18 month old and 4 month old left to die in desert (by smugglers).. TRUMP knew what to do with the border..

Oh dear God, I suppose you think that of every cat that dies also.
I certainly hope the cats are saved.

Have you looked up the number of children found abandoned the the desert recently? I had no idea it was that many. One baby was found under a bush.

The 4 month old was near death. I'm sure the other one wasn't far from it either. It gets over 110 degrees in AZ at this time of the year. It's amazing they saved these poor children.

Go to 2.00 to get that part of the story

Bidum couldn't care less...

Democrats hate immigrant children.
Baby's are dying on Joe's border and Joe doesn't say anything... what an uncaring fuck he is....
he's too far away to sniff their hair, hence the apathy...

(sorry, couldn't help it)

Anyway, most children go to Heaven when they die, probably all of them who are under the age of about 7

so they are in a much better place, thank God..

Now if the rest of us could just live in a much better place..

T R U M P 24 !

Democrats hate immigrant children.
They don't love children in the womb so who expected them to care about the ones outside the womb... victims of coyotes, victims of neglectful parents.. ?

Once you lie to yourself and tell yourself that murdering a helpless child is somehow OK... it's all downhill from there (which should go w/o saying but... times are strange)
They don't love children in the womb so who expected them to care about the ones outside the womb... victims of coyotes, victims of neglectful parents.. ?

Once you lie to yourself and tell yourself that murdering a helpless child is somehow OK... it's all downhill from there (which should go w/o saying but... times are strange)

To paraphrase something someone once said, "Once a liberal murders someone, all subsequent murders get easier and easier..."

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