12 Days of Obamacare Surprises


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The Individual Mandate

In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimated that 4 million people would pay the penalty in 2016 and that collections from those penalties would be about $4 billion per year between 2017 and 2019.

In 2012, the CBO and JCT updated their estimate of those paying the mandate to 6 million people in 2016, totaling $7 billion in tax revenue and growing to $8 billion per year from 2017-2022.

Surprise: That’s an increase of 2 million more uninsured people paying the penalty each year and about $3 billion more in tax collections annually.

Obamacare Surprises: The Individual Mandate
Damn. So six million people would otherwise be totally milking the system and getting Eisenhower/Nixon/Reagan era socialized healthcar if Obama did not slap them with that silly fine.

I say doubke the fine every year!

Well we just can't send folks to debtors prison....moderation I must remind myself.
Damn. So six million people would otherwise be totally milking the system and getting Eisenhower/Nixon/Reagan era socialized healthcar if Obama did not slap them with that silly fine.

I say doubke the fine every year!

Well we just can't send folks to debtors prison....moderation I must remind myself.

First of all, if these people are sooooo poor and exploited, how are they going to pay the fine?

Second, and much more importantly, they can only "milk the system" because of the idiot liberal dumbocrat policy that set up the system, allowing it to be milked in the first place.

If hospitals could do what other businesses can do (and ALL businesses should be able to do), and turn away customers who can't pay, then none of this would be a problem.
Damn. So six million people would otherwise be totally milking the system and getting Eisenhower/Nixon/Reagan era socialized healthcar if Obama did not slap them with that silly fine.

I say doubke the fine every year!

Well we just can't send folks to debtors prison....moderation I must remind myself.

First of all, if these people are sooooo poor and exploited, how are they going to pay the fine?

Second, and much more importantly, they can only "milk the system" because of the idiot liberal dumbocrat policy that set up the system, allowing it to be milked in the first place.

If hospitals could do what other businesses can do (and ALL businesses should be able to do), and turn away customers who can't pay, then none of this would be a problem.

Jusy curious, who did set up the old system. I blamed Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan somewhat as a joke. Well, none really did anything about it.

I suppose we must first know when going to the doctor became a good idea and then when it became so costly. Was it the 50's? Did doctors always treat those who could not pay?
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the Small Employer Tax Credit would cost the federal government $37 billion over 10 years.

In 2012, the CBO updated its estimate, projecting the credit would cost $23 billion over 10 years.

Surprise: The small business tax credit is now projected to cost $14 billion less than the original estimate. This is largely due to a drastic overestimate of how many small employers would apply or be eligible for the credit. Of the possible 4 million small employers that were eligible, only about 170,000 received the credit. In 2010, the credits paid to small employers were only $468 million compared to the initial cost estimate of $2 billion.

For small employers, this tax credit is more like getting coal in your stocking than a gift.

12 Days of Obamacare Surprises: Small Business Tax Credit
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare’s provisions would generate $669 billion in additional revenue for the federal government from 2010-2019. This figure includes taxes, penalties, fees, and associated effects on revenue from Obamacare and excludes tax credits.

In 2012, the CBO updated its projections for the same taxes, penalties, fees, and associated effects to equal $1.24 trillion (excluding tax credits) from 2013-2022—which includes two additional years of Obamacare’s implementation. One of the many reasons the estimate is higher is because the number of people paying the individual mandate tax has increased by 2 million.

Surprise: That’s an increase of $571 billion worth of taxes, fees, penalties, and effects on the American public, all to pay for Obamacare. Now that’s a crummy Obamacare gift Americans won’t be happy to receive.

Obamacare Taxes: 12 Days of Obamacare Surprises
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that exchange subsidies would average $6,000 per enrollee in 2019, for a total cost of $113 billion.

In 2012, the CBO updated its projection for an average subsidy cost of $6,470 per enrollee in 2019. The total cost of subsidies and related spending is now projected to be $137 billion in 2019.

