2-1 Say America Heading in Wrong Direction


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The other 1/3 are America hating Leftists taking great joy in watching Joe destroy America.

So, who should they nominate in 2024 to replace Biden/Harris?

Memo to all dems that helped steal the last election....it doesn't work....you only put in a disliked leader that takes us in an unpopular direction....and then you lose big in the next four elections....
Why wouldn't the democrats run either Biden or Harris in 2024? Isn't that the way it works?
Or are you saying that BOTH Biden and Harris are proven idiots and are unelectable?
Or are you saying that BOTH Biden and Harris are proven idiots and are unelectable?

IMO, they both are.

and I don't see anyone on the right, currently, able to replace them.
IMO, they both are.

and I don't see anyone on the right, currently, able to replace them.
In 2024 the Republicans have a deep bench, and I'm not even putting Trump in the mix.
Mike Pence solid governor & Warp Speed manager, very competent
Ted Cruz sharp guy, very competent
Mike Pompeo 1st in his class at WP, ran CIA and State, very competent
Nikki Haley scares the crap out of democrats, would steal many women votes from democrats, very competent
Tom Cotton solid guy, very competent
Kristi Noem my nominee for VP, good governor, very competent
Jim Jordan Energetic, conservative, and competent, knows Trump's game plans
Ron Desantis Popular FL governor, very solid nominee, very competent

"Never-Trumpers" need not apply
Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump.

Republicans = competent
Democrats = incompetent
The other 1/3 are America hating Leftists taking great joy in watching Joe destroy America.

Oh you poor man....

I do take great joy in seeing your daily "the sky is falling" rants. That much is true.
In 2024 the Republicans have a deep bench, and I'm not even putting Trump in the mix.
Mike Pence solid governor & Warp Speed manager, very competent
Ted Cruz sharp guy, very competent
Mike Pompeo 1st in his class at WP, ran CIA and State, very competent
Nikki Haley scares the crap out of democrats, would steal many women votes from democrats, very competent
Tom Cotton solid guy, very competent
Kristi Noem my nominee for VP, good governor, very competent
Jim Jordan Energetic, conservative, and competent, knows Trump's game plans
Ron Desantis Popular FL governor, very solid nominee, very competent

"Never-Trumpers" need not apply
Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump.

Republicans = competent
Democrats = incompetent

If the GOP nominates Pence, Haley, or Noem, I'm just going to throw my hands up and move to an island, because we're done. Are you freaking serious, Kristi noem? Why, what exactly has she accomplished to qualify her to be president of the United States and leader of the Free World? Because she talked a good game during covid? She's never held a single job in the private sector, and her only experience in politics has been a couple terms as a state legislator in South Dakota, and then a term as a US House rep from South Dakota, and now a couple of years as governor of South Dakota, one of the smallest states in the nation with a total population smaller than my home town. She would be an unmitigated disaster as president with her current lack of experience.
Until we start excluding wealthy people from running we aren't going to get good candidates. The fact is we haven't had a good potus for a loooooong time.
Until we start excluding wealthy people from running we aren't going to get good candidates. The fact is we haven't had a good potus for a loooooong time.

I don't necessarily agree with that either. The problem is most of our politicians got to Washington broke and became super wealthy bye selling out to special interest. Someone who is independently wealthy is less likely to be capable of being bought. Not saying it's impossible, but non wealthy people are much more susceptible to corruption. The more significant change would be to impose term limits, and actually enforce anti-corruption and campaign finance laws.
It's now Dec 15th and it's still about 2 to 1 saying America is headed in the wrong direction. And IMHO it oughta be worse than that, I can't imagine how anyone can think that 2021 has been a good year. Biden's approval rating is now around 40%, down from what it was in August at 52% and again, I can't see how anyone can approve of the job he's doing. What metric are they using?

I do believe most people in this country are going to vote for a change in leadership in 2022 and 2024. I sincerely hope that DJT does NOT run, he is IMHO the single best thing the democrats have going for them because he's such an asshole. But I think he will run and I'll have to hold my nose vote for him, because the democrats and their Far Left agenda are unsupportable.

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