
  1. deanrd

    Could Fox News be sued for lying about the coronavirus?

    Could Fox News be sued for lying about the coronavirus? I watch Fox all the time. I think itā€™s important to know what the enemies of America are saying. Not only did they downplay the virus but they stigmatized masks. They said that being told to wear a mask is a threat to your constitutional...
  2. Invisibleflash

    Will FOX News be controlled by the Dems?

    Some conservatives lost faith in it for conservative news. If so, what will be left Breitbart?
  3. WarmPotato

    Reminder Fox News Is Employing A Possible Pedophile

    In 2006 & 2009 he spoke about 13 year old boys having sex with their teachers and 14 year old girls having lesbian lovers. In 2014 he went on Fox News to continue advocating for sex with minors. In 2017 he had an interview with Gavin McInnes where he repeated himself, this time talking of 15...
  4. Turn Right

    Fox News has rabid never-Trumper hosts. Is CNN, MSNBC, etc., that balanced?

    Some Fox hosts are incredibly hostile toward all things conservative, and Fox debate panels have the most ferociously divided representation from both sides. Can you point to a single hard-core conservative hosting CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc., shows? And is being more balanced (while being crucified...
  5. deanrd

    CNN Media Analyst Stunned To Discover Sean Hannity Is A 'Propaganda Operative' For Trump

    CNN Media Analyst Stunned To Discover Sean Hannity Is A 'Propaganda Operative' For Trump BILL CARTER, CNN MEDIA ANALYST: What's very interesting is Hannity has been known to be known as a partisan commentator. But here he's like a propaganda operative because he's connecting with someone very...
  6. deanrd

    Why watching Fox News is bad for you and doesnā€™t help you.

    Why watching Fox News is bad for you and doesnā€™t help you. Fox is a propaganda network. You donā€™t learn anything there. I think the reason most Republicans on the USMB donā€™t know that Russia helped Donald Trump win because Fox News will never report that truth. Not only that, Fox News...
  7. deanrd

    Watch Fox News, an incredible and amazing study in state propaganda.

    Watch Fox News, an incredible and amazing study in state propaganda. Right now Iā€™m watching Maria Bartiromo. In less than five minutes she went after Larreta Lynch, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Eric Holder, and a few whose names I donā€™t remember. Now...
  8. deanrd

    For those that didnā€™t watch Fox news while Obama was president.

    This is one of the most disgraceful videos I have ever seen. And the snowflakes have the nerve to cry their eyes out that Trump is being mistreated? Democrats have had the house for less than 100 days. All these investigations started under Republicans. Under most of Obamas eight years...
  9. deanrd

    Is Fox News backed into a corner with their unreasoning support for Donald Trump?

    Is Fox News backed into a corner? Sean Hannity Laura Ingraham Tucker Carlson Scoreboard: Thursday, Jan. 24 Overall, Fox gets the most viewers. But it's odd that Rachael Maddow consistently leads in her time slot. But one has to wonder what is going on? Trump's approval rating is in the...
  10. deanrd

    Fox says Beto O'Rourke can't be president. They said he is too "Trumpian". Too much like Trump.

    Fox News Hosts: Beto O'Rourke's Lack Of Experience Is 'Very Trumpian' And 'Dangerous' ā€œThere are a lot of Republicans who could probably vote for this guy,ā€ Asman remarked. ā€œBecause he has appeal to the middle ā€” to the great middle. Hereā€™s a guy who voted strong on criminal justice, he voted...
  11. deanrd

    Did Donald Trump just guarantee prison for Michael Flynn?

    I'm watching Fox News. Because Trump and other Republicans suggested Flynn was being railroaded, The Judge ask Flynn if he was guilty, and if he had been coerced? Flynn said no one coerced him and he was guilty. The courtroom gasped when the Judge asked if Flynn committed treason. The...
  12. deanrd

    Tucker Carlson says Trump is ā€˜not capableā€™ and hasnā€™t kept his promises

    Tucker Carlson says Trump is ā€˜not capableā€™ and hasnā€™t kept his promises Is Fox turning on Trump? Why not, everyone else does. What does this mean in the long run?
  13. Litwin

    Ā«Achtung RuSSia!Ā» Polish TV compared Muscovy with the Third Reich, and Putin - with "Zyklon B"

    do you agree with Polish TV channel TVP ? i do . i hope that CNN, BBC and Fox will keep with this level... "Polish TV compared Muscovy with the Third Reich, and Putin - with "Zyklon B" Polish TV channel TVP Info demonstrated portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin, stylized logo of...
  14. Crepitus

    Document release at Sean Hannity's request.

    Should any news network, let alone one that is in truth little more than a propaganda machine really have this much influence on the running of our government? Are you really OK with endangering our sources and methods (this measn national security kids) to satisfy a pundit's curiosity? Have...
  15. deanrd

    OMG! Fox News editor actually said: We should stop having reporters at Trump rallies

    Fox News editor: We should stop having reporters at Trump rallies Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt suggested on Friday that news outlets cease sending reporters to President Trump's rallies, saying that their presence allows Trump to use them as a "prop." "We should stop having...
  16. midcan5

    Media under Trumpism

    "Reading, and reading widely, is for me the great means of expanding my being. It is in reading that I have learned all I know about thinking." Alan Jacobs When everything is a lie or fake, where does the sane person turn. There are actually several media sources worth your time today. On...
  17. Litwin

    McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug

    well, great statement from the great man. when Putin well the walls of the Hague, for his crimes ? McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug - CNN Video - ā–¶ 0:47 9 feb. 2017 When asked about the alleged poisoning of a vocal...
  18. T


    3 weeks ago i watched fox, Hannity talked about how a homeless women defended the Trump star agianst black lives matter thugs. I feelt sƄ bad for the women and i knew had to do something, a homeless woman that was beaten up for protecting our President Trump. i knew i had to do something, so i...
  19. midcan5

    Missing Emails

    You'd think by now the American people would have just a bit of understanding concerning republican hypocrisy? They can't all be Irritus grads? Can they? Breaking: 22 Million White House Emails May Be Missing Breaking: 22 Million White House Emails May Be Missing "Remember... while its...
  20. W

    Quick Media Nitpick

    Why is it that when EVERY media source covers the weather, they pluralize the word sky with an s? "Skies are clear," "Skies are cloudy,". . . . . .yet when I look outside I only see ONE sky! Is there a second sky I should know about? And more importantly, where exactly does one sky end and...
  21. Slade3200

    Socialist takes on Cavuto

    Interesting interview, I thought she was quite impressive... Thoughts?
  22. M

    Fox News and Donald Trump

    Hi, Do you think Donald Trump gets treated fairly by Fox News? The majority of people agree on that ( Do you think Fox News treats Donald Trump fairly? ) and I'm kind of surprised about this poll. What do you think?
  23. Slade3200

    Trump boycotting Thursday debate

    Trump as been holding out on committing to attend Thursdays Fox debate because he didn't think Megyn Kelly would treat him fairly. He has been making multiple statements and tweets asking his followers if he should attend... alas Roger Ailes, Fox owner, released the following statement earlier...
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