15 unhealthy foods that people won't stop eating.

9. Pizza - the narrator is a sociopath for dissing pizza. And he's ignorant. A pepperoni pizza is more than 311 calories. If it were that small amount, what's the problem?
The guy sounds like a typical LWNJ. He's so ignorant of nutritional science that he says pizza contains harmful substances like calories, fat, and sodium. First of all, like many public school victims, I don't think he knows what a calorie is. A food calorie (technically kilocalorie) is not a substance at all, let alone a harmful substance. It is a unit of energy equivalent to 4180 joules.

Fat is a macronutrient and sodium is an essential electrolyte. Without consuming these two substances you will die in short order.

They are not harmful substances.

Let's examine what a typical American pizza it made of from a nutritional standpoint. You've got bread, marinara sauce and cheese. All very healthy foods. Plus whatever variety of other veggies and meats you prefer.

A pizza can meet all of your nutritional needs. Pizza tastes so good because it's so good for you.

That's another nice bit of disinformation via junk science. It is impossible to diagnose obesity via BMI. It's been thoroughly debunked.

BMI is derived from a 19th century algorithm based on a height/weight ratio called the Quetelet index that was re-popularized by the infamous psuedoscientist fraudster Ancil Keyes in the 1970's. Yep, the same Ancil Keyes who cherry picked data to trick the public and policymakers into believing that dietary saturated fat was unhealthy and would clog your arteries, thus leading to the ubiquitous use of artificial trans-fats such as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which actually are very unhealthy.

Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.

BMI cannot be used to measure or even estimate body fat.

According to BMI charts, most of the NBA and NFL is overweight or obese fer crissakes.

On the BMI chart 30 or over is categorized as obese.

Mike Tyson in his prime. 5'10" 220lbs
BMI = 31.6


I dare you to call him obese.

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Fat is a macronutrient and sodium is an essential electrolyte. Without consuming these two substances you will die in short order.

Too much sodium and you will die. You only need 500 mg a day.

Pizza has a lot of sodium in it.

So, the recommended amount is 2,300 mg a day. I am on a low sodium diet and can only do 1400 mg. For me that is about 1 1/2 pieces of pizza and nothing else.

Sodium is in every damn thing. I would encourage any one to track your intake on a single day. It's mind blowing.

Too much sodium and you will die. You only need 500 mg a day.
:lol: Maybe a very sedentary post-menopausal woman only needs that much. Active people need more. After a just a couple hours of working on a hot day, there's probably a lot more than 500mg visibly encrusted on my t-shirt after I take it off and let the sweat dry.

Pizza has a lot of sodium in it.
That's what makes it a great source of that essential nutrient.

So, the recommended amount is 2,300 mg a day. I am on a low sodium diet and can only do 1400 mg. For me that is about 1 1/2 pieces of pizza and nothing else.

Sodium is in every damn thing. I would encourage any one to track your intake on a single day. It's mind blowing.
I certainly track mine to make sure I get enough. The muscle cramps caused by low sodium are a bitch. That's why I always keep a tube of salty mixed nuts in my toolbelt when I'm working. To make sure I don't forget to get enough of the 5 main electrolytes. The salt obviously covers sodium and chloride, and the nuts provide calcium, magnesium and phosphate.

The human body will excrete excess sodium via sweat and urine but it cannot produce it. And low sodium can kill you very quickly. I saw a guy die from that on a jobsite once. Look up hyponatremia.

If your doctor has you on a low sodium diet you probably have some serious health problems such as impaired hepatic or renal function. There is no legit medical reason for healthy people to restrict their sodium intake.
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So, the recommended amount is 2,300 mg a day. I am on a low sodium diet and can only do 1400 mg. For me that is about 1 1/2 pieces of pizza and nothing else.
If you make your own pizza at home, you can control the sodium, glutins, trans fats and everything else. It's basically flour, olive oil, water and yeast for the dough ( Healthy flours are the best but they can turn out too bready if not done right) Tomato sauce, herbs and spices for the sauce, and then everything else is up to you.

Same with breads, pasta, desserts and most things.
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^^^ I think you are quoting someone else's message by mistake instead of something that came from me because I don't remember ever saying such a thing about pizza or being on a low sodium diet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Carbs are what I have been staying away from.
11. Deep Fried Snacks - in moderation, quite tasty.
I agree. And this is another example of misinformation in the video in the OP by Angelo

The guy in the video says frying in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil adds a lot of cholesterol to fried foods. He clearly has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

The fact of the matter is that vegetables contain no cholesterol whatsoever. Only animal products contain cholesterol. This is nutrition 101. The guy has no fucking clue.

And even that's besides the point for 2 reasons.

1)Dietary cholesterol is not bad for you in the first place.

2)His claim that fried foods are usually fried in partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil is patently false.

While it used to be ubiquitous, no major restaurant chains use that stuff anymore. In fact, partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil has been practically phased out of the food supply chain in America and other countries. The only exception I can think of is microwave popcorn.

And he also falsely claims that frying sucks all of the nutrients out of food. Actually the opposite is true. Frying displaces moisture with fat. Frying actually adds nutrients to food. That's why fried foods have more calories in the first place.
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What's that supposed to mean ?
Artificial sweeteners cause obesity too. Betcha didn't know that.
I've known that artificial sweeteners may contribute to obesity and other health issues for many years. You shouldn't put that crap in your body.

I've been studying nutritional science for over 40 years and worked as nutritionist/personal trainer professionally with clients that varied from elite athletes, including a world record breaking powerlifter, to skinny guys who wanted to beef up, to rich middle aged women who wanted their college figure back.

And could charge big bucks because I got results.
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