15,700 year old arrowheads found in Idaho.

They have dated artifacts found in FL to 14.5K and to 13K years ago here in Virginia so I don't find it all that intriguing as to the timeline, more of a one-up numbers game....Still neat to find though.

I found a Pre-Clovis "knife" along a small stream that dumps into the Shenandoah River that's estimated to be 9-11K years old.....The little stream, maybe a yard wide most of the time, is deeply cut with 20' banks on either side. You can still go there and pick points out of the sides of those banks.

LOL....I bet only a handful of people even know about it. Where it hits the river there is a gravel bar and you can easily pick-up a baker's dozen points in a couple minutes if the river is low, most will be broken though. We used to skip them across the river.

I'd save most of the unbroken ones for my Uncle who was a huge collector. I understand that before his death last year he donated the collection to a local collage. I guess my knife is there now. ;)

My grandfather's farm in Mississippi turned up hundreds of arrowheads.
As are, I suppose, most Native Americans, their ancestors having migrated over here from the eastern end of Asia.
What's that have to do with the history of Europeans in NA?
Because Jury was out on Kennewick Man being European before cowardly Scientists under pressure from Feds & Army Corps of Engineers gave remains to Tribes

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