1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

Oh well...............to the rest of the country that is going to get screwed..........it will be just like 2008
What's coming could be even worse than 2008:

Citigroup Has Been Paying Out More than It Earned for Years; Now It Has $102.5 Billion in Debt Maturing within Three Years

"From the start of 2017 through March, the four banks cumulatively returned about $1.26 to shareholders for every $1 they reported in net income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

"Citigroup returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares. The banks declined to comment.”

"Sitting on their hands while Citigroup turned itself into a basket case is exactly what the New York Fed’s bank examiners did in the leadup to the last financial crisis of 2008."

In 2011, at the price of $5 per share, Citigroup (C)had reverse stock split 10-1. For every ten shares of $5, stock holders received one share of $50.

Citigroup shares today are $51, which means they're practically still $5 stock from before ten years ago. At stock price of $5 and outstanding share 21 billion, these are pre-split numbers. The CEO Corbat did nothing in last eight years for $24 million salary. They should have left Pandit running the bank for $1.7 million a year, but of course, he wasn't Barry's fan, so he had to go.

At 2011, C was paying $0.01 per share, gradually increasing the dividends to $0.51 per share, which means their profits are going back to shareholders.
So what? Citigroup is not immune from the virus, either. Are the calculations a sugar-plum extrapolation?
At 2011, C was paying $0.01 per share, gradually increasing the dividends to $0.51 per share, which means their profits are going back to shareholders.
That would be bad enough if Wall Street speculators didn't require constant taxpayer support via the Federal Reserve:

Fed Guarantees Unproductive Debt and Perilous Speculation | Ralph Nader

"Back nearly 90 years ago, the influential British economist, John Maynard Keynes, warned about stock markets veering into speculation and away from investments to build the real economy.

"Today, he might view stock markets as the epitome of wasteful 'casino capitalism.'

"They have very little to do with raising money for useful investments and everything to do with making bets, as in multi-tiered derivatives, puts, and options to make money from money.

"Most often using, in Justice Louis Brandeis’s phrase, 'other people’s money,' the Wall Street gamblers reap lucrative fees from unproductive speculation"

" Fed Chairman, Jerome H. Powell, has chosen to instill 'confidence' in the stock markets and credit markets by injecting trillions of dollars into the financial system to reassure the Wall Street speculators that the Covid-19 pandemic won’t crash the money markets into chaos and bankruptcies."
At 2011, C was paying $0.01 per share, gradually increasing the dividends to $0.51 per share, which means their profits are going back to shareholders.
That would be bad enough if Wall Street speculators didn't require constant taxpayer support via the Federal Reserve:

Fed Guarantees Unproductive Debt and Perilous Speculation | Ralph Nader

"Back nearly 90 years ago, the influential British economist, John Maynard Keynes, warned about stock markets veering into speculation and away from investments to build the real economy.

"Today, he might view stock markets as the epitome of wasteful 'casino capitalism.'

"They have very little to do with raising money for useful investments and everything to do with making bets, as in multi-tiered derivatives, puts, and options to make money from money.

"Most often using, in Justice Louis Brandeis’s phrase, 'other people’s money,' the Wall Street gamblers reap lucrative fees from unproductive speculation"

" Fed Chairman, Jerome H. Powell, has chosen to instill 'confidence' in the stock markets and credit markets by injecting trillions of dollars into the financial system to reassure the Wall Street speculators that the Covid-19 pandemic won’t crash the money markets into chaos and bankruptcies."

Why are you confusing "taxpayer support" with "Federal Reserve"?
I do notice though that the worst outbreak in the nation has gone untouched by you....New York. If you want to talk about failure in the face of the Pandemic there it is....more than half of the nations numbers are from that state....ALL DEMOCRATS......why so silent on that? Oh that's right....
your a cock sucking little political hack that's why.
Trump delayed closing New York to European travelers, proving, once again, a national pandemic requires a national response. That said, New Yorkers did a better job of dealing with the MAGA virus than most of Cracker Country.
If I was facing eviction, and I didn't have enough money to pay my rent, I'd go out and pound the pavement, and find a job. I wouldn't whine to my president about it.
How long would it take you to find a job in the middle of the Trump Recession?

Do you have sufficient savings to keep a roof over your head while you find your next job? Most people do not, and that is due to government giving favorable tax and trade policies to the richest ten percent of its citizens over the past 50 years.

United States Unemployment Rate | 1948-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar
At 2011, C was paying $0.01 per share, gradually increasing the dividends to $0.51 per share, which means their profits are going back to shareholders.
That would be bad enough if Wall Street speculators didn't require constant taxpayer support via the Federal Reserve:

Fed Guarantees Unproductive Debt and Perilous Speculation | Ralph Nader

"Back nearly 90 years ago, the influential British economist, John Maynard Keynes, warned about stock markets veering into speculation and away from investments to build the real economy.

"Today, he might view stock markets as the epitome of wasteful 'casino capitalism.'

"They have very little to do with raising money for useful investments and everything to do with making bets, as in multi-tiered derivatives, puts, and options to make money from money.