Surprise: With premiums higher than initially anticipated, the average subsidy is now projected to cost $470 more per person in 2019 alone. This increase in projections of about 8 percent is an indication that both health care premiums and the cost of Obamacare will continue to rise faster than reindeer take flight!

Obamacare Subsidies: Exchange Subsidies to Cost More
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare would insure 32 million non-elderly people by 2019, leaving 23 million non-elderly Americans uninsured.

In 2012, the CBO updated its projection to show that Obamacare would provide coverage for 36 million people through Medicaid and subsidized coverage in the government-run exchanges, leaving 30 million Americans uninsured in 2022.

Surprise: That’s a projected increase of 7 million additional Americans who will remain uninsured despite Obamacare’s costly efforts to expand coverage.

“7 swans-a-swimming?” 7 million more-a-sinking is more like it.

Obamacare Will Leave Uninsured Americans
In the March 2012 baseline, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that by 2022, Obamacare would enroll 17 million additional Americans into Medicaid.

In a July 2012 update, the CBO incorporated the Supreme Court decision that made Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion optional for states. Now that states have a choice in the matter, the CBO decreased its Medicaid enrollment projection by 6 million people in 2022.

Surprise: Without explaining their methodology, the CBO projected that exactly half of those no longer projected to be on Medicaid would become uninsured and that the other half would enroll in the exchanges. CBO’s rationale is about as clear as eggnog.

Obamacare: Half Not Enrolling in Medicaid Become Uninsured
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that by 2019, three million fewer individuals would have employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) due to Obamacare’s impact.

In March 2012, the CBO updated its estimate to show that by 2016, six million fewer Americans would be enrolled in employer coverage.
In a separate report, the CBO projected the loss of ESI under different scenarios, one of which showed a loss of ESI coverage for 20 million Americans by 2019. The CBO reports show that businesses are less likely to offer coverage to employees under Obamacare.

Surprise: If you like your coverage, Obamacare might prevent you from keeping it. While estimates vary on exactly how many people will lose their coverage, it’s clear that it will be millions. Obamacare is the gift that keeps on giving—results that Americans don’t want.

Obamacare May Result in Loss of Employer-Sponsored Insurance
This thread is like a big advertisement for states to say yes to the Medicaid expansion. I agree, let's hope they make the right choice!
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that Obamacare would reduce Medicare spending by over $500 billion from 2010–2019.

In 2012, the CBO updated its estimate to total $716 billion in Medicare payment cuts from 2013–2022. The payment cuts will be made to Medicare Advantage, hospital services, home health services, nursing home services, and more.

Surprise: Medicare payment reductions are now estimated to be $200 billion more than they were in 2010. But the real surprise is that despite Medicare’s serious financing issues, these Medicare “savings” are used to pay for new spending in Obamacare, not to improve Medicare’s solvency.

Obamacare: Drastic Medicare Cuts Equals Medicare Reform
This thread is like a big advertisement for states to say yes to the Medicaid expansion. I agree, let's hope they make the right choice!

Oh the irony of this statement. It was your side of the aisle that created Medicaid - against the staunch opposition by Republican's during the 1960's. Here we are today, you admitting it is a failure... :rofl:

The sad part is, rather than learn from the stupidity, your solution to your failed policy is to create a new and larger Medicaid, on steroids 10x's over.

I give it about 10 years, before you people claim it is a disaster and the only solution is a single payer, government-run healthcare system... :cuckoo:
In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that Obamacare would reduce Medicare spending by over $500 billion from 2010–2019.

In 2012, the CBO updated its estimate to total $716 billion in Medicare payment cuts from 2013–2022. The payment cuts will be made to Medicare Advantage, hospital services, home health services, nursing home services, and more.

