15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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You can continue to call it evilution and evilutionists for the atheists who believe in it. That sounds too right for some reason.

Have you heard this riddle:
What was Hitler's favorite drink?

Concentrated Jews. ...

I guess this expresses your racist hate against me and my Jewish ancestors who had been Germans.
Read what I wrote.
You don't know what you wrote? I know what God wrote about atheists, ags and sinners.

How can I put it in scientific terms?

While there are significant differences between atheists and ags, the end result is the same according to Scripture. The rejection of Jesus and eternity in hell.

The problem can be traced back to the educational system.

When God was unceremoniously kicked out of schools in 1963, the educational system did not remain neutral. It became decidedly agnostic. Over time this agnosticism changed. As students continued their education into high school, and especially college, that agnosticism morphed into atheism.

Today, the atheism is more brazen. If religion is discussed in the classroom in a positive light, then cults and world religions are given more time and better marks than true Christianity.

If creation science can be taught in public schools, then I think creationism will be able to make a comeback. The scientific evidence is with them. Yet, it has been a hard road as creationism hasn't had a chance in public schools as atheist scientists took power.
You don't know what you wrote? ,..

Read it and you know that I was right to say so. Why you deny a simple truth is one of your worst problems. Every child is able to see that the hand of a gorilla and the hand of a human being are more similar than the paws of a human and the paws of a dog, maybug. Some structures of paws are more near - others are more far. Evolution is a modular system.

Or with other words. We are creation like our sisters and brothers gorillas and dogs.
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You don't know what you wrote? I know what God wrote about atheists, ags and sinners. ...

You "know" you are a good man who will come alone into his own heaven because you are the only one who is right. But this is not written in the bible.
The evolutionary tree branches off into new species. Apes and humans have a common ancestor that doesn’t exist any more. Humans evolved into the different races,

Biologically exists only one human race on this planet.

otherwise, where do all the races come from?

From idiotic thoughts and some unimportant visible differences - specially in the color of the skin. About 70,000 years ago our all ancestors died nearly out. We all come from less than a population of 1000 individuals who had survived. That's why we have a very small genetical bandwidth.
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And it's a little more what Christians believe than only not to believe in gods. By the way: Did you know that the early Christians were often called "atheists"?
Who cares what they believe? Words have meaning. They can use a different word, then.

The vast majority of atheists are agnostic atheists.
Who cares what they believe? Words have meaning. They can use a different word, then.

The vast majority of atheists are agnostic atheists.

What's English nonsense. An agnostics who is an atheist would say "I am not believing in god" or "I believe god not exists". But most atheists know that god not exists and the people who believe in god are mad and not able to be taken serios. They have not any idea about how someone is able to be so unbelievable stupid to believe in god.
An agnostics who is an atheist would say "I am not believing in god" or "I believe god not exists".
No. An agnostic atheist would say that maybe gods exist, but they don't accept belief in any gods.

A gnostic atheist would assert that there are no gods.


And agnostic atheist would say that maybe God's exist but they don't accept belief in any gods.

You are now in a so called "devil's circle" (circulus vitiosus) . You start always again from the same point in the hope one day you will get your result - but this day will never come.

A gnostic atheist would assert that there are no gods.

Again: It's Jews, Christians and Muslims for example who don't believe in gods. And only Muslims (¿and atheists?) don't accept the belief in any gods as far as I know. Jews and Christians just simple don't believe in gods on their own.
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Because "we" - the godless fools who call themselves homo sapiens sapiens - still did not wipe them out.
For what reason would you want to "wipe them out?" The apes did nothing or did they?


Here's a different chimp story:

Chimp Raised by Humans Killed by Fellow Chimps After Trying to Integrate

What you claim would be an interesting topic if it were true. What is going to wipe the dinosaurs out? They would be the king of beasts during you so-called prehistoric times, no?
Every child is able to see that the hand of a gorilla and the hand of a human being are more similar than the paws of a human and the paws of a dog, maybug. Some structures of paws are more near - others are more far. Evolution is a modular system.
Why can't you see a gorilla is a gorilla and a human a human? They're much different and you do not seem to realize how a gorilla uses his hands. You didn't know a gorilla uses his hands for walking -- a knuckle walker. I would hope the creationist kids would say something like that. Besides, it was an ape-human that was our common ancestor, so even evolution contradicts you. Does evilution say it was a gorilla? I don't think so. And you didn't answer my question of why apes and monkeys are still around. It means I win again because evolution didn't explain it, no?