"Most often using, in Justice Louis Brandeis’s phrase, 'other people’s money,' the Wall Street gamblers reap lucrative fees from unproductive speculation"

" Fed Chairman, Jerome H. Powell, has chosen to instill 'confidence' in the stock markets and credit markets by injecting trillions of dollars into the financial system to reassure the Wall Street speculators that the Covid-19 pandemic won’t crash the money markets into chaos and bankruptcies."

Federal Reserve has nothing to do with "taxpayers support" or taxpayers.
I do notice though that the worst outbreak in the nation has gone untouched by you....New York. If you want to talk about failure in the face of the Pandemic there it is....more than half of the nations numbers are from that state....ALL DEMOCRATS......why so silent on that? Oh that's right....
your a cock sucking little political hack that's why.
Trump delayed closing New York to European travelers, proving, once again, a national pandemic requires a national response. That said, New Yorkers did a better job of dealing with the MAGA virus than most of Cracker Country.

You do understand that all on this photo are Democrats.
Federal Reserve nothing to do with taxpayer support? Let's see if Stockman's book, The Great Deformation, has anything to say about that.
Federal Reserve has nothing to do with "taxpayers support" or taxpayers.
Where does the Fed get its money?
Taxpayer support for government securities.

How Do Federal Reserve Banks Get Funded?

"So where does the Fed get its funding? Unlike other government agencies, it doesn’t get funded by Congress as part of the normal budget process. Instead, it makes money mainly through interest on government securities that it bought on the open market."
There is nothing in the US Constitution that permits the President alone, or even Congress , to implement a "nationwide lockdown".

So how is that President Trump's fault?
There's nothing I'm aware of in EU law that permits the lockdown of the 27 sovereign states with a total population of 447 million, so what explain this:

European leaders led and Trump lied about the MAGA virus.

How did that turn out?

Infographic: The State of the Unions

"When the European Union reopened its borders to non-members on July 1, the United States found itself on the list of countries excluded from the lifting of travel restrictions.

"Due to its failure to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, the U.S. didn't meet the criteria applied by the bloc’s member states, which also keep travelers from Russia and Brazil, among others, from entering the EU."
Oh well...............to the rest of the country that is going to get screwed..........it will be just like 2008
What's coming could be even worse than 2008:

Citigroup Has Been Paying Out More than It Earned for Years; Now It Has $102.5 Billion in Debt Maturing within Three Years

"From the start of 2017 through March, the four banks cumulatively returned about $1.26 to shareholders for every $1 they reported in net income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

"Citigroup returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares. The banks declined to comment.”

"Sitting on their hands while Citigroup turned itself into a basket case is exactly what the New York Fed’s bank examiners did in the leadup to the last financial crisis of 2008."

No big deal. Let them go bankrupt. Not a problem.
There is nothing in the US Constitution that permits the President alone, or even Congress , to implement a "nationwide lockdown".

So how is that President Trump's fault?
There's nothing I'm aware of in EU law that permits the lockdown of the 27 sovereign states with a total population of 447 million, so what explain this:

European leaders led and Trump lied about the MAGA virus.

How did that turn out?

Infographic: The State of the Unions

"When the European Union reopened its borders to non-members on July 1, the United States found itself on the list of countries excluded from the lifting of travel restrictions.

"Due to its failure to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, the U.S. didn't meet the criteria applied by the bloc’s member states, which also keep travelers from Russia and Brazil, among others, from entering the EU."

But you guys on the left-wing, opposed travel restrictions. Did you miss the NO BAN Act, that democrats were pushing to stop the anti-Chinese racists travel restrictions Trump put in place back in April?

You guys opposed the travel restrictions that you just cited as proof the EU did a better job.

You are being ridiculous right now.
Unfortunately for you, a review of Article 2 of the constitution doesn't list "making sure everyone pays their rent" as one of the Presidential duties.
Many of those unable to pay rent today are in that position because of Trump's failure to mediate the MAGA virus.

The Graphic Truth: Two different pandemics - EU vs US

"The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but the trajectories of their COVID-19 outbreaks have been vastly different.

"New data released by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that while there are around 4,000 new COVID cases in the EU each day, the United States is now recording more than 30,000 new cases of the virus each day eight times higher than Europe."
Chodorov furthers the investigation of surplus labor, which is synonymous with surplus value when considering the concept of extortion:
This Chodorov?

Frank Chodorov - Wikipedia

"Frank Chodorov (February 15, 1887 – December 28, 1966) was an American member of the Old Right, a group of libertarian thinkers who were non-interventionist in foreign policy and opposed to both the American entry into World War II and the New Deal.

"He was called by Ralph Raico 'the last of the Old Right greats.'[1]"
I've seen many evictions in my small town, the last few days. Sad. Thanks Gretchen for putting everyone out of work
You can't compare Europe with the USA, how retarded are you? In the United States you have people suing over mask and winning.
In the US you have CONSERVATIVES (not people) are suing over mask wearing. What's next...making obedience to traffic lights subject to individual rights?

Oregon lawsuit seeks to toss Gov. Kate Brown's face-mask mandate

"A conservative nonprofit group is trying to get an Oregon court to throw out Gov. Kate Brown’s order requiring people in the state to wear face masks in indoor public places and outside when social distancing isn’t possible."

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