Surprise: Medicare payment reductions are now estimated to be $200 billion more than they were in 2010. But the real surprise is that despite Medicare’s serious financing issues, these Medicare “savings” are used to pay for new spending in Obamacare, not to improve Medicare’s solvency.

Obamacare: Drastic Medicare Cuts Equals Medicare Reform

Let's be honest folks, the left wants nothing more than to see the elderly die (and die quickly). They have short term voter worth and long term serious cost detriment. Better to promise the youth - who have many years of voting and little healthcare costs - the sky and fuck the elderly over. By the time the dumb youth realizes what happened, these people will be dead or out of office.

Give the devil his due - nobody is more brilliant at manipulation and propaganda (ie left-wing politics) than the dumbocrats. Even the Nazi's can't hang with them when it comes this.
This thread is like a big advertisement for states to say yes to the Medicaid expansion. I agree, let's hope they make the right choice!

Oh the irony of this statement. It was your side of the aisle that created Medicaid - against the staunch opposition by Republican's during the 1960's. Here we are today, you admitting it is a failure... :rofl:

Medicaid isn't a failure. You (or Heritage, I suppose) seem concerned that not expanding it means less coverage and higher premiums relative to a world in which Medicaid is expanded. That's a valid concern. So let's hope most states choose to go forward with the expansion.

I give it about 10 years, before you people claim it is a disaster and the only solution is a single payer, government-run healthcare system... :cuckoo:

The solution to Medicaid is single-payer?
In 2014, Obamacare requires all businesses with 50 or more full-time employees to provide government-approved health coverage for their workers or pay a $2,000 penalty for each employee after the first 30 workers.

In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that total penalties paid by employers from 2010–2019 would equal $52 billion.

In 2012, the CBO updated its estimate for penalties paid by employers from 2013–2022 to total $106 billion.

Surprise: Employers are now estimated to pay more than twice the amount in penalties compared to the original estimate. Too bad employers won’t be able to re-gift Obamacare’s mandate.

Obamacare: Increased Employer Penalties
This thread is like a big advertisement for states to say yes to the Medicaid expansion. I agree, let's hope they make the right choice!

Oh the irony of this statement. It was your side of the aisle that created Medicaid - against the staunch opposition by Republican's during the 1960's. Here we are today, you admitting it is a failure... :rofl:

Medicaid isn't a failure. You (or Heritage, I suppose) seem concerned that not expanding it means less coverage and higher premiums relative to a world in which Medicaid is expanded. That's a valid concern. So let's hope most states choose to go forward with the expansion.

I give it about 10 years, before you people claim it is a disaster and the only solution is a single payer, government-run healthcare system... :cuckoo:

The solution to Medicaid is single-payer?

No, the solution to Medicaid is to get rid of it. However, the left's solution to everything is to hand over full control to the government and let them decide how to ration it all (whether it be healthcare, food, housing, jobs, etc.).
This thread is like a big advertisement for states to say yes to the Medicaid expansion. I agree, let's hope they make the right choice!

Oh the irony of this statement. It was your side of the aisle that created Medicaid - against the staunch opposition by Republican's during the 1960's. Here we are today, you admitting it is a failure... :rofl:

Medicaid isn't a failure. You (or Heritage, I suppose) seem concerned that not expanding it means less coverage and higher premiums relative to a world in which Medicaid is expanded. That's a valid concern. So let's hope most states choose to go forward with the expansion.

I give it about 10 years, before you people claim it is a disaster and the only solution is a single payer, government-run healthcare system... :cuckoo:

The solution to Medicaid is single-payer?

It has "unfunded liabilities" into the trillions and is "running deficits" currently. Those are both nice ways of saying BANKRUPT.

And bankrupt is just the business world's way of saying FAILURE.
A Obamaturd was on a right-wing talk radio show the other day arguing for Obamacare and he summed it up....."It was unfair some people have good insurance policies and other don't, so more people need to suffer by being under the same coverage with Obamacare."

That was his salespitch....

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