11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

If the victim has a pulse but is not breathing properly you should perform rescue breathing without any chest compressions. Did you notice NYPD perform any rescue breathing attempts?
^Post #462
Where do I claim Garner died in front of the NYPD?
you are infering he died because they did nothing, while he was on the ground, made statements about an inhaler you have no clue about. And blame the police then for the death because they did nothing.
Is it worth it? You don't have any facts, so your entie diatribe didn't mean anything, except guessing on what happened. And in the end, you will most likely be wrong. So I supposed the point is you are wrong!
There's no way of knowing who's right and wrong without access to all the information provided to the GJ; however, that information isn't necessary to determine what actions the NYPD and EMTs took to save Garner's life once he was in custody. They did nothing except feel for a pulse, and that negligence may well be proven in future civil actions.
Is it worth it? You don't have any facts, so your entie diatribe didn't mean anything, except guessing on what happened. And in the end, you will most likely be wrong. So I supposed the point is you are wrong!
There's no way of knowing who's right and wrong without access to all the information provided to the GJ; however, that information isn't necessary to determine what actions the NYPD and EMTs took to save Garner's life once he was in custody. They did nothing except feel for a pulse, and that negligence may well be proven in future civil actions.
yep, it may, or may not! again, your statements were wrong because you don't know and couldn't have known. So you were making a mess on a message board, how adult of you!!!!
Because it's so necessary for you to have an opinion?
More or less.

Since opinions supported by facts become arguments and even though people often draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts, opinions are necessary for those interested in acquiring knowledge.

Opinion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No, I realize that YOU think you have to have one. The question is, is it necessary to the rest of the world for you to have an opinion?

I can't believe you just cited Wikipedia to somehow justify the idea that your morbid curiosity and nosiness should be pandered to.
No, I realize that YOU think you have to have one. The question is, is it necessary to the rest of the world for you to have an opinion?
You're confused about the relevance of holding opinions when posting on message boards?

No, I'm questioning your belief that you're somehow entitled to access to all the evidence presented to a grand jury in order for you personally to have an opinion.

And my, don't you make yourself look brilliant to require having that explained to you in such detail.
No, I'm questioning your belief that you're somehow entitled to access to all the evidence presented to a grand jury in order for you personally to have an opinion.
I never claimed I was "entitled to access to all the evidence presented to a grand jury," Straw Man.

"I don't know enough facts to form an educated opinion yet which is why I support full public disclosure of all testimony and evidence heard by the GJ."

Is it that you're too stupid to know what you said, or that you think my memory's too short to recall it? Or maybe you just think this is going to be the first time ever that leftist hair-splitting and word-parsing is successful.

Yeah, why don't you try that? Meanwhile, in our society these things are determined by grand juries, not armchair-quarterbacking dipshits on the Internet or rampaging thugs in the street. There is no requirement for the case to be tried in the media at any point in time in order to validate, justify, or otherwise "earn" the right for the grand jury decision to stand.
Is it that you're too stupid to know what you said, or that you think my memory's too short to recall it? Or maybe you just think this is going to be the first time ever that leftist hair-splitting and word-parsing is successful.
You're right about that one. I was inadvertently guilty of word parsing. I don't propose replacing grand juries with internet message boards; however, I do believe local DAs can not be in charge of presenting evidence to those bodies whenever a police officer is charged with a crime due to inherent conflict of interest.
Is it that you're too stupid to know what you said, or that you think my memory's too short to recall it? Or maybe you just think this is going to be the first time ever that leftist hair-splitting and word-parsing is successful.
You're right about that one. I was inadvertently guilty of word parsing. I don't propose replacing grand juries with internet message boards; however, I do believe local DAs can not be in charge of presenting evidence to those bodies whenever a police officer is charged with a crime due to inherent conflict of interest.

I don't think that's true at all. I think that there are times where a DA can be corrupt, but for the most part they are not going to jeopardize their jobs for some cop. They also have to share all evidence with the defense.

Brady Rule
The Brady Rule, named for Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), requires prosecutors to disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. "Brady material" or evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule includes any evidence favorable to the accused-- evidence that goes towards negating a defendant's guilt, that would reduce a defendant's potential sentence, or evidence going to the credibility of a witness.

If the prosecution does not disclose material exculpatory evidence under this rule, and prejudice has ensued, the evidence will be suppressed. The evidence will be suppressed regardless of whether the prosecutor knew the evidence was in his or her possession, or whether or not the prosecutor intentionally or inadvertently withheld the evidence from the defense. The defendant bears the burden of proving that the undisclosed evidence was material, and the defendant must show that there is a reasonable probability that there would be a difference in the outcome of the trial had the evidence been disclosed by the prosecutor.
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!

I think we ought to expect to see some "sensitivity" from those police at about the third "I can't breathe".

Eleven is too many. Its Negligent Homicide.

IF he can't breathe, he can't speak! ......Try it!

BTW the cause for his arrest was this.....I found out today that there are HUNDREDS of these people selling UNTAXED cigarettes from out of state and skipping the tax on them. It's so bad that the police have to ARREST these people, instead of just giving them a desk appearance ticket so they can CONFISCATE the cigarettes they are selling.... In the mean time, the cigarettes recovered, and some recoveries have been TRUCK LOADS, are then RESOLD to venders that have SPECIAL licenses from the state to RESELL these cigarettes again IN STATE, supposedly brings in a few MILLION dollars a year!

Nothing, repeat NOTHING the late Eric Garner warranted his homicide (as determined by the Coroner).

Maybe next time you can try telling truth, but being RePug ConJob you would not know the truth if it bite you on your lying ass
I don't think that's true at all. I think that there are times where a DA can be corrupt, but for the most part they are not going to jeopardize their jobs for some cop. They also have to share all evidence with the defense.
There is no "defense counsel" in a grand jury proceeding. Prosecutors determine which evidence to submit and which evidence to leave out. Whenever the defendant in a GJ investigation is a sworn police officer, the DA often functions as a defense counsel for the officer and not a representative of the people.
The cop who had him in the choke hold also had his right arm pinned above his head...so how in the hell were they going to cuff him like that? I'm Karateka but I've done enough mat work to know when to change a hold that isn't accomplishing what you want to do....and that cop should have realized he wasn't giving the guy a chance to submit to arrest. Garner shouldn't have resisted...when they say you're coming with us, you're going with them....easy way or the hard way. I figure he'd been arrested enough times before to know that. Maybe he was just trying to make enough money to buy something to eat or pay his rent....that shouldn't have gotten him killed....everybody involved screwed up.

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