1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth

Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.
Mothers should should have their children eviscerated from their uterus until they are fully eligible for maternity leave. They might even be able to make a few bucks from the sale of their child's body parts.
Fetuses are now the same thing as bowels? Nice. :eusa_sick:
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.

It's a health issue. That's why.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

they have a law that promotes slavery and stealing...that they steal to give to others is no excuse for stealing....or slavery.
Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.
Mothers should should have their children eviscerated from their uterus until they are fully eligible for maternity leave. They might even be able to make a few bucks from the sale of their child's body parts.
Fetuses are now the same thing as bowels? Nice. :eusa_sick:
Since 1973. Where the fuck you been? :slap:
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.

It's a health issue. That's why.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Yeah, no one is stoping them...but they shouldn't expect other people to pay for it...that is selfish.....
With proper care, two weeks is enough time for mother/child separation. Pump the tit, store the milk, let nanny/daycare take over.

I've been there. My kids are now more successful than am I.
Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
They didn't used to hire as many women when more women were in the home, did they? There is no labor shortage in this global economy.

Did I say that women were getting pregnant in order to get a vacation? NO.

But the company doesn't care why she got pregnant, it only knows that under your proposed government imposed rule, it would be forced to pay her for a whole year for NOTHING whereas if she had been a he he would have worked that whole year.

It's an absurd notion, and my original satirical response to this thread was exactly on point.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It's all about the fetus. A new born is a sinner and deserves NOTHING.
A new born is a sinner and deserves NOTHING.

And will be cast into hell!!
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
They didn't used to hire as many women when more women were in the home, did they? There is no labor shortage in this global economy.

Did I say that women were getting pregnant in order to get a vacation? NO.

But the company doesn't care why she got pregnant, it only knows that under your proposed government imposed rule, it would be forced to pay her for a whole year for NOTHING whereas if she had been a he he would have worked that whole year.

It's an absurd notion, and my original satirical response to this thread was exactly on point.
Actually many jobs can't be filled because of a lack of skills from the worker. As of now, there are careers that, on average, appeal to women more than men. Women are needed in the workforce whether you like it or not.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It's all about the fetus. A new born is a sinner and deserves NOTHING.

do you morons realize that conservatives give more time and money to help others than lefties do......and stealing money from one person, to give it to another person is not virtuous...is is stealing, plain and simple. You want to use the power of government to steal from some citizens to give to others...so you can feel good about yourselves.....you guys are pretty sick.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It's all about the fetus. A new born is a sinner and deserves NOTHING.

do you morons realize that conservatives give more time and money to help others than lefties do......and stealing money from one person, to give it to another person is not virtuous...is is stealing, plain and simple. You want to use the power of government to steal from some citizens to give to others...so you can feel good about yourselves.....you guys are pretty sick.
They give more money.. to their religious organization for the people in their oraganization
How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
They didn't used to hire as many women when more women were in the home, did they? There is no labor shortage in this global economy.

Did I say that women were getting pregnant in order to get a vacation? NO.

But the company doesn't care why she got pregnant, it only knows that under your proposed government imposed rule, it would be forced to pay her for a whole year for NOTHING whereas if she had been a he he would have worked that whole year.

It's an absurd notion, and my original satirical response to this thread was exactly on point.
Actually many jobs can't be filled because of a lack of skills from the worker. As of now, there are careers that, on average, appeal to women more than men. Women are needed in the workforce whether you like it or not.
Well, they don't need to be coddled with unreasonable government mandated benefits that are not available to men. Your proposal is sexist, communist, and anti-freedom. I'll go with freedom and liberty over centralized control.

Women and men either have equal rights or they don't.
If it were up to my ex, our first born would have been scraped from her uterus. His heart still beating and his body parts sold.. She was more concerned about her career than she was for my yet to be born son. He's now an executive producer for Netfiix, making shit-tons more than mom or dad.

I dumped that bitch and remarried.

If it were up to my wife's doctor, we would have had our daughter scraped from her uterus. Her heart still beating and body parts sold.

As it was, we chose to accept that she would most likely be born with Downs Syndrome. As it turns out, she's a happy and perfectly healthy dancer in her Sophomore year at The Boston Conservatory.

You just don't fuck with your living progeny. For whatever reason.
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
They didn't used to hire as many women when more women were in the home, did they? There is no labor shortage in this global economy.

Did I say that women were getting pregnant in order to get a vacation? NO.

But the company doesn't care why she got pregnant, it only knows that under your proposed government imposed rule, it would be forced to pay her for a whole year for NOTHING whereas if she had been a he he would have worked that whole year.

It's an absurd notion, and my original satirical response to this thread was exactly on point.
Actually many jobs can't be filled because of a lack of skills from the worker. As of now, there are careers that, on average, appeal to women more than men. Women are needed in the workforce whether you like it or not.
Well, they don't need to be coddled with unreasonable government mandated benefits that are not available to men. Your proposal is sexist, communist, and anti-freedom. I'll go with freedom and liberty over centralized control.

Women and men either have equal rights or they don't.
Lol it's communist huh? You people kill me.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It's all about the fetus. A new born is a sinner and deserves NOTHING.

do you morons realize that conservatives give more time and money to help others than lefties do......and stealing money from one person, to give it to another person is not virtuous...is is stealing, plain and simple. You want to use the power of government to steal from some citizens to give to others...so you can feel good about yourselves.....you guys are pretty sick.
They give more money.. to their religious organization for the people in their oraganization

dipshit....they fund missionary work, they run food pantries they help the very children you say they don't care about...try understanding what you are posting about moron.....they help,other people freely, without coercion......

for some reason, you lefty jerks love the slavery thing.....every thing you desire ends up with stealing something from someone to give to someone else and then you have the balls to take credit for helping that person with the stolen money...you fuckers are sick.
A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
They didn't used to hire as many women when more women were in the home, did they? There is no labor shortage in this global economy.

Did I say that women were getting pregnant in order to get a vacation? NO.

But the company doesn't care why she got pregnant, it only knows that under your proposed government imposed rule, it would be forced to pay her for a whole year for NOTHING whereas if she had been a he he would have worked that whole year.

It's an absurd notion, and my original satirical response to this thread was exactly on point.
Actually many jobs can't be filled because of a lack of skills from the worker. As of now, there are careers that, on average, appeal to women more than men. Women are needed in the workforce whether you like it or not.
Well, they don't need to be coddled with unreasonable government mandated benefits that are not available to men. Your proposal is sexist, communist, and anti-freedom. I'll go with freedom and liberty over centralized control.

Women and men either have equal rights or they don't.
Lol it's communist huh? You people kill me.
So forcing a company to pay a woman for a full year for NOTHING in support of her choice to have child is not communist? Well it's certainly not freedom.

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