CONFIRMED: FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.
this is assuming we can believe a flaming liberal


We all know how Lying is their MO
Why should anyone care about some guy that was not elected, appointed or hired for any government position? Why don't you pile some more hyperbolic bullshit on top of the already existing mountain of bullshit and maybe people might care?


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.
I don't know what Hunter was running for. He was not on the ballot in Tennessee. Did somebody finally pass some kind of collusion law? I have not heard about it.
The truth gets out demtards... always does....
what do they care?

they get away with everything because of the fake conservatives in congress who are just like the dimrats... there to collect a paycheck and run their mouths and not much else

They say they will hold people accountable when they are the majority. I'll believe it when I see it...

I don't know what Hunter was running for. He was not on the ballot in Tennessee. Did somebody finally pass some kind of collusion law? I have not heard about it.
another uninformed dimrat. We're shocked! We are utterly shocked!

your little coke head-friend broke laws and made $$ for the big guy who is now the fake president after his party stole it from Trump

But you don't care... It's "my party, right or wrong"

get the hell outa here
another uninformed dimrat. We're shocked! We are utterly shocked!

your little coke head-friend broke laws and made $$ for the big guy who is now the fake president after his party stole it from Trump

But you don't care... It's "my party, right or wrong"

get the hell outa here
Were I to suddenly develop an interest in this and I decided to search online what would I find? Responsible reporting by people I've heard of? No I would find a bewildering array of unsubstantiated crap on adware infested websites I've never heard of alongside stories about UFOs, Qanon crap and dark globalist/satanist conspiracies. Don't you people even care what your information sources look like?


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.
I'm sorry, when did Hunter Biden run for and win the Presidency again? My memory is a little fuzzy today. :) Except you right wing suckers who are looking for ANY life preserver to grab on to right now since your ship seems to be going down by the (orange) bow.


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.
No evidence has emerged to show that the business dealings of Hunter Biden, who’s faced a years-long federal investigation, affected his father’s decisions as president. | Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

As House Republicans rush to argue that the FBI search of Donald Trump’s home is marred by politics, they are readying a future Hunter Biden investigation designed to ensnare Joe Biden ahead of a potential reelection bid.

House Republicans see no contradiction between their suspicion of the FBI’s law enforcement activity at Mar-a-Lago and their interest in digging into the business dealings of the president’s son and other family members. Oversight of the Bidens, they contend, would counterbalance what they see as a Justice Department where partisanship influences decisions like the probe of 2020 election subversion that’s drawing closer to Trump.

But the House GOP’s eagerness to say the quiet part out loud about their Biden investigation, injecting presidential politics into an already acrimonious chamber, underscores how far it has come since Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took intra-party heat in 2015 for touting the electoral payoff of an investigation into Hillary Clinton.

These days, Republicans are making no secret of their plans to use a Hunter Biden inquiry next year as a platform to go after his father — after years of brushing off conflicts of interest within Trump’s family. No evidence has emerged to show that the business dealings of Hunter Biden, who’s faced a years-long federal investigation, affected his father’s decisions as president.

GOP lawmakers are pushing ahead anyway, planning a sprawling probe that will reach into the ethics of Hunter Biden’s artwork sales and other business deals, as well as policy decisions by the Biden administration.

“I’m not exactly sure I see a big difference” between starting with Hunter and incorporating Joe Biden from the getgo, said Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.), a member of the Oversight Committee, which is expected to take the lead on a House inquiry into Hunter Biden. “Obviously, you start with Hunter … [but] it appears as though the president is involved as well, and it’s something you’re going to have to look into.”

The president’s son has long fueled a conservative media fixation on par with Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified material, and a House majority would help Republicans try to push their narrative into the mainstream. But GOP plans to poke at Hunter Biden may have to compete with a growing GOP appetite for an in-depth House inquiry into the DOJ’s scrutiny of Trump, particularly if Republicans decide to form a select committee instead of launching an investigation through the Judiciary Committee.

I'm sorry, when did Hunter Biden run for and win the Presidency again? My memory is a little fuzzy today. :) Except you right wing suckers who are looking for ANY life preserver to grab on to right now since your ship seems to be going down by the (orange) bow.
Look how they acted with Hillary.
The truth gets out demtards... always does....

Thats what Trump is finding out the hard way.

And over a thousand of the pimples on his ass that have already been convicted, and another thousand that soon will be.
Thats what Trump is finding out the hard way.

And over a thousand of the pimples on his ass that have already been convicted, and another thousand that soon will be.
This is a bigger FBI blunder and misstep than the Russia Hoax...
The FBI tells social media the Hunter Biden laptop is Putin misinformation.

The story is spiked.

Biden wins.

Is this rigging an election?

Is it fraud? Is it tampering?
It wouldn't work with an honorable American company...
But our big tech are run by anti border globalists who hate the concept of America First... fakebook was willing and able... and now the dirty T-shirt is losing money faster than you can say MAGA.....
The FBI will take the necessary measures and it won't be in the public eye or particularly legal measures. Their first priority is protecting national security and that will become their only priority.

Fascism can't be stopped by legal means and never has been in it's relatively short history.

Hitler was 'nearly' stopped in the July 20th. plot, but that failed and fascism went on to take it's toll.

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