
  1. Brynmr

    Wretched Appeasement to Moslem Migrants in Sweden

    A gang of 5 Muslim invaders brutally raped a wheelchair-bound woman for hours, forcing their handicapped victim to suffer through the most debauched torture imaginable. Just days after police arrested the rapists, however, they were released without any charges for one unbelievable reason: She...
  2. American_Jihad

    Every Rape Victim Deserves to Be Heard -- Except by Hillary

    Well now maybe her victims will destroy the hilldabeast... Every Rape Victim Deserves to Be Heard -- Except by Hillary Hillary Clinton's remorseless campaign to destroy the victims of her sexual predator husband. May 12, 2016 Ann Coulter ... ... In a campaign built on lies, it should not...
  3. anotherlife

    Let's rape each other a little.

    There is such a thing as assault, and that results in prison sentences usually, if the assault is conducted outside school property. But how is rape different from assault? After all, both assault victims and rape victims have their bodies fully recovered in a few days, discounting permanent...
  4. Freja

    Gang rape on a party ferry for graduating High School students

    Four men between 18-19 yrs of age gang raped a girl on a party ferry. ( I've summerized the information available and translated the text. The sources in swedish can be found at the bottom. ) Four men was arrested on march 30th on suspicion of gang raping a girl, during a student cruise on...
  5. American_Jihad

    When multiculturalism meets reality

    The leftist brain is like a brick, thick and dense... Male Sexual Nature and the Left's Culture of Denial When multiculturalism meets reality. February 24, 2016 Dennis Prager ... There is virtually no pornography or sexual ads -- and women display no flesh in public, sometimes not even...
  6. Freja

    Sweden is falling apart

    Hi I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country... When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be...
  7. American_Jihad

    Muslim world phenomenon being imported into the West

    These are beasts and those that support them not much better... The Islamic Rape and Murder of Christian Boys Another Muslim world phenomenon being imported into the West. February 4, 2016 Raymond Ibrahim A group of Muslim men recently went into a Christian district in Pakistan, abducted a...
  8. AveryJarhman

    Fifth teen suspect accused of New York gang rape in custody

    Fifth teen suspect accused of New York gang rape in custody Sadly, I have few doubts these depressed, angry, emotionally disturbed teens and young men are victims of America's expanding and shameful victim of America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka...
  9. American_Jihad

    A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women

    Leave it to the left and that Utopian pipe dream fail... Why Feminism Failed Cologne's Women A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women. January 12, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Big Feminism, fresh from fighting pitched battles against swimsuit posters in European...
  10. American_Jihad

    This is what's coming to America

    You can thank obama and the left, I hope it's the left's mothers, daughters, sisters and partners that get raped. To hear it from the left is that none of this is happening and your a racist, bigot or an islamophobe, well fuck you... The Muslim War On Women Comes To Germany The only way for...
  11. American_Jihad

    Islamic Revenge?

    Holy smokes, is that why liberals defend islam...:dunno: Islamic Revenge? Muslim Eats Enemy’s Penis to 'Cure Heartache' A macabre true-life story and its roots in the Religion of Peace. December 24, 2015 Raymond Ibrahim Is every bizarre and/or savage anecdote committed by Muslims related...
  12. Anonymous1977

    Christians, please comment on this article :)

    I've recently left the faith but would any Christian please comment on this news article: Alabama pastor accused of raping 15-year-old member of congregation -

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