15-Year-Old “Boy” Goes Through Menopause

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
This is apparently a year old but got picked up


15-Year-Old “Boy” Goes Through Menopause

It is a proud moment in a moonbat mommy’s life when she can watch her 15-year-old transgender son go through menopause. “Menopause” in this case refers to the poor health the girl is experiencing as a result of drugs intended to transform her into a boy:
Carolyn Tate, based in Brisbane, Australia, wrote in April that her gender-confused daughter is going through “early menopause” and she’s “so proud of him.”

“My 15-year-old son started feeling nauseous and ‘a bit off’ a couple of weeks ago. He skipped dinner and headed to bed early, but the next morning he still wasn’t himself. The nausea had lifted but it was replaced with sweats and hot flashes,” Tate wrote, adding, “It was when we started googling the symptoms that the penny dropped: my son was going through menopause.”
“He” wasn’t “himself.” If only liberals could develop a sense of irony, it might hold them back from such lunatic extremes.

Tate, a journalist, has her daughter on puberty blockers to derange her development. This supposedly produced “menopause” by preventing estrogen production. It could also make the girl infertile, even after she outgrows the demented transgender fad. Bone fragility is another likely outcome, but no worries, Tate is providing her young science project with vitamins. How the puberty blockers affect brain development is still unknown.


A journalist !
Oh I'm shocked

She so wonderful !she got all the right twitter emojis....and gets to talk about the oppression, hate, and bigotry the family faces ...but she found amazing support ,love and acceptance from the community..along with physicians and mental health expert to help them along her puppy ....I mean daughters journey to realize her true male self

I wonder where dad is?

And if the young lady is vaccinated ....she's in for a rough next few years ...
Ovaries are all dried up and shriveled, hot flashes and mood swings, darn fifteen year old's with and old woman's decline in health, must be rough...
This is apparently a year old but got picked up


15-Year-Old “Boy” Goes Through Menopause

It is a proud moment in a moonbat mommy’s life when she can watch her 15-year-old transgender son go through menopause. “Menopause” in this case refers to the poor health the girl is experiencing as a result of drugs intended to transform her into a boy:
Carolyn Tate, based in Brisbane, Australia, wrote in April that her gender-confused daughter is going through “early menopause” and she’s “so proud of him.”

“My 15-year-old son started feeling nauseous and ‘a bit off’ a couple of weeks ago. He skipped dinner and headed to bed early, but the next morning he still wasn’t himself. The nausea had lifted but it was replaced with sweats and hot flashes,” Tate wrote, adding, “It was when we started googling the symptoms that the penny dropped: my son was going through menopause.”
“He” wasn’t “himself.” If only liberals could develop a sense of irony, it might hold them back from such lunatic extremes.

Tate, a journalist, has her daughter on puberty blockers to derange her development. This supposedly produced “menopause” by preventing estrogen production. It could also make the girl infertile, even after she outgrows the demented transgender fad. Bone fragility is another likely outcome, but no worries, Tate is providing her young science project with vitamins. How the puberty blockers affect brain development is still unknown.

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A journalist !
Oh I'm shocked

She so wonderful !she got all the right twitter emojis....and gets to talk about the oppression, hate, and bigotry the family faces ...but she found amazing support ,love and acceptance from the community..along with physicians and mental health expert to help them along her puppy ....I mean daughters journey to realize her true male self

I wonder where dad is?

And if the young lady is vaccinated ....she's in for a rough next few years ...
It is never going to end, until the shooting starts.......
“He” wasn’t “himself.” If only liberals could develop a sense of irony, it might hold them back from such lunatic extremes.
Such is the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate of the authoritarian right; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – they fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
There lies the issue. And it is not authoritarian right or conservatives compelling conformity. There must be a balance between conformity and individual expressions for the good of a free nation surviving. Chaos and anarchy enforced by a strong central government ends up without the chaos and anarchy and eventually a much stronger central government and a poorer people.
“He” wasn’t “himself.” If only liberals could develop a sense of irony, it might hold them back from such lunatic extremes.
Such is the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate of the authoritarian right; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – they fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
Free expression is giving hormone blockers to children who haven't fully developed.....?how so?
We're talking about dangerous long term health consequences not some fully grown adult trannie walking up 6th Ave

The friggin progs are the biggest authoritarian conformist around ...friggin nazi rats
15-year-old transgender son go through menopause. “Menopause” in this case refers to the poor health the girl is experiencing as a result of drugs intended to transform her into a boy:
That's what happened to me against my will. I was born with some type of metastatic ovarian cancer — over 40, no menopause.
How the puberty blockers affect brain development is still unknown.
Damn docs need to answer on a medieval rack for practicing medieval medicine in the 21st century.
Again we have to understand explosives. First. They don’t actually explode. They burn incredibly hot and fast.
There is a strong vested interest in the vice community to "create" transgender children and children with other sexual anomalies by modifying their genitals with injections of hormones and anabolic steroids and by other means in the womb.
Heaven knows what chemicals are they feeding these poor children.

Xcuse me :eusa_sick:

Actually, they are pretty well known. Drugs like Lupron have been used for decades for prostrate cancer sufferers and the side effects are very well documented.

But its really something different if you give it to a man who is gravely ill, than if you give it to a healthy kid to feed his delusion that he is actually a chick.
“He” wasn’t “himself.” If only liberals could develop a sense of irony, it might hold them back from such lunatic extremes.
Such is the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate of the authoritarian right; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – they fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
So is it a good thing or a bad thing that this girl is having her body messed up by these drugs?

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