12 states to sue Trump admin. over citizenship census question

hideous creatures

If I was an impoverished person from south of the border I'd probably sneak in seeking a better life for me and my family. It's one thing to have the position that we can't care for all of the poor people of the world, and that Americans need to come first. It's something else entirely to see these people as less than human and have no understanding of why they do what they do. The hideous creatures are people like you.

What Mexicans need to do is fight to make their country better. If we are to let them slide in, then there is no incentive for them to better their country. It will always be a crap hole because if things get too bad, just jump across the border and problems solved.
The guesstimate on illegals is around 11 to 14 million depending on who you ask. They get some support from Americans particularly leftist. Maybe if Americans knew the real number which is probably around 35 million, they would be less supportive of policies that favor illegals.

The govt has been saying 11 million illegals for the last 40 years!!! It's absurd and everyone knows it. More like 50 million.
Count the illegals.................get more people in the district..................get more representation................

Most high population areas, aka large cities............vote Democratic......

Go figure they would defend this tooth and nail............

For the same reason they don't want a wall and ignore our immigration laws.

The guesstimate on illegals is around 11 to 14 million depending on who you ask. They get some support from Americans particularly leftist. Maybe if Americans knew the real number which is probably around 35 million, they would be less supportive of policies that favor illegals.

Can't imagine anyone supportive of 11 million would not be supportive of 35 million. After all they want anyone and everyone to financially support them except themselves.
What Mexicans need to do is fight to make their country better. If we are to let them slide in, then there is no incentive for them to better their country. It will always be a crap hole because if things get too bad, just jump across the border and problems solved.

You don't understand the problem. Most illegals are hispanic indians and much inferior to the hispanics who are descended from the european colonists of 400 years ago.

There is no way to better mexico as long as there are so many indians there. They are only fit for welfare and mexico is smart to encourage them to come here.
hideous creatures

If I was an impoverished person from south of the border I'd probably sneak in seeking a better life for me and my family. It's one thing to have the position that we can't care for all of the poor people of the world, and that Americans need to come first. It's something else entirely to see these people as less than human and have no understanding of why they do what they do. The hideous creatures are people like you.

No, the hideous creature is you. There are impoverished people from all over the world that want to come here. Most of them don't have the luxury of illegally crossing the border and seeking out a liberal sanctuary city. If someone, say from the Philippines, is lucky enough to get sponsored to come here they have to declare at customs, but they can't stay forever in a sanctuary city. Every time a hideous creature like yourself illegally crosses the border you essentially cut the line in front of people trying to do it legally.

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