01/14/04 Newsletter


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Welcome to the US Message Board Community Newsletter

Today's Date is: 1-14-2004. This newsletter covers activity since 11-16-2003.

"Distant Witness" (a 9/11 tribute) by Kelly Ann Malone - Member since 1/04

I don't live close; I did not hear the thunder or the crash.
I didn't hear the cries for help or see the metal thrash.

I didn't witness buildings fall. This was on TV.
I didn't run from plumes of smoke. I know that wasn't me.

I didn't arrive with photo in hand looking for my wife.
I didn't tell my only son his dad has lost his life.

I didn't send my oldest child into a burning tower.
To try and save whomever he could and die within an hour

I cannot say that I was hurt while saving someone's life.
I cannot say I've ever lost a daughter, son or wife.

I do not daily pass this site where bodies still decay.
While people who must get to work must pass it everyday.

I am not brave; I do not grieve for loss beyond compare.
I know I am not a party to the death and the despair.

In some small way I'd like to say I hold you in my heart.
Although this won't amount too much I hope it is a start.

There was a part inside of me that died upon that day.
I cannot look at life the same or trust in the same way.

I look to God to give me strength, my trust is in his grace.
And deep inside within my soul, I find a peaceful place.

This month's featured member is:


Wonderwench has only been a member since the beginning of this month, but she has brought a much needed voice to the board, one that includes fairness & intelligence. She not only participates in the political debates, but also adds a great deal to the chat, humor, book review & hardware/software forums. Her posts are articulate and an overall joy to read. I'm sure her future contributions will help make the US Message Board a better place.

Congratulations Wonderwench, and thanks for being a valuable member of the US Message Board Community!

Honorable mention goes to SinisterMotives for doing a wonderful job on creating the new USMB banner! Thank You!


Threads with the most replies:

Title: "Bush began planning for Iraq before 9/11" (posted 01-11-2004 by bamthin)

Title: "Halliburton Cleared of Iraq Wrongdoing" (posted 01-12-2004 by jimnyc)

Title: "Paul O'Neill is no ideologue, he is a true patriot" (posted 01-12-2004 by Psychoblues)

Title: "Infaticide and Abortion" (posted 01-10-2004 by Kathianne)

Title: "Why We Are Safer" (posted 01-09-2004 by Wonderwench)

Title: "Croc Hunter holds baby" (posted 01-05-2004 by lilcountriegal)

Title: "France Says No Proof of Hijack Plot Found" (posted 12-25-2003 by Johnney)


Members: 665 (up 316)
Threads: 1856 (up 841)
Posts: 20,666 (up by 9,965 posts!)

:clap: !!! You suck Jim, if not for me, these members may not even be here!!!!!!!!!!! no more SPAMMING, I QUIT!!!!! :funnyface
Originally posted by janeeng
:clap: !!! You suck Jim, if not for me, these members may not even be here!!!!!!!!!!! no more SPAMMING, I QUIT!!!!! :funnyface

She's right, Jim. The hope of one day seeing Janeen's boobies is the only thing that keeps me coming back! :D
Originally posted by SinisterMotives
She's right, Jim. The hope of one day seeing Janeen's boobies is the only thing that keeps me coming back! :D

Good thing she hasn't shown them yet, I'd have no members left!
Well, is that a fact? first Jim, for your comment, hahah, Jackass is still coming back - sinsister, you have to ask Jackass first, I wouldn't want him all jealous! :p:
Oh man Jackass, I would not mess with that dude ! Damn, he can be one jealous animal, and you don't want to see him mad !!!
Yeah Jim!! They taste pretty good too!! :laugh:

Oh man Jackass, I would not mess with that dude ! Damn, he can be one jealous animal, and you don't want to see him mad !!!

I didnt realize I was thought of so fondly!! It touches me deeply!! LOL

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