
  1. P@triot

    What don't we owe the left?

    According to the left - society owes them food. Society owes them housing. Society owes them healthcare. Society owes them an education. Society owes them transportation. Society owes them parks. Society owes them "infrastructure". And now....society owes them cosmetic surgery. I think at this...
  2. P@triot

    Am I the only one who sees the glaring flaw in the "logic" here?

    So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and...
  3. P@triot

    How "inclusive" of you, LBGT community

    Just look at the language here - pure exclusion on every level. At this point - I would do almost anything to meet a left-wing ideologue who actually lived their false narrative. Everything they say, everything they advocate, everything they promote is 100% bullshit which is designed to repress...
  4. P@triot

    The LGBT community celebrates their latest poll showing an increase in mental illness

    Nothing like fostering, pushing, and celebrating for more mental illness. If a person believes they are Jesus Christ (which cannot be proven), they should be locked away in a mental ward against their will. But if a man believes he is a woman (which science can unequivocally prove he is in fact...
  5. Peony

    Ashes to Glitter

    Two days ago, many Christians solemnly observed the beginning of Lent by having ashes placed on their foreheads. This tradition reminds us that we are but dust and to dust we return. Now begins a 40 day period of prayer, fasting and alms giving. It is a time for reflection, penance and...
  6. P@triot

    Just so progressives don't conveniently forget

    When her father about to do the right thing and issue an Executive Order which was not only what the American people wanted, but was also designed to roll back Barack Obama's unconstitutional measures - Ivanka Trump stepped in for progressives. She's going to make the best first female president...
  7. Peony

    Oppressed by Pronouns

    Many of us have difficulty recognizing that we are accidently offending or inadvertently “hating” people who self-imagine their gender. See, many of these people claim that they are not the same gender from one day to the next or even one hour to the next. Their gender flucuates with their...
  8. Peony

    Rights Gone to Potty

    During her commencement speech at Jackson State University last Saturday, Michelle Obama took a shot at Mississippi’s “religious freedom bill”. Michelle Obama Slams Mississippi ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill in Commencement Speech “We see it right here in Mississippi — just two weeks ago -– how...
  9. TheProgressivePatriot

    When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

    We are fresh off of a victory in Georgia where the governor vetoed a homophobic and quite frankly stupid bill that targeted LGBT people in the name of ”religious liberty” He caved to pressure from local businesses while never acknowledging the true intent of the bill...
  10. woz75

    Texas Elementary Schools to Begin Honoring LGBT History Month

    Texas Elementary Schools to Begin Honoring LGBT History Month Imagine a backazzwards state like Texas submitting to sex education...No doubt they will ditch the program and go back to leading the nation in unwanted teenage pregnancies
  11. Peony

    Dominican Republic vs US Ambassador

    The Dominican Republic boasts a bustling economy, sparkling ocean views, tourism, professional baseball, historic buildings, including the first Cathedral built in the Americas. You’d think that US Ambassador to this Caribbean nation would be a pretty mellow gig. His typical agenda for any...
  12. Anonymous1977

    Article about same-sex marriage in Israel (from the Jerusalem Post)

    NGO petitions High Court to allow same-sex marriage in Israel -

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