Feds sue Arizona over shipping container wall


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Biden admin sues Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers

The FEDERAL COMPLAINT alleges that Arizona’s installation of shipping containers on lands within the Cocopah Indian Reservation over which the United States holds an easement unlawfully interferes with and encroaches on that easement.

The problem with the complaint is, the alleged “easement” is on AZ’s real property, and thus, the federal government __ in a legitimate use of the land under a valid easement __ is required to observe the State’s general welfare over the easement in question.

In the case under consideration, the federal government in its use of the asserted “easement” is derelict in its duties by allowing millions of foreign nationals to use the “easement” to invade the State of AZ and inflict a long list of devastating consequences upon the good citizens of AZ including multiple homicides.

Additionally, each state has the inherit authority to protect against invasions:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

The ongoing invasion has proved to be destructive to the general welfare of AZ and its Citizens, and the federal government is engaging in malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in its stewardship over the easement in question.


Is the “big guy” (Joey open-border Biden) getting 10% of the profits Mexico’s government is getting for assisting Mexico’s cartels in their drug and human trafficking across our border?
How did the OP avoid saying the words 'wild animals'? Ducey is violating environmental laws that guarantee passage for wildlife. I know the knuckledraggers don't care, but it's a very important law.
My bad! I forgot about those ticks and fleas who need to be protected and given safe passage into the United States so they may suck the blood from America's citizens,
SEE: Biden admin sues Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers

The FEDERAL COMPLAINT alleges that Arizona’s installation of shipping containers on lands within the Cocopah Indian Reservation over which the United States holds an easement unlawfully interferes with and encroaches on that easement.

The problem with the complaint is, the alleged “easement” is on AZ’s real property, and thus, the federal government __ in a legitimate use of the land under a valid easement __ is required to observe the State’s general welfare over the easement in question.

In the case under consideration, the federal government in its use of the asserted “easement” is derelict in its duties by allowing millions of foreign nationals to use the “easement” to invade the State of AZ and inflict a long list of devastating consequences upon the good citizens of AZ including multiple homicides.

Additionally, each state has the inherit authority to protect against invasions:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

The ongoing invasion has proved to be destructive to the general welfare of AZ and its Citizens, and the federal government is engaging in malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in its stewardship over the easement in question.


Is the “big guy” (Joey open-border Biden) getting 10% of the profits Mexico’s government is getting for assisting Mexico’s cartels in their drug and human trafficking across our border?
Just one fatal flaw in this argument:

Not catching every criminal does not translate to "the government is allowing people to commit crimes". No reasonable person would accept such nonsense.
How did the OP avoid saying the words 'wild animals'? Ducey is violating environmental laws that guarantee passage for wildlife. I know the knuckledraggers don't care, but it's a very important law.
Unfortunately the nature of the invasion precludes such niceties.
SEE: Biden admin sues Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers

The FEDERAL COMPLAINT alleges that Arizona’s installation of shipping containers on lands within the Cocopah Indian Reservation over which the United States holds an easement unlawfully interferes with and encroaches on that easement.

The problem with the complaint is, the alleged “easement” is on AZ’s real property, and thus, the federal government __ in a legitimate use of the land under a valid easement __ is required to observe the State’s general welfare over the easement in question.

In the case under consideration, the federal government in its use of the asserted “easement” is derelict in its duties by allowing millions of foreign nationals to use the “easement” to invade the State of AZ and inflict a long list of devastating consequences upon the good citizens of AZ including multiple homicides.

Additionally, each state has the inherit authority to protect against invasions:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

The ongoing invasion has proved to be destructive to the general welfare of AZ and its Citizens, and the federal government is engaging in malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in its stewardship over the easement in question.


Is the “big guy” (Joey open-border Biden) getting 10% of the profits Mexico’s government is getting for assisting Mexico’s cartels in their drug and human trafficking across our border?
Wait a minute, I thought walls didn't work?
Joey and the Fed's daily violate their oath of office to provide National Security for Americans.

When it comes to protecting our border from illegal entry by foreign nationals, and considering how profitable human trafficking has become, especially to Mexico’s cartels, it seems plausible the “Big Guy” ___ who refuses to protect the United States from an ongoing invasion, has chosen a cut of the action over the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


There is no “humanitarian crisis” at our southern border as erroneously reported on Fox News. It is an outright invasion of the United States, intentionally orchestrated and perpetuated by the leadership of our tyrannical federal government which includes traitorous, judges, legislators, and our current president of the United States.
Yeah, you really shame them when you accuse them of having empathy for other humans beings. You're a real assassin!

How many illegals do you have living with you? I presume someone who has a deep empathy for other human beings, is doing much more than just talking the talk, right?
How did the OP avoid saying the words 'wild animals'? Ducey is violating environmental laws that guarantee passage for wildlife. I know the knuckledraggers don't care, but it's a very important law.

What about the environmental impact of having illegals shitting everywhere as they sneak into what used to be pristine areas?

You fuckers always have your excuses for not protecting our borders.
What about the environmental impact of having illegals shitting everywhere as they sneak into what used to be pristine areas?

You fuckers always have your excuses for not protecting our borders.
It's a scam and you let yourself be scammed. Why hasn't any president, any U.S. politician suggested harsh actions against Mexico for not stopping migrants here at Veracruz? They have to cross two highways at a very thin part of Mexico. Very easy to blockade, and I'm sure the U.S. would send whatever equipment they needed. So why don't you ever hear about it? Better to keep you riled up.


Mexico Map and Satellite Image
It's a scam and you let yourself be scammed. Why hasn't any president, any U.S. politician suggested harsh actions against Mexico for not stopping migrants here at Veracruz? They have to cross two highways at a very thin part of Mexico. Very easy to blockade, and I'm sure the U.S. would send whatever equipment they needed. So why don't you ever hear about it? Better to keep you riled up.

View attachment 739674

Mexico Map and Satellite Image
It is the sadistic criminal ways that turns people on. We are becoming them. And it is well deserved. And at some point, it will be out of control. I salute you.
How did the OP avoid saying the words 'wild animals'? Ducey is violating environmental laws that guarantee passage for wildlife. I know the knuckledraggers don't care, but it's a very important law.

Knuckle draggers care more about people than animals? Well sue me then because I must be a knuckle dragger since that's exactly how I feel.
No you care more about inflicting cruelty to humans than you do protecting wildlife.

I do? Well let me tell you what cruelty is to me: Sending a message out for people to take dangerous trips where people die along the way and teen and pre-teen girls get repeatedly raped. Cruel is encouraging drug lords to use these people to get their merchandise over our border and into the hands of Americans now at 107,000 dead from OD deaths. Cruel is inflicting problems on communities that have to pay for these vagrants by giving them an education paid for by US citizens, and closing down hospitals for care they don't get paid for.

That's what cruel is to me, and Trump stopped much of that cruelty when he was President.

Don't blame other people for taking action because your President is party first--country second.

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