannot compare!
What’s the um.... what’s it called? Hmm. Oh yeah, what’s the murder rate in Britain?

And again....the murder rate is not the point. In order for the murder rate to be the point, you would have to show that the murder rate has gone down after they banned and confiscated guns.....

You would also have to explain that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns, and then, after banning guns the murder rate spiked, and then returned to the exact same level as before.

What you guys desperately need to hide by harping on the gun murder rate is the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns....

As you see in these cases I highlight...you have young men, early 20s and under....shooting each other in Britain...which should not be happening.
Here we have 2 more men shot and stabbed in Britain.....in a country that banned and confiscated guns...

These are on top of the 14 year old who was shot, the 19 year old who was shot and the 2 women who were shot to death in my latest reports.....

Young man stabbed and shot dead in third murder in London this week

A young man had died and another is in a serious condition in hospital after they were shot and stabbed in the street in Enfield.

It is the third murder investigation to be launched in the capital in just three days.

Scotland Yard said the victims were attacked in South Street in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The first victim, aged in his early 20s, was declared dead at the scene after medics fought desperately to save him.
2. My goodness, it's a massacre. Our 17 CHILDREN in about 20 minutes cannot compare!

Of course, their average before they banned guns was one mass shooting every 10 years......and if not for dumb luck, they would have had 2 school shootings in the last 10 year period......their gun control laws are not stopping their mass shooters either......

but keep jinxing them.....
What’s the um.... what’s it called? Hmm. Oh yeah, what’s the murder rate in Britain?

And again....the murder rate is not the point. In order for the murder rate to be the point, you would have to show that the murder rate has gone down after they banned and confiscated guns.....

You would also have to explain that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns, and then, after banning guns the murder rate spiked, and then returned to the exact same level as before.

What you guys desperately need to hide by harping on the gun murder rate is the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns....

As you see in these cases I highlight...you have young men, early 20s and under....shooting each other in Britain...which should not be happening.
The murder rate is certainly the point
Obvious fake news.

Give it up. There are no guns in Britain. They're illegal.

And....Brits are every bit as law-abiding as you leftists believe Americans are so all we have to do it adopt British gun laws and nobody will ever be killed by a gun!

Oh, wait, the guns don't act on their own....but maybe Tesla or some other of your socialist heroes is working on one right now? Y'know....like the cars to put more commercial drivers on your pet welfare programs?
2. My goodness, it's a massacre. Our 17 CHILDREN in about 20 minutes cannot compare!

Is 100 MILLION + more than 17 ? (Can you answer that question?)


We all wish these few killings now and then by mentally ill persons would not happen....but....
Since guns can prevent another 100 million or more innocent lives from being brutally taken, I think it's wise decision to deal with the few madmen that pop up occasionally....rather than risk everyone's life.
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What’s the um.... what’s it called? Hmm. Oh yeah, what’s the murder rate in Britain?

And again....the murder rate is not the point. In order for the murder rate to be the point, you would have to show that the murder rate has gone down after they banned and confiscated guns.....

You would also have to explain that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns, and then, after banning guns the murder rate spiked, and then returned to the exact same level as before.

What you guys desperately need to hide by harping on the gun murder rate is the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns....

As you see in these cases I highlight...you have young men, early 20s and under....shooting each other in Britain...which should not be happening.
The murder rate is certainly the point

No.....it isn't ...... the whole point to banning and confiscating guns was to decrease gun crime.....gun crime is going up in Britain and it didn't lower the gun murder rate

In the U.S.....more Americans own and carry guns...17 million people now carry guns...and our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...

Taking guns away from law abiding people does not lower the gun crime rate.
What’s the um.... what’s it called? Hmm. Oh yeah, what’s the murder rate in Britain?

And again....the murder rate is not the point. In order for the murder rate to be the point, you would have to show that the murder rate has gone down after they banned and confiscated guns.....

You would also have to explain that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns, and then, after banning guns the murder rate spiked, and then returned to the exact same level as before.

What you guys desperately need to hide by harping on the gun murder rate is the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns....

As you see in these cases I highlight...you have young men, early 20s and under....shooting each other in Britain...which should not be happening.
The murder rate is certainly the point

No.....it isn't ...... the whole point to banning and confiscating guns was to decrease gun crime.....gun crime is going up in Britain and it didn't lower the gun murder rate

In the U.S.....more Americans own and carry guns...17 million people now carry guns...and our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...

Taking guns away from law abiding people does not lower the gun crime rate.
Gun crime is going up as more guns enter circulation. Happens there the same as everywhere.
What’s the um.... what’s it called? Hmm. Oh yeah, what’s the murder rate in Britain?

And again....the murder rate is not the point. In order for the murder rate to be the point, you would have to show that the murder rate has gone down after they banned and confiscated guns.....

You would also have to explain that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns, and then, after banning guns the murder rate spiked, and then returned to the exact same level as before.

What you guys desperately need to hide by harping on the gun murder rate is the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns....

As you see in these cases I highlight...you have young men, early 20s and under....shooting each other in Britain...which should not be happening.
The murder rate is certainly the point

No.....it isn't ...... the whole point to banning and confiscating guns was to decrease gun crime.....gun crime is going up in Britain and it didn't lower the gun murder rate

In the U.S.....more Americans own and carry guns...17 million people now carry guns...and our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%...

Taking guns away from law abiding people does not lower the gun crime rate.
Gun crime is going up as more guns enter circulation. Happens there the same as everywhere.

No...that isn't true...since it didn't happen here.....our gun crime rate went down as more guns entered circulation.....

And Britain took guns out of circulation for law abiding people and their gun crime rate keeps going up....

You don't know what you are talking about....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Maybe these gun grabber pussies who blame guns for the acts of the mentally ill and like the idea of a defenseless population would prefer this......

Nothing to see here.....just a Communist regime quieting any opposition.
What's that? Only "authorities" should have military style weapons?

Im sure that poor girl there was thinking the exact same thing....until her brain exited her forehead.

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Maybe these gun grabber pussies who blame guns for the acts of the mentally ill and like the idea of a defenseless population would prefer this......

Nothing to see here.....just a Communist regime quieting any opposition.
What's that? Only "authorities" should have military style weapons?

Im sure that poor girl there was thinking the exact same thing....until her brain exited her forehead.


But...aren't fully automatic military rifles icky? Why would the government need those?
But...aren't fully automatic military rifles icky? Why would the government need those?

I used to think gun grabbers were just ignorant fools.

Now I know that not ONLY are they ignorant fools, many have been indoctrinated to actually believe that an all powerful government is in their best interests.

Today we have brainwashed imbeciles screaming for an end to the 2nd Amendment.
These are the people more than willing to rat you out in a heartbeat.

When the Left regains control of the WH and Congress, I predict we're going to see a shocking demise of Constitutional rights.
Worse than anything we've ever imagined. Imagine someone like Jerry Brown in the WH along with a fully supportive Congress.
Too many on the Right are silent and there is too much corruption on the Left deeply entrenched in the government.

I'm also not sure Trump will see 4 years. It depends on how soon he "gets in line".
Taking him out would be incredibly easy. I'm actually surprised noone on the Left has taken the shot yet.

I predict there will be numerous attempts in the coming years.

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