100-mile US glide bombs fail in Ukraine


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Much-vaunted US-supplied glide bombs given to Ukraine “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud and Russian signal jamming, the Pentagon has admitted.

The long-range weapons, which were not officially named but have been identified online as Boeing’s Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB), were sent to Ukraine to help them hit targets at twice the distance reachable by current rockets.

The delivery of the adapted bombs to Ukraine in late January was met with widespread enthusiasm, with military experts suggesting it could force Russia to relocate supplies farther from the front lines.

But William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s weapon’s acquisition chief, said: “We sent it to the Ukrainians. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for multiple reasons including EMI [Electromagnetic interference] environment, just really, dirt, and doing it on ground.”

“When you send something to people in the fight of their lives that doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and then just throw it aside,” he added at an event at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

A precision-guided bomb with a 100-mile range, the GLSDB attaches to an M26 rocket and is cheaper than the current limited number of Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets the US has sent.

I sure the Uke-Bros would say "fails" is the wrong word and "less accurate" would be a better way of putting it.

The bottom line is this.....If it's not hitting its target it's failing. This is not a weapon where the target is a whole district.

I bet Boeing is pissed that another of their products is a failure....I'm sure they were counting on a big cut of that 65 billion.

Much-vaunted US-supplied glide bombs given to Ukraine “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud and Russian signal jamming, the Pentagon has admitted.

The long-range weapons, which were not officially named but have been identified online as Boeing’s Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB), were sent to Ukraine to help them hit targets at twice the distance reachable by current rockets.

The delivery of the adapted bombs to Ukraine in late January was met with widespread enthusiasm, with military experts suggesting it could force Russia to relocate supplies farther from the front lines.

But William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s weapon’s acquisition chief, said: “We sent it to the Ukrainians. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for multiple reasons including EMI [Electromagnetic interference] environment, just really, dirt, and doing it on ground.”

“When you send something to people in the fight of their lives that doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and then just throw it aside,” he added at an event at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

A precision-guided bomb with a 100-mile range, the GLSDB attaches to an M26 rocket and is cheaper than the current limited number of Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets the US has sent.

I sure the Uke-Bros would say "fails" is the wrong word and "less accurate" would be a better way of putting it.

The bottom line is this.....If it's not hitting its target it's failing. This is not a weapon where the target is a whole district.

I bet Boeing is pissed that another of their products is a failure....I'm sure they were counting on a big cut of that 65 billion.

The Biden administration is running that war like a lemonade stand. Remember those M1 Abrams tanks we gave the Ukes? The Russians are finding out their weaknesses and how they can be destroyed.

All we're doing in Ukraine is giving Russia good opportunities for advances in their armament and tactics, and the Chinese are gaining valuable data on how to defeat us.

Russia has found the critical vulnerability in Nato’s American tanks

Much-vaunted US-supplied glide bombs given to Ukraine “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud and Russian signal jamming, the Pentagon has admitted.

The long-range weapons, which were not officially named but have been identified online as Boeing’s Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB), were sent to Ukraine to help them hit targets at twice the distance reachable by current rockets.

The delivery of the adapted bombs to Ukraine in late January was met with widespread enthusiasm, with military experts suggesting it could force Russia to relocate supplies farther from the front lines.

But William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s weapon’s acquisition chief, said: “We sent it to the Ukrainians. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for multiple reasons including EMI [Electromagnetic interference] environment, just really, dirt, and doing it on ground.”

“When you send something to people in the fight of their lives that doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and then just throw it aside,” he added at an event at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

A precision-guided bomb with a 100-mile range, the GLSDB attaches to an M26 rocket and is cheaper than the current limited number of Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets the US has sent.

I sure the Uke-Bros would say "fails" is the wrong word and "less accurate" would be a better way of putting it.

The bottom line is this.....If it's not hitting its target it's failing. This is not a weapon where the target is a whole district.

I bet Boeing is pissed that another of their products is a failure....I'm sure they were counting on a big cut of that 65 billion.

Much-vaunted US-supplied glide bombs given to Ukraine “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud and Russian signal jamming, the Pentagon has admitted.

The long-range weapons, which were not officially named but have been identified online as Boeing’s Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB), were sent to Ukraine to help them hit targets at twice the distance reachable by current rockets.

The delivery of the adapted bombs to Ukraine in late January was met with widespread enthusiasm, with military experts suggesting it could force Russia to relocate supplies farther from the front lines.

But William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s weapon’s acquisition chief, said: “We sent it to the Ukrainians. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for multiple reasons including EMI [Electromagnetic interference] environment, just really, dirt, and doing it on ground.”

“When you send something to people in the fight of their lives that doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and then just throw it aside,” he added at an event at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

A precision-guided bomb with a 100-mile range, the GLSDB attaches to an M26 rocket and is cheaper than the current limited number of Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets the US has sent.

I sure the Uke-Bros would say "fails" is the wrong word and "less accurate" would be a better way of putting it.

The bottom line is this.....If it's not hitting its target it's failing. This is not a weapon where the target is a whole district.

I bet Boeing is pissed that another of their products is a failure....I'm sure they were counting on a big cut of that 65 billion.
Yep....a few heads will roll at Boeing.
Here's the thing, US military contractors have been selling these things to the military for years. Worked pretty good against the goat herds in a desert environment. The Russians saw it, said "hold my vodka" and made it work with great effect in Ukraine where there are actual NATO EW countermeasures.
Here's the thing, US military contractors have been selling these things to the military for years. Worked pretty good against the goat herds in a desert environment.
Military production in the US is conducted for profit, and therefore it was, is, and will be more, extremely more expensive than it needs to be. Plus, trillions of dollars are stolen by the Pentagon and no audit will ever find them, nor will it ever be allowed. Therefore, American weapons will be expensive, too complex and unreliable. Because that's the purpose of production.
In Russia, in spite of capitalism, the Soviet principle of creating weapons still applies: They must be simple, and therefore effective. And it must be cheap.
By the way, this is why the USSR surpassed Nazi Germany and the rest of Europe in the efficiency of military production.
The Biden administration is running that war like a lemonade stand. Remember those M1 Abrams tanks we gave the Ukes? The Russians are finding out their weaknesses and how they can be destroyed.

All we're doing in Ukraine is giving Russia good opportunities for advances in their armament and tactics, and the Chinese are gaining valuable data on how to defeat us.

Russia has found the critical vulnerability in Nato’s American tanks

Our enemies who are running the Biden Administration are using it as a platform to find our weaknesses

Our enemies who are running the Biden Administration are using it as a platform to find our weaknesses

Absolutely! Just like Jimmy Carter's incompetence gave rise to radical Islam, like Bill Clinton set the country for for the 9/11 attack, and like Barack Obama's incompetence caused the whole Middle East to to become a war zone, Joe Biden is setting us up for some serious shit that going to happen in the near future.
Absolutely! Just like Jimmy Carter's incompetence gave rise to radical Islam, like Bill Clinton set the country for for the 9/11 attack, and like Barack Obama's incompetence caused the whole Middle East to to become a war zone, Joe Biden is setting us up for some serious shit that going to happen in the near future.
Hilarious, you’re so full of shit.

Which US president installed the Shaw of Iran?

Which US president ignored his daily briefing in the run up to 911?

Which US president cut and run from Beirut in 84 which led to the rise of the Osama been Ladin?

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