11 Trillion Gallons of Water Force Small Government Cons to Go Begging

Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

There's an easy way to solve that problem: simply terminate the programs that send this money to red states.
After thinking about it, if Obama had any balls at all he would have demanded the entire state government and federal delegation sign an agreement securing South Carolina's future attention to eliminating anthropogenic global warming and ensuring South Carolina and its citizens work diligently to that end.

Why would they work to resolve a fiction?

Supporters say many of the appropriations are necessary to respond to disasters, though some are unrelated to the storm:

¶ $150 million for fisheries in Alaska.

¶ $2 million to fix museum roofs in Washington.

¶ $20 million for watershed restoration in response to wildfires in Colorado.

¶ $1 million for the Legal Services Corporation.

¶ $56.8 million for tsunami marine debris remediation.

¶ $5 million for Corps of Engineers investigations unrelated to the hurricane.

¶ $499 million in Corps of Engineers construction funds for disasters occurring before the storm.

¶ $578 million for flood-control mitigation projects by the corps unrelated to the storm.

¶ $28 million for watershed protection activities unrelated to the storm.

¶ $4 million to the F.B.I. to replace vehicles, office equipment and furniture.

¶ $1 million for the Drug Enforcement Administration to replace 15 vehicles and equipment.

¶ $230,000 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to replace three vehicles and furniture.

¶ $15 million for construction at NASA facilities, including restoration of sand berms.

¶ $855,000 to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to replace vehicles.

¶ $300,000 for the Secret Service to replace vehicles and communications equipment.

¶ $50 million for National Park Service historic preservation activities.

¶ $150 million for the Interior Department to create a fund that may be used for restoration at national parks and refuges affected by disasters.
How dare the government spend money to prepare for future disasters so they might cost less.
How dare they attach funding for other projects in a BILL FOR A CURRENT SITUATION.
How dare a current situation make them aware of related problems that need attention.
If that spending is necessary, then by all means put it to a vote in another bill.......................I don't like earmarks..........aka bribes.

If it's worth it's salt it will pass............if not GOOD BYE.

Yeah but now New York and New Jersey isn't likely to support it. Funny how Karma works.

You mean, what colossal hypocrites the representatives from New York and New Jersey are.
Apparently BILLIONS of DemocRAT PORK, attached to the Sandy bill, and responsible financial oversight by Republicans to curtail the THIEF of our money by DemocRATS, doesn't matter to the lying, fucking OP and his bullshit... Send a CLEAN BILL and all would have been taken care of..why did the Northern DemocRATS respond with a CLEAN BILL... Because that's NOT what you do when you are THIEVING DemocRATS!
NOPE! It had some pork in the bill, but it all went to RED STATES, REPUBLICANS....to buy off their votes...so they would vote for the Sandy Relief.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?
Is every location prepared for every thousand yr event?

No, and that's a fair question. I say it's Karma for the way the South Carolina delegation treated others. Others will disagree of course, the real question is why after three years were they not prepared for anything?

Can you prove they werent prepared for anything.......
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You libs often think it's all or nothing with government. Government has a legitimate function, which was never meant to be as intrusive or generous as it is.

The federal government takes a lot of money from states' in taxes and it's reasonable to expect that some comes back in times of need. It's petty to argue that those against a huge, controlling government wouldn't approve of valid functions.

Some people these days have come to expect more than just help. Some individuals expect a new house and a pile of money to be given to them if disaster strikes. It's not enough to help them through it, they want a new, subsidized life and that's a bit unreasonable. Many people suffer tragedy due to tornadoes and other disasters and they don't get everything handed to them. They rebuild, often with help from their communities, but not big government checks. It seems like when there is a big disaster, people think they should make out like lottery winners. There were some family members of 9/11 firemen who sneered at the mere million they'd receive. Seriously. Firemen die every day and their families aren't made wealthy.

Big difference between helping communities after disasters and going as far as giving them more than they had before. People have become greedy and expect government to give them nice homes, furniture and money. Unreasonable.

Expecting that a fraction of the money taken from any state should come back to help in a crisis is totally reasonable. It's not government's money. They are given the responsibility to collect money and spend it for specific purposes. They've expanded what they consider legitimate purposes and it's not hypocritical to criticize that while demanding that they come through for valid reasons.
Why am I not surprised that another partisan hack thinks that they should be able to force a state to pay for a program but that state should not participate is said program. IOW, the only reason the OP is upset is because they are not openly allowed to loot the state in question.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?
Fuck off.
Yeah, unprepared they knew they had no money for three years. Fuck off yourself.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You think Lindsey Graham is a "small government conservative?" That's all we need to know to dismiss your post.

Also, can you explain why people who pay taxes shouldn't receive the benefits they're paying for? Are only government ass kissers allowed to receive government benefits?

Lindsey Graham refused to sign the Sandy bill and now is screaming for help. You didn't want to help people in need when the chips were down what makes these people special?
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You libs often think it's all or nothing with government. Government has a legitimate function, which was never meant to be as intrusive or generous as it is.

The federal government takes a lot of money from states' in taxes and it's reasonable to expect that some comes back in times of need. It's petty to argue that those against a huge, controlling government wouldn't approve of valid functions.

Some people these days have come to expect more than just help. Some individuals expect a new house and a pile of money to be given to them if disaster strikes. It's not enough to help them through it, they want a new, subsidized life and that's a bit unreasonable. Many people suffer tragedy due to tornadoes and other disasters and they don't get everything handed to them. They rebuild, often with help from their communities, but not big government checks. It seems like when there is a big disaster, people think they should make out like lottery winners. There were some family members of 9/11 firemen who sneered at the mere million they'd receive. Seriously. Firemen die every day and their families aren't made wealthy.

Blah, blah, blah. If you refuse help because you stand on values and then turn around and claim you need help what does that make you?

Big difference between helping communities after disasters and going as far as giving them more than they had before. People have become greedy and expect government to give them nice homes, furniture and money. Unreasonable.

Expecting that a fraction of the money taken from any state should come back to help in a crisis is totally reasonable. It's not government's money. They are given the responsibility to collect money and spend it for specific purposes. They've expanded what they consider legitimate purposes and it's not hypocritical to criticize that while demanding that they come through for valid reasons.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.
Why am I not surprised that another partisan hack thinks that they should be able to force a state to pay for a program but that state should not participate is said program. IOW, the only reason the OP is upset is because they are not openly allowed to loot the state in question.

No all I'm saying is that if you refuse funds on principle and do nothing for three years you pretty much stand for nothing.
How dare the government spend money to prepare for future disasters so they might cost less.
How dare they attach funding for other projects in a BILL FOR A CURRENT SITUATION.
How dare a current situation make them aware of related problems that need attention.
If that spending is necessary, then by all means put it to a vote in another bill.......................I don't like earmarks..........aka bribes.

If it's worth it's salt it will pass............if not GOOD BYE.

Yeah but now New York and New Jersey isn't likely to support it. Funny how Karma works.

You mean, what colossal hypocrites the representatives from New York and New Jersey are.

They took care of their citizens.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

So live on them.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

So live on them.

Why? we take $37.5 Billion from red states every year just from the markup.

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