19.5% of America is on Welfare?

I know what it is. You don’t. Correct the SU was socialist. It failed. You can’t even answer a simple question. You aren’t very bright.
You're ignoring all of the points I made, and pretending I can't answer your questions. You need to improve your reading comprehension skills.
Paying workers more doesn’t necessarily kill your profits, it often stimulates consumer demand and grows the overall market.

Ok. Now why did you think a 10% increase in wages only reduces profit by 10%?

Henry Ford, no socialist icon, famously understood that if he wanted people to buy his cars, his own workforce needed decent wages.

Cool story, but that's not why he raised wages.

Spare me the bullshit sob story about “stupid government policies” driving you out of business.
Aren't you cute?

If your entire business model rests on paying starvation wages, that’s a problem for both you and society.

Tell me again how "starvation wages" are worse than zero wages.

When wages are too low, we wind up with an underpaid populace that can’t buy homes, can’t invest in education, and can barely afford the necessities of life.

Should an employer pay less, the same or more than the employee adds in value?
You’re being pedantic about the “10%” figure because you don’t actually want to address the point that: raising wages doesn’t inevitably torpedo profits. If your overhead goes up slightly, your profit margins might shrink by roughly the same percentage, nobody said it’s a mathematically perfect one-to-one.

The bigger picture is that investing in worker pay tends to strengthen consumer demand, which can more than compensate over time. Henry Ford’s wage increase may not have been purely philanthropic, call it whatever you want, but it’s no secret he understood that paying decent wages helped reduce turnover, boost productivity, and expand the potential market for his Model T. Pretend that’s not the case all you like; the fact remains that a more prosperous workforce generally means a healthier overall economy.

Todd, what a silly question! “What’s worse than starvation wages? No wages at all.” That’s a false dichotomy if there ever was one. It’s like saying a punch in the face is better than a bullet to the head, both are bad, and neither justifies the status quo. If your entire business model depends on underpaying people, maybe it deserves to fail rather than drag the rest of society down. We don’t exist just to prop up a handful of capitalists who can’t figure out how to operate unless they’re squeezing every dime from labor. Especially when advanced automation and AI are making many of these “owner” roles obsolete.

Why rely on a boss or an investor class to “give” us jobs when the technology now exists to radically reduce human drudgery? If the machines can do the grunt work, then we can collectively decide how to allocate resources, cutting out the parasitic middlemen altogether.

When you prioritize the public good over private profit, you don’t end up with that tired choice between “barely survive” and “utter destitution.” And if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that there’s more to running an economy than padding a CEO’s pockets, that’s on you. The rest of us see a future where democratic control of technology could ensure high living standards without forcing people into wage slavery. You keep spinning your wheels defending a system that constantly needs bailouts from the government, and thus from the workers you say should just “take it or leave it.” If that’s your best argument, you’ve already lost.
You missed the point. Just because you assume something can't work today, doesn't imply it won't actually work in the future under different conditions. ...

^^^ What communist-wannabes always say after a few hundred million more people die because of the most failed idea in history.
^^^ What communist-wannabes always say after a few hundred million more people die because of the most failed idea in history.
Stop lying and exaggerating. Capitalism in pursuit of profits and power, has killed much more people than communism.
You're ignoring all of the points I made, and pretending I can't answer your questions. You need to improve your reading comprehension skills.
You haven’t made one point. Not one. It has never worked and your hypothesis is based on feelings. Socialism quells innovation
You haven’t made one point. Not one. It has never worked and your hypothesis is based on feelings. Socialism quells innovation
Believe your ridiculous lies if it makes you feel better. Profiteering and capitalist parasites undermine innovation and the public good. Advanced automation and AI are the end of capitalism. Deal with it punk.
You’re being pedantic about the “10%” figure because you don’t actually want to address the point that: raising wages doesn’t inevitably torpedo profits. If your overhead goes up slightly, your profit margins might shrink by roughly the same percentage, nobody said it’s a mathematically perfect one-to-one.

The bigger picture is that investing in worker pay tends to strengthen consumer demand, which can more than compensate over time. Henry Ford’s wage increase may not have been purely philanthropic, call it whatever you want, but it’s no secret he understood that paying decent wages helped reduce turnover, boost productivity, and expand the potential market for his Model T. Pretend that’s not the case all you like; the fact remains that a more prosperous workforce generally means a healthier overall economy.

