
  1. heil hitler

    Danish couple attacked over ham pizza

    Danish couple attacked over ham pizza "Suddenly a young man of other ethnic origin rushed towards the young woman and hit her in the head, so that she has subsequently lost the hearing on one ear. Right now we do not know whether it is a permanent hearing damage! He then takes a stranglehold on...
  2. Cellblock2429

    Republicans fear for their safety as Obamacare protests grow - Progs resort to violence

    Of course they have nothing else other than forced compliance. Republicans fear for their safety as Obamacare protests grow Republicans fear for their safety as Obamacare protests grow House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday discussed how to protect themselves and their staffs...
  3. American_Jihad

    The Seditious Left

    I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies... The Seditious Left Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law. February 6, 2017 Matthew Vadum The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulosā€™s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on...
  4. cnelsen

    Any white person who doesnā€™t have a problem with being white is a Nazi who deserves a beating

    Q: What do Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes, and I have in common? A: Weā€™re all Nazisā€”at least according to the ā€œanti-fascistā€ psychopaths whoā€™ve physically attacked us on the streets. (Gavin and I fought backā€”Richard didnā€™t even have the opportunity, because his assailant fled immediately after...
  5. dcbl

    Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

    more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left... is this a surprise to anyone? rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh? or is the goal to intimidate people &...
  6. American_Jihad

    Sponsors of Anarchy: The violence and mayhem that lies ahead this weekend.

    Bring something so you can stand your ground... Sponsors of Anarchy The violence and mayhem that lies ahead this weekend. January 18, 2017 Michelle Malkin Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Count on it. I've covered the left's criminal anarchist element for...
  7. P@triot

    Well this certainly explains the sad state of liberal institutions

    This guy is a college professor? This guy? The tool with the man-bun :lmao: The tool stretching out his ear lobes until they are deformed :lmao: The tool covered in so many tattoos he looks filthy :lmao: The tool with the ragged, ungroomed facial hair :lmao: The tool who "teaches" in a...
  8. P@triot


    Oh dear God please let this happen. Please. All of these immature, hateful progressives are use to dealing with their local law enforcement who have shown great restraint and have been extraordinarily lenient on them. But I can tell you first-hand....the Secret Service doesn't mess around. They...
  9. MindWars

    Company places it's own CEO on leave after he threatens to assassinate Trump

    A company has placed its own CEO on leave after he threatened to assassinate Donald Trump using a sniper rifle. Matt Harrigan is the CEO of PacketSled, a risk management company. Harrigan caused alarm when he took to Facebook to angrily announce his plan to kill Trump after the Republican was...
  10. MindWars

    More violence against Trump supporters

    As Election Day nears and the GOP nominee rises, attacks on his backers, signs and buildings are escalating Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify. Trump Surge Freakout...
  11. MindWars

    James O Keefe releases explosive video on Hillary, DNC inciting violence at Trump rallies

    James Oā€™Keefe releases EXPLOSIVE VIDEO on Hillary, DNC inciting VIOLENCE at Trump rallies James Oā€™Keefe has just released a new video on how the Hillary campaign and the DNC were paying people to incite violence at Trumpā€™s rallies. He actually has black hat operatives who work for Bob Cramer...
  12. Bob Blaylock

    Why so many mass shootings under Obama?

    I was looking over this article, about the deadliest mass shootings in our nation's history. It lists the fourteen deadliest incidents, going back to 1966; and it stood out right away to me that nearly half of them have occurred during the time that Obama has been in office as Presidentā€”six in...
  13. P@triot

    As usual, WRONG "conclusion" by L-W'ers regarding Albuquerque rally

    Liberals all over USMB are doing what they always do - falsely proclaiming "racism" and turning every issue into race to avoid the uncomfortable reality. And that reality is this: once again liberals resort to violence because they can't even handle free speech. Nothing more. Just free speech...
  14. P@triot

    Progressive Student: "I'm Scared My Peers Have Gone off the Deep End in Killing Free Speech"

    With each passing day, the left has become more fascist and more violent. Conservatives have peacefully put up with the Obama, Pelosi, and Reid reign of terror for almost 8 years. No riots in the streets. No violence. And yet when Donald Trump simply runs for political office, the left turns to...
  15. AveryJarhman

    Hate Crime - Three Alleged Emotionally Disturbed Violent Female African American Criminal Liars

    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Thursday, February 25, 2016, 3:26 PM "The three students ā€” Alexis Briggs, from Huntington, Ariel Agudio, from Elmira Heights, and Asha Burwell, from Huntington Station ā€” will be charged with third-degree assault, police said. Agudio and Burwell will also be charged...
  16. American_Jihad

    Christian Bible More ā€˜Bloodthirstyā€™ than Quran

    I know you thought I flipped out lol... Latest Media Hype: Christian Bible More ā€˜Bloodthirstyā€™ than Quran Debunking a flawed study of the Islamic and Christian texts. February 18, 2016 Raymond Ibrahim A new data-based study published on Yahoo News, Huffington Post, and many other media...
  17. American_Jihad

    Berkeley political science on islam

    Boy just leave it to leftwing science... The ā€œMore Muslims, Less Homicidesā€ Hoax Islam provides Muslims with a license to kill. January 26, 2016 Daniel Greenfield ā€œNo, Islam Isnā€™t Inherently Violent, And The Math Proves It,ā€ M. Steven Fish declared in the Daily Beast. Voxā€™s headline...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Fifth teen suspect accused of New York gang rape in custody

    Fifth teen suspect accused of New York gang rape in custody Sadly, I have few doubts these depressed, angry, emotionally disturbed teens and young men are victims of America's expanding and shameful victim of America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka...
  19. Compost

    Anti-Muslim Rhetoric needs Agressive Action

    Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence' The day after a horrific shooting spree by a "radicalized" Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a group of Muslim activists that she...
  20. Compost

    Transform Gender = Less Violence?

    If boys are just less manly they won't rape girls appears to be the theory that drives this 18 hour class to teach through interactive art, role play, and other nifty group whatnot how to transform sexual attitudes or something. Federal Study Seeks ā€˜Gender Norms Changeā€™ The Centers for...

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