1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth

If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It has everything to do with it. We have the largest deficit in the world if I am not mistaken. How did that happen, Luddly? We have a govt. that is out of control - way, way too big, spending way, way too much. As for not valuing our unborn babies? It is a very serious problem America has murdered over 50 million babies already and now they are selling their bodies for profit. The judgment of God is surely hanging over America even this very second.

It's all about priorities. The war expenditures from the last decade would have gone pretty far. Bringing the tax rates for the wealthiest closer to historic norms would go further. Priorities.

I'm more about letting freedom reign. Once upon a time we were the ONLY country ruled by and for the people.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Mister money bags here. How fortunate of you to be able to afford such luxury. :slap:
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.

It's a health issue. That's why.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.

It's a health issue. That's why.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Mister money bags here. How fortunate of you to be able to afford such luxury. :slap:
If you provided more support for your Man, He could Work 2 Jobs or be inspired to obtain a higher paying Job. But you refuse to cook decent meals, you refuse to clean properly, you refuse to provide Him the physical inspiration He needs. And then you act all surprised that He was one of the names exposed this Week on Fannie Mae ' cheating website? Ha ha ha. Lose some weight!
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Mister money bags here. How fortunate of you to be able to afford such luxury. :slap:
If you provided more support for your Man, He could Work 2 Jobs or be inspired to obtain a higher paying Job. But you refuse to cook decent meals, you refuse to clean properly, you refuse to provide Him the physical inspiration He needs. And then you act all surprised that He was one of the names exposed this Week on Fannie Mae ' cheating website? Ha ha ha. Lose some weight!
My spouse is a female. Unlike Obama's spouse.

She works full time. My time is flexible as I am president of our corporation. I am in command of the kitchen. I control the horizontal. I control the vertical. :slap:
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).

. ... .
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Mister money bags here. How fortunate of you to be able to afford such luxury. :slap:
If you provided more support for your Man, He could Work 2 Jobs or be inspired to obtain a higher paying Job. But you refuse to cook decent meals, you refuse to clean properly, you refuse to provide Him the physical inspiration He needs. And then you act all surprised that He was one of the names exposed this Week on Fannie Mae ' cheating website? Ha ha ha. Lose some weight!
My spouse is a female. Unlike Obama's spouse.

She works full time. My time is flexible as I am president of our corporation. I am in command of the kitchen. I control the horizontal. I control the vertical. :slap:

Sigh ... Why so serious, Mr. H? Do you think I would have posted that if I actually thought you were a woman?

Oh well ... you know what they say about pearls before swine ... :wink: Yes that's also a good natured joke .. I don't actually consider you swine ... :rock:
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Mister money bags here. How fortunate of you to be able to afford such luxury. :slap:
If you provided more support for your Man, He could Work 2 Jobs or be inspired to obtain a higher paying Job. But you refuse to cook decent meals, you refuse to clean properly, you refuse to provide Him the physical inspiration He needs. And then you act all surprised that He was one of the names exposed this Week on Fannie Mae ' cheating website? Ha ha ha. Lose some weight!
My spouse is a female. Unlike Obama's spouse.

She works full time. My time is flexible as I am president of our corporation. I am in command of the kitchen. I control the horizontal. I control the vertical. :slap:

Sigh ... Why so serious, Mr. H? Do you think I would have posted that if I actually thought you were a woman?

Oh well ... you know what they say about pearls before swine ... :wink: Yes that's also a good natured joke .. I don't actually consider you swine ... :rock:
You will not consider me swine before my time.

It was how your post was worded. I took it and ran with it.

In the meantime... just between me and you... Michelle is actually Michael.
It's a health issue. That's why.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being both workers and fathers or they're not.
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.
Mothers should should have their children eviscerated from their uterus until they are fully eligible for maternity leave. They might even be able to make a few bucks from the sale of their child's body parts.
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.
1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth — here’s what it's like
Pretty much all countries require companies to offer paid maternity leave to new mothers — all countries except, of course, for the United States.



So new moms in the United States don't take off much time at all: About a quarter return to work within two weeks of giving birth, a new analysis of data by Abt Associates shows.

Abt Associates worked with In These Times to look at a Department of Labor survey of when new moms return to work. Here's what they found:

Abt went back to a 2012 survey it conducted for the Department of Labor of 2,852 employees who had taken family or medical leave in the last year, looking specifically at the 93 women who took time off work to care for a new baby.

Nearly 12 percent of those women took off only a week or less. Another 11 percent took between one and two weeks off. That means that about 23 percent—nearly 1 in 4—of the women interviewed were back at work within two weeks of having a child.

Access to longer leave time appears to be a luxury good. As Sharon Lerner writes, "80 percent of college graduates took at least six weeks off to care for a new baby, but only 54 percent of women without college degrees did so."

This is how maternity leave works in a country that has no guarantee of time off: It goes to the women who have higher-income jobs with better benefit packages, or those who can afford to forgo income for a number of weeks or months. Low-income women have little option but to return to work quickly, an option that every other country in the world deems unacceptable.

What it's like to go back to work days after giving birth
Lerner's piece is worth reading in full, and you can do so here. This particular anecdote jumped out at me in underscoring what it's like for the quarter of women who return to work quickly. Lerner writes about Natasha Long, who went back to her factory job shortly after her son Jayden's birth. She would get up at 4 am to pump breast milk before work — and sneak out to pump again on breaks, in her car in the parking lot.

