10 year old girl is a 3 gun competitor...she shoots an AR-15, shot gun and pistol...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As in all things it is the person using the gun that determines how that gun will be used...you have evil people who use them for evil...and then you have good people like this young girl...

I know....anti gunners are peeing their pants at the thought of a ten year old who can out shoot most police officers and soldiers...but...deal with it...

Video 10 Year Old Girl is 3-Gun Shooting Prodigy Hopes to be an 8220 Inspiration to Other Kids 8221

Shyanne Roberts is a 3-gun competition shooter. Seeing a girl competing in 3-gun competitions isn’t very unusual in 2014. Female competition shooting is one of the fastest growing segments of the gun world.

However, Shyanne has something pretty unique going for her. She’s a 10 year old girl who has competed well enough to earn a spot to compete in a national competition with adult competitors.

According to CNN:

“I want to be an inspiration to other kids and be a leader,” said the girl. “Kids and guns don’t always mean bad things happen.”

Shyanne competes alongside junior shooters, who are participants younger than 18, and even adults. Last year, she beat out adult women to place second in the Women’s Division of the New Jersey Ruger Rimfire Challenge.

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