$1M In Fines After Nitrogen Kills 6 At Georgia Poultry Plant

proving that the slackness in safety protocols or budgets was the actual cause of the accident could be difficult to prove. Yet failure to be up to date on reports is an OSHA violation that they will fine you for, even if there isn't an accident.

A fairly high standard has to be met to allow the families of the injured workers to sue- Workmens Compensation laws provide "no fault" coverage to injured workers but make the standards higher for lawsuits.

Depending on the exact facts, its impossible to say if they'll get anything past workmens comp.
The way the officials were talking about upping the fines says the most.
That the company knew that they were in violation and didn't care...they paid the fines without fixing anything and kept on operating.
That then allows the families a clear path past any contractual or statutory barrier...
It sounds fine to me, for the government. If the fines had released them of civil liability, shielding the company from paying damages to the families, that would be different, as it is the surviving families that are the remaining, injured parties, not society as a whole. No need for the government to get all the money, that should be paid to the ones that lost loved ones.

The people responsible for this should be prosecuted.

What happened was preventable. The company violated many laws.

Those who caused this should be facing criminal charges and prison.

Not just paying a fine.
Several things mentioned in the article let those of us who have regularly been involved in FDA food production buildings maintenance know that they were very negligent.
Blocked exits, repair team during production, and lack of prepared safety protocols and equipment for accidents.

Working around nitrogen cooling has many protocols and equipment and procedures. They had to violate all of them to die. And the management team had to be complicit in their violation of the protocols and lack of equipment use...no other way around it.

Personally I had to spend 30-45 minutes just documenting all the equipment and procedures followed and name names of who did what protocols and readings from the safety equipment.
Maybe the company can declare that such rules and regs are against their religion. It seems to work for other businesses who don't want to follow business regs.
Industrial accidents happen from time to time. How do you know that it was "preventable" except for criminal negligence by the employer? Nothing in the story says anything at all as to the cause of this leakage.

For all either of us know, a bird or other wildlife may have accident done something, or perhaps there was human error from another employee and NOT management's fault at all?

But you insist on jumping to a conclusion that the employer made a criminally negligent error instead of looking at all of the possible causes.
It is the first instinct of a Liberal to scream for the deep pockets. This is a proposed OSHA fine. The families will be suing as well. No one has any idea how much they will win in court.
How do you know that those companies are hiring illegals? If you have evidence, you should report them to ICE.
Because they all do. Our own damn government does too.
When I remodeled all the officer barracks at Whiteman under Clinton they did a sweep for wanted felons and illegals just prior to his visit. THREE bussloads of illegals and felons removed from the work sites.
If our own government can't keep an honest workforce you expect a call to ice is going to do shit?
How do you know that those companies are hiring illegals? If you have evidence, you should report them to ICE.
Well I don't think that they have hired illegals...
First off this plant is in GA... middle of nowhere GA.
Strangers are more unwelcome than gubberment officials.
It's not a bad idea to pack your own lunch when driving out that far... southern hospitality is not exactly what you think it is out in some of the rural areas.
Where the game Warden and the State police are the normal authorities you are concerned with.

Just saying...
Maybe the nitrogen leak wasn't entirely the fault of the poultry plant. In that case a million dollars in fines would be excessive.
So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

well these were simply fines from the Govt.

The people who dodd’s family can sue civilly for wrongful death and get much more

Don’t confuse a fine from the Govt with the individuals or their surviving families rights.
Industrial work by nature is dangerous!
Maybe we should do away with American Industry altogether.
Number 1 most dangerous occupation is Truck Driver...
Number 2 is maintenance Electrician.

I'm an electrician...I know exactly what good safety protocols look like. I know exactly how to mitigate the risks for a job...
I hold several occupational certifications in safety alone...besides the specialist certifications. And not just TVA certifications either ( they almost require a cert just to wipe your backside)

But for this "accident" to happen they have had to violate at least a dozen known protocols and procedures. And the plant manager had to be at a minimum complicit if not demanding for maintenance to disregard them and keep the plant running anyway because they had production quotas to meet...which is what is most likely the scenario.
The people responsible for this should be prosecuted.

What happened was preventable. The company violated many laws.

Those who caused this should be facing criminal charges and prison.

Not just paying a fine.
I saw an explosion in a chicken processing plant adjacent to where I worked, where the idiot maintenance guys were using oxygen to clear a line that moved chicken fat. There were fines, the injured, sued using what the government investigation revealed. They were compensated. The processing plant cleaned up it act to a degree and probably started using nitrogen to clear their lines, for all I know. Nobody went to jail. There was no intent to injure or damage, just stupidity. The main point of OSHA is to clean up the stupidity where they find it and enact regulations and safety procedures prevent like occurrences from occurring due to bad practices, often created by the workers themselves (not raise money for the government), but rarely find the cause is that the company doesn't really didn't give a crap. I have worked in a large processing plant (with very good attention to safety) using pressurized gases, lots of high speed equipment and still seen people hurt in other ways, even resulting in death, but in that instance it was because somebody used an unsafe procedure not that the company did not give a damn. Earlier in my time there I had been a safety auditor and member of the plant safety committee, when that 24/7/365 facility reached a Million-Man Hour safety record. I am school trained in safety and accident investigation and have investigated many accidents both in civilian work environments and in the military. 95% of the time, accidents usually boil down to human error at the hands on level, lack of training or somebody just got tired, lost attention and caused something to happen. I never saw one that needed prosecuting, thank goodness. You do not prosecute, just because of the severity of the occurrence.
The people responsible for this should be prosecuted.

What happened was preventable. The company violated many laws.

Those who caused this should be facing criminal charges and prison.

Not just paying a fine.
I saw an explosion in a chicken processing plant adjacent to where I worked, where the idiot maintenance guys were using oxygen to clear a line that moved chicken fat. There were fines, the injured, sued using what the government investigation revealed. They were compensated. The processing plant cleaned up it act to a degree and probably started using nitrogen to clear their lines, for all I know. Nobody went to jail. There was no intent to injure or damage, just stupidity. The main point of OSHA is to clean up the stupidity where they find it and enact regulations and safety procedures prevent like occurrences from occurring due to bad practices, often created by the workers themselves (not raise money for the government), but rarely find the cause is that the company doesn't really didn't give a crap. I have worked in a large processing plant (with very good attention to safety) using pressurized gases, lots of high speed equipment and still seen people hurt in other ways, even resulting in death, but in that instance it was because somebody used an unsafe procedure not that the company did not give a damn. Earlier in my time there I had been a safety auditor and member of the plant safety committee, when that 24/7/365 facility reached a Million-Man Hour safety record. I am school trained in safety and accident investigation and have investigated many accidents both in civilian work environments and in the military. 95% of the time, accidents usually boil down to human error at the hands on level, lack of training or somebody just got tired, lost attention and caused something to happen. I never saw one that needed prosecuting, thank goodness. You do not prosecute, just because of the severity of the occurrence.
Some plant jobs really suck...the plant's corporate owners don't care necessarily about the plant anymore for a variety of reasons and so new horrible management teams are brought in and maintenance budgets are slashed and labor budgets are slashed as well...it becomes about squeezing every last dollar of profit out of a facility before it's either sold or abandoned.
This has been going on for decades.

I've heard the stories about bypassing safety limit switches on boilers because the plant manager won't buy any parts for the thing. All kinds of horror stories like that are common...they also tend to hire younger electricians that are more "job scared" so when the manager demands that you get it up and running you do exactly what shouldn't be done just to make it work.

When a plant begins to have a high turnover in maintenance staff... time to get another job. It's not safe anymore. But most people don't know to pay attention to such things.

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