1 Week Later: GOP Senate Says 'Screw You' to U.S. Voters


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Screw you illegal loving liberals. Screw you ten times over.

It's long past time to start putting an end to the acts of this lawless operator.
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Republican disapproval ratings are already at 75% but for some insane reason republicans still get elected. It's American stupidity at its finest.

Republicans don't give a shit most Americans are against a shutdown of the government. They just do what ever radical, destructive means to get their warped self interested agenda across.
It's quite simple. Obama uses EO on granting amnesty to millions upon millions of illegal aliens and he is going to get smacked down hard.

They will not fund amnesty.

That is not shutting down the government. It is a method of shutting down an out of control megalomaniac who has no regard for the Constitution.
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Republican disapproval ratings are already at 75% but for some insane reason republicans still get elected. It's American stupidity at its finest.

Republicans don't give a shit most Americans are against a shutdown of the government. They just do what ever radical, destructive means to get their warped self interested agenda across.
Spoken like a true Grubercrat stooge.
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Republican disapproval ratings are already at 75% but for some insane reason republicans still get elected. It's American stupidity at its finest.

Republicans don't give a shit most Americans are against a shutdown of the government. They just do what ever radical, destructive means to get their warped self interested agenda across.

They have a mandate by the people to lead. Americans don't want Obama in charge anymore.

In fact, they want the GOP to take charge and Obama to back off.

ETA: sigh. the C&P shows up big again. apologies.

Nation backs Republican agenda in new poll: Majority want Obama to play second fiddle to GOP

A new Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans don't want President Barack Obama calling all the shots anymore.

Americans say by a large margin that they'd rather Obama back off and let Republicans take the lead in the new Congress than the other way around.

The poll supports Republican claims that last week's midterm elections were in fact a referendum on the president - an assessment the White House has forcibly denied both before and after the president's party was walloped at the ballot box.


Americans clearly want Obama to follow Republicans' lead and not the other way around, a Gallup poll released this afternoon shows

Great article. More at link:

Nation backs Republican agenda in new poll Daily Mail Online
Watch Obama hit mid 30's approval ratting over this illegal immigrants bullshit. Republicans might get a bump while people like the OP lose their fucking minds over getting ass raped in the midterms.
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Still Reid's senate till end of year. Of course Reid and obutthurt are the ones who shutdown the gov't last time.
Senate Republicans signaling shutdown threat over immigration

Likely incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may be talking nice and promising comity and common sense in its dealings with the Obama administration. But the tea party wing of the Senate? They're having none of it and making noise about a shutdown over the president's intention to use executive power on immigration. Case in point? Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), in an op-ed for Politico:

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Karl Rove, who himself has advocated for amnesty, urged Congress to use its spending power to block the President’s fiat. He said Republicans should “use every tool available,” and put “riders on appropriations bills that say no money shall be spent to execute this policy.”

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.
Now, Sessions and his fellow ideologues like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) are being very careful about not using the word "shutdown" and are in fact claiming that using appropriations bills to shape policy is standard procedure. Yes, except for one key aspect: trying to use appropriations bills to defund one of the president's key policy priorities will likely lead to a shutdown because, well, the president is not likely to sign a bill that undoes a signature achievement (think back to Sen. Ted Cruz and his unsuccessful shutdown over the Affordable Care Act).

Yes, Lads and Laddies, (and morons), the new GOP Senate is lubing up the arse of the American Voter.
Republican disapproval ratings are already at 75% but for some insane reason republicans still get elected. It's American stupidity at its finest.

Republicans don't give a shit most Americans are against a shutdown of the government. They just do what ever radical, destructive means to get their warped self interested agenda across.

They have a mandate by the people to lead. Americans don't want Obama in charge anymore.

In fact, they want the GOP to take charge and Obama to back off.

ETA: sigh. the C&P shows up big again. apologies.

Nation backs Republican agenda in new poll: Majority want Obama to play second fiddle to GOP

A new Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans don't want President Barack Obama calling all the shots anymore.

Americans say by a large margin that they'd rather Obama back off and let Republicans take the lead in the new Congress than the other way around.

The poll supports Republican claims that last week's midterm elections were in fact a referendum on the president - an assessment the White House has forcibly denied both before and after the president's party was walloped at the ballot box.


Americans clearly want Obama to follow Republicans' lead and not the other way around, a Gallup poll released this afternoon shows

Great article. More at link:

Nation backs Republican agenda in new poll Daily Mail Online
Lol I love how you cons feel the need to use a ridiculously large font to get info across. I can read it just fine with a normal font assclown.

Well I already made the point that Americans are stupid so you going out of your way to show me this poll was pointless.

The truth is, regardless of whether or not Americans are smart enough to realize it is that the GOP has no plan. Nothing. They have put forth no other agenda besides obstructing anything Obama does. Their economic polices have been proven to be useless. They also ignore popular opinion on basically anything. They are corrupt, self interested scumbags and you are all too dumb see it.
Basically, John Gruber told the rest of America that the Obama administration thought they were stupid. That happened to be six years of "screw you" to the voters. Unfortunately it took until now to realize it.

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