After just a few days of this crazed schedule, Long began to develop strange symptoms, including a headache that never seemed to go away and a choking sensation that left her feeling breathless. She started biting her fingernails to the quick—something she’d never done before—and crying a lot. "I felt like I was alone," says Long. "I wanted to fall off the face of the earth." Long had never been depressed. But when she went to the doctor, he surmised that her physical symptoms were rooted in her mental state, which was itself rooted in her schedule. When her doctor said he thought she was depressed, Long worried that if child welfare authorities found out, they might take her children away. She had seen other people’s children put in foster care. But when her doctor prescribed her antidepressants, she took them.

It's not just moms who suffer. Kids suffer, too.
Economists have looked at the relationship between maternity leave policies and children's well-being — and they find, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, that kids raised in countries that guarantee more time off have better health outcomes.

One 1995 study found that every extra week in guaranteed maternity leave correlated with a 2 to 3 percent decline in infant deaths. Separate research elsewhere found similar results.

And this makes pretty intuitive sense: Mothers with paid leave have more time to care for their children, giving additional time to invest in a newborn's well-being.

No...we need a tax and spending structure that takes less money from the American people...then you can have 2 family homes where someone can stay home and raise the kids.........
Mothers need time to physically recover and spend critical time bonding with their newborns.

Are you people this ignorant? Why else would every other country have a law for such a thing. Dig deep and use those critical thinking skills. It's not hard.

Do you wish to provide companies with disincentive to hire women? How long should this required paid time off be? Should there be a limit to how many times a company is required to give it's female employees paid time off for choosing to bear another child?

Why not instead let companies choose what to do?
Let the companies decide? As in never grant the leave because they want to maximize their capital as much as possible at the expense of the worker?

If it became the law of the land, they would have no choice but to hire women. They do need the numbers you know.

How many weeks maternity leave do you propose requiring companies to provide? Any limit on how many times per woman?
It should depend in part to how long the woman has been employed at the company. 6 weeks is the standard. If they are new, no more or less than that. A year is what health experts recommend. If they have given at least a year to the company, they deserve a full year.

A year? So you want to eliminate all possible incentive for companies to hire women? Force companies to pay a woman a full year for doing NOTHING whereas if you'd hired her husband, you'd have a full year of work?

As I said before, women are either equal or they are not. They are either capable of being both workers and mothers or not, just as men are capable of being either workers and father's or not.
You're under this retarded notion that women would get pregnant just to have a vacation. That's stupid. Also, women make up half the population. They would need to fill those positions somehow don't you think? Of course they'll still hire women.
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.
1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth — here’s what it's like
Pretty much all countries require companies to offer paid maternity leave to new mothers — all countries except, of course, for the United States.



So new moms in the United States don't take off much time at all: About a quarter return to work within two weeks of giving birth, a new analysis of data by Abt Associates shows.

Abt Associates worked with In These Times to look at a Department of Labor survey of when new moms return to work. Here's what they found:

Abt went back to a 2012 survey it conducted for the Department of Labor of 2,852 employees who had taken family or medical leave in the last year, looking specifically at the 93 women who took time off work to care for a new baby.

Nearly 12 percent of those women took off only a week or less. Another 11 percent took between one and two weeks off. That means that about 23 percent—nearly 1 in 4—of the women interviewed were back at work within two weeks of having a child.

Access to longer leave time appears to be a luxury good. As Sharon Lerner writes, "80 percent of college graduates took at least six weeks off to care for a new baby, but only 54 percent of women without college degrees did so."

This is how maternity leave works in a country that has no guarantee of time off: It goes to the women who have higher-income jobs with better benefit packages, or those who can afford to forgo income for a number of weeks or months. Low-income women have little option but to return to work quickly, an option that every other country in the world deems unacceptable.

What it's like to go back to work days after giving birth
Lerner's piece is worth reading in full, and you can do so here. This particular anecdote jumped out at me in underscoring what it's like for the quarter of women who return to work quickly. Lerner writes about Natasha Long, who went back to her factory job shortly after her son Jayden's birth. She would get up at 4 am to pump breast milk before work — and sneak out to pump again on breaks, in her car in the parking lot.

After just a few days of this crazed schedule, Long began to develop strange symptoms, including a headache that never seemed to go away and a choking sensation that left her feeling breathless. She started biting her fingernails to the quick—something she’d never done before—and crying a lot. "I felt like I was alone," says Long. "I wanted to fall off the face of the earth." Long had never been depressed. But when she went to the doctor, he surmised that her physical symptoms were rooted in her mental state, which was itself rooted in her schedule. When her doctor said he thought she was depressed, Long worried that if child welfare authorities found out, they might take her children away. She had seen other people’s children put in foster care. But when her doctor prescribed her antidepressants, she took them.

It's not just moms who suffer. Kids suffer, too.
Economists have looked at the relationship between maternity leave policies and children's well-being — and they find, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, that kids raised in countries that guarantee more time off have better health outcomes.

One 1995 study found that every extra week in guaranteed maternity leave correlated with a 2 to 3 percent decline in infant deaths. Separate research elsewhere found similar results.

And this makes pretty intuitive sense: Mothers with paid leave have more time to care for their children, giving additional time to invest in a newborn's well-being.

No...we need a tax and spending structure that takes less money from the American people...then you can have 2 family homes where someone can stay home and raise the kids.........
Is that second family home reserved for Ashley Madison members? :dunno:
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

Aren't you one of the racists who supports killing babies simply because they are "inconvenient," and you expect us to take you seriously on supporting newborn fetuses?

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