You "know" you are a good man who will come alone into his own heaven because you are the only one who is right. But this is not written in the bible.
I'm not only one who is right. Where did I say that? I did say what the Bible said would happen to atheists, ags and sinner. You have some wacky thoughts and ideas about Christianity. I think mostly I discuss creation science here. Also, that evolution is wrong and a lie.
No shkidding, Sherlock.

Since you chose to truncate my answer instead of replying to it like an adult, here it is again (link is provided):

I'll take this opportunity to add, "the conditions that existed on Earth during his lifetime" include relatively recently discovering the microscope, for example, without which Pasteur would have effectively been blind. Since Pasteur, our equipment and scientific understanding has again improved tremendously. Instead of embracing that, you choose to regress back to the time when people had no choice but to fear gods and spiritual nonsense. Enjoy. I prefer experiencing current reality, no matter how harsh, and helping to improve upon it.. instead of doing whatever you imagine you're doing.
>>under the conditions that existed on Earth during his lifetime. But his experiment did not prove that spontaneous generation never occurred.<<

It never occurred because you have no evidence nor experiment to show spontaneous generation/abiogenesis.

The science backs me up as we found no life whatsoever besides on Earth. Science has also found what we need for the basics of life and what could destroy it. It also has found there is intelligence behind the design of living organisms. Atheists such as you only have fake science papers used to get funding for the atheist scientists who wrote it.

It goes to show atheists do not accept scientific evidence from experiment and have nothing to scientifically back their religious beliefs. IOW, their mythical religious beliefs override real science.

ETA: Humans lived with dinosaurs, so that destroys your fake evolutionary beliefs. Richard Dawkins has admitted as much -- Implications of Dino-human coexistence: EVOLUTION OBLITERATED!!!.

I guess I win the overall argument of creation vs evolution once again. Let's face it. I am the winner. You are the loser. That's how science works when tow opponents do not agree on a science matter.
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For what reason would you want to "wipe them out?" ...

I (= all human beings) - wipe out other species because of the own suicidal egocentrism and a deep lack of understanding of all real structures of the world. You are a good example for an "unreal" and "untrue" human being who speaks out a lot of superflous unreasonable bullshit about natural science and about the Christian religion (=rebound in god). If you would take serios god's creation then you would feel to be responsible for all living species of the whole living creation of god.

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Why can't you see a gorilla is a gorilla and a human a human? They're much different and you do not seem to realize how a gorilla uses his hands. You didn't know a gorilla uses his hands for walking -- a knuckle walker. I would hope the creationist kids would say something like that. Besides, it was an ape-human that was our common ancestor, so even evolution contradicts you. Does evilution say it was a gorilla? I don't think so. And you didn't answer my question of why apes and monkeys are still around. It means I win again because evolution didn't explain it, no?

I'm not only one who is right. Where did I say that? I did say what the Bible said would happen to atheists, ags and sinner. You have some wacky thoughts and ideas about Christianity. I think mostly I discuss creation science here. Also, that evolution is wrong and a lie.
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LMAO:laughing0301:, Joe because you believe in fairy tales of atheism. Yours is not a true religion, but a delusion.

The common ancestor NEVER existed because no one has ever seen it, those people never wrote down any history such as their names, where they lived and who they were related to. They do not have a history of what they did and what kind of civilization they built and lived under. Thus, anyone who describes evolution is a BIG FAT LIAR. Your atheist scientists are LIARS! Otherwise, they would have the hard evidence and we'd see the actual evidence in museums. Mostly, it's made up exhibits. I wouldn't pay money to see that.
So because it's not written down in a book of fiction, it never existed? That's a pretty ignorant comment. Evolution exists and I'll prove it to you. Just look at houses and clothes from 300 years ago, everything was smaller, you can see that fr yourself in old building and historical clothes. Meaning that as man goes forward in time, he's getting taller. That's man evolving into a taller being.
So because it's not written down in a book of fiction, it never existed? That's a pretty ignorant comment. Evolution exists and I'll prove it to you. Just look at houses and clothes from 300 years ago, everything was smaller, you can see that fr yourself in old building and historical clothes. Meaning that as man goes forward in time, he's getting taller. That's man evolving into a taller being.

The homo erectus had hundreds of thousands of years about the same size as we have today - he was very big: 1.45-1.80 meter = 1.6-2 yards! That human beings had been often smaller in the past is an effect of a lack of food (and/or a bad quality of food) and not really an effect of the biological evolution of the homo sapiens.
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