100th Record Dow Since Trump - How Did Obama Do That?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
A serious question here. The Dow closed at it's 100th record closing, since President Trump was elected. The S&P 500 also closed at a record for the 89th time, last Thursday. We are also seeing other signs of a strong economy, including a robust jobs market with low unemployment, soaring consumer confidence and a strong housing market.

Dow’s 100th record close since Election Day

My question is this: What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market?
how did obama do that ?

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

just like that -

Ok. So what did Obama do "just like that", which is causing all these record Dow and S&P numbers?


after ignoring specifics since trump announced he was running, now you want f'n specifics.

too bad fartbreath - suck that 10 year chart.

Yes, I would like specifics. How did Obama fix GW's faltering economy, and give us the record DOW and S&P numbers we're seen in the last three years?

I mean record numbers, like were never seen during the Obama presidency. A 10-year chart doesn't show the full impact of where we are now. AT it's highest point under Obama, the DOW barely his two previous presidents.

Dow Jones - DJIA - 100 Year Historical Chart
So what Obama policy was it that's causing these record DOW and S&P numbers?
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Compared to what happened under Obama, Trump's "records" are kind of lame.

Obviously you can run your mouth, but there are no facts to substantiate what you said.

Obama had 0 record closes during the first four years of his presidency from 2008-2012, 52 record closes in 2013, 38 in 2014, 6 in 2015, and 26 in 2016. That's 122 record stock market closes in 8 whole years.

Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wikipedia

President Trump has had 100 record DJI closings in 2 years, 310 days.

Obama also left office on Jan., 20, 2017. The highest DJI he ever attained during his presidency was 19,974.62 on December 20, 2016.

So what is it that Obama supposedly did to accelerate the market like it is?

Trump has all but crushed the wide-eyed hope of Obama's neoliberal dream, leaving Democrats with no change and plenty of rage.
A serious question here. The Dow closed at it's 100th record closing, since President Trump was elected. The S&P 500 also closed at a record for the 89th time, last Thursday. We are also seeing other signs of a strong economy, including a robust jobs market with low unemployment, soaring consumer confidence and a strong housing market.

Dow’s 100th record close since Election Day

My question is this: What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market?

Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...
how did obama do that ?

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

just like that -
Why would you post this lame shit when the opening post specifically asks: "What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market? Can't you post something that demonstrates that you were able to read and understand the opening post?
Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...

Why would you post this lame shit when the opening post specifically asks: "What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market? Can't you post something that demonstrates that you were able to read and understand the opening post?
Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...

Why would you post this lame shit when the opening post specifically asks: "What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market? Can't you post something that demonstrates that you were able to read and understand the opening post?

A serious question here. The Dow closed at it's 100th record closing, since President Trump was elected. The S&P 500 also closed at a record for the 89th time, last Thursday. We are also seeing other signs of a strong economy, including a robust jobs market with low unemployment, soaring consumer confidence and a strong housing market.

Dow’s 100th record close since Election Day

My question is this: What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market?

Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...

It doesn't matter what Trump did, because we're now in the eleventh year of the Obama economy, isn't that right?
Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...

Why would you post this lame shit when the opening post specifically asks: "What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market? Can't you post something that demonstrates that you were able to read and understand the opening post?

sloooow aint ya -



after ignoring specifics since trump announced he was running, now you want f'n specifics.

too bad fartbreath - suck that 10 year chart.

gfy -
A serious question here. The Dow closed at it's 100th record closing, since President Trump was elected. The S&P 500 also closed at a record for the 89th time, last Thursday. We are also seeing other signs of a strong economy, including a robust jobs market with low unemployment, soaring consumer confidence and a strong housing market.

Dow’s 100th record close since Election Day

My question is this: What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market?

Since you seem to think these things are controlled by the president, what did Trump do...

It doesn't matter what Trump did, because we're now in the eleventh year of the Obama economy, isn't that right?

If you are mindless partisan hack, that is the case. Now I understand why you made the thread.
Compared to what happened under Obama, Trump's "records" are kind of lame.

Some one has to explain that the Dow Jones generally goes up...

So when Trumpy was young they measured his height every week and he got a lollipop for setting a new record height...

This is how lame it is...

Trump is just taking credit for work Obama did and is borrowing hugely to maintain the buzz.. While other economies are preparing for a recession, Trump is spending like a drunken sailor...

When the recession happens if still in power he will come out with 'Nobody saw it coming, Nobody...."

Guess what? We see it coming and what are you doing about it?

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