Todd, what a silly question! “What’s worse than starvation wages? No wages at all.” That’s a false dichotomy if there ever was one. It’s like saying a punch in the face is better than a bullet to the head, both are bad, and neither justifies the status quo. If your entire business model depends on underpaying people, maybe it deserves to fail rather than drag the rest of society down. We don’t exist just to prop up a handful of capitalists who can’t figure out how to operate unless they’re squeezing every dime from labor. Especially when advanced automation and AI are making many of these “owner” roles obsolete.

Why rely on a boss or an investor class to “give” us jobs when the technology now exists to radically reduce human drudgery? If the machines can do the grunt work, then we can collectively decide how to allocate resources, cutting out the parasitic middlemen altogether.

When you prioritize the public good over private profit, you don’t end up with that tired choice between “barely survive” and “utter destitution.” And if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that there’s more to running an economy than padding a CEO’s pockets, that’s on you. The rest of us see a future where democratic control of technology could ensure high living standards without forcing people into wage slavery. You keep spinning your wheels defending a system that constantly needs bailouts from the government, and thus from the workers you say should just “take it or leave it.” If that’s your best argument, you’ve already lost.

You’re being pedantic about the “10%” figure

What's a more accurate number than 10%? Any ideas?

raising wages doesn’t inevitably torpedo profits.

Did you see the term "torpedo" in an economics textbook?

If your overhead goes up slightly, your profit margins might shrink by roughly the same percentage,

You don't have to keep beating the drum of your ignorance. I mocked you the first time.

Henry Ford’s wage increase may not have been purely philanthropic, call it whatever you want, but it’s no secret he understood that paying decent wages helped reduce turnover, boost productivity

It wasn't philanthropic at all, and it wasn't so they could buy his cars either.

The bigger picture is that investing in worker pay tends to strengthen consumer demand, which can more than compensate over time.

Right. Investing in them. Not just boosting their wages because some politician or bureaucrat thinks it would be fair.

Todd, what a silly question! “What’s worse than starvation wages? No wages at all.” That’s a false dichotomy if there ever was one.

Not false at all.
If you can only add $10 an hour of value, earning an $8 minimum wage is
better than pricing you out of ever getting on the employment ladder at a $15 minimum wage.

You never answered.......

Should an employer pay less, the same or more than the employee adds in value?
Idiotic lie ^^^ and anyone who has studied ANY world history knows it.
Knows capitalism is much deadlier and more destructive than socialism or communism ever was. Socialism is the future, deal with it. It's coming to a theater near you and it's not fictional, it's real. Advanced automation and AI kill capitalism.

Copy of Copy of Black Modern Girl Youtube Profile Picture (500 × 500 px) (800 × 500 px) (800 ×...gif
Believe your ridiculous lies if it makes you feel better. Profiteering and capitalist parasites undermine innovation and the public good. Advanced automation and AI are the end of capitalism. Deal with it punk.
More feelings. Are you going to cry? We have AI because of capitalism.
Knows capitalism is much deadlier and more destructive than socialism or communism ever was. Socialism is the future, deal with it. It's coming to a theater near you and it's not fictional, it's real. Advanced automation and AI kill capitalism.

Yet you live in a capitalist country. lol

Why aren’t you moving?
Socialism quells innovation

Don't be ridiculous!

Trabants were just as good as a Mercedes.
Better public transit = no need for cars. I can attest to that living here in Manhattan, and comparing how I lived in Miami, Florida, my hometown, where public transit sucks and everyone relies on cars to get around. Here I only own a vehicle for my wife, who likes to drive, otherwise, I would be riding the train everywhere, as I currently do.
Better public transit = no need for cars. I can attest to that living here in Manhattan, and comparing how I lived in Miami, Florida, my hometown, where public transit sucks and everyone relies on cars to get around. Here I only own a vehicle for my wife, who likes to drive, otherwise, I would be riding the train everywhere, as I currently do.

Better public transit = no need for cars.

How does Russian/commie public transit compare to Japanese/capitalist public transit?

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