Zionism and Nazism: is there a difference that makes a difference?

Having joos, doing all the work, and arabs, doing all freeloading.

Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.

Israel came along now we have two countries on welfare.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.
Who has prospered more since September 29, 2000?

During that time Palestinians have killed 1,072 Israelis while Israel has killed 6,348 Palestinians.

Now tell me why anyone should profit from the killing?

If Americans Knew
Interesting premise on self rule. My first question is how often has that been tried? It seems that there is always a foreign hand involved to the detriment of the people. Palestine was classified as a class A mandate by the League of Nations meaning it needed almost no help to become an independent state.
Having joos, doing all the work, and arabs, doing all the freeloading.
Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.
Funny, that classification meant Palestine never was a "country". But my followers here like to deliberately confuse things, like country, state, legal entity, geographical entity. They want the unsuspecting to believe that entity had been industrialized, with factories, belching smoke, electricity in every home, intensive agriculture, and the population as dense as it is now. Which is, of course, an arabian nights agitprop drivel, confirmed by the Anglo-American Committee in 1946:
"One witnesses in Palestine not merely the impact of European culture upon the East, but also the impact of Western science and Western technology upon a semi-feudal civilization."
And then arab immigrant hordes started pouring in in obscene quantities, like flies on honey.Typical.
While docdrivel drools Blut and Boden and bullshit.
Witness the essense of my faithflul following here - no aguments, personal attacks, drivel. There goes a civilized conversation.
The essence of civilized conversation:

To be a good Zionist one must be somewhat of an anti-semite

"Although Blut (blood) was a recurrent theme in pre-Holocaust Zionist literature, it was not as central to its message as Boden (soil).

"As long as America’s shores remained open, Europe’s Jews asked: if anti-Semitism could not be fought on its home ground, why should they not just follow the crowd to America?

"The Zionist response was double-barrelled: anti-Semitism would accompany the Jews wherever they went and, what was more, it was the Jews who had created anti-Semitism by their own characteristics. (How's that for civilized?)

"The root cause of anti-Semitism, Zionists insisted, was the Jews’ exile existence. Jews lived parasitically off their 'hosts'. There were virtually no Jewish peasants in the Diaspora.

"The Jews lived in cities, they were alienated from manual labour or, more bluntly, they shunned it and preoccupied themselves with intellectual or commercial concerns.

"At best, their claims of patriotism were hollow as they wandered eternally from country to country.

"And when they fancied themselves as socialists and internationalists, in reality they were still no more than the middlemen of the revolution, fighting 'other people’s battles'.

"These tenets combined were known as shelilat ha’galut (the Negation of the Diaspora), and were held by the entire spectrum of Zionists who varied only on matters of detail.

"They were argued vigorously in the Zionist press, where the distinctive quality of many articles was their hostility to the entire Jewish people. Anyone reading these pieces without knowing their source would have automatically assumed that they came from the anti-Semitic press."


Zionism in...
Have you never been homeless?

Dumpster diving is becoming a survival skill for many formerly middle class Americans, and it's far more civil than getting rich from war and occupation.

Is it Marxist or uncivilized to ask if Zionists once believed that Jews created anti-Semitism by their own characteristics?
Have you never been homeless? Dumpster diving is becoming a survival skill for many formerly middle class Americans, and it's far more civil than getting rich from war and occupation. Is it Marxist or uncivilized to ask if Zionists once believed that Jews created anti-Semitism by their own characteristics?
Jurassic drivel.
Having joos, doing all the work, and arabs, doing all the freeloading.[/size][/i]
Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.
Funny, that classification meant Palestine never was a "country". But my followers here like to deliberately confuse things, like country, state, legal entity, geographical entity. They want the unsuspecting to believe that entity had been industrialized, with factories, belching smoke, electricity in every home, intensive agriculture, and the population as dense as it is now. Which is, of course, an arabian nights agitprop drivel, confirmed by the Anglo-American Committee in 1946:
"One witnesses in Palestine not merely the impact of European culture upon the East, but also the impact of Western science and Western technology upon a semi-feudal civilization."
And then arab immigrant hordes started pouring in in obscene quantities, like flies on honey.Typical.

What is a state and what is not a state is an interesting question. In the "west" Israel is considered a state and Palestine is not. However, Palestine is recognized as a state by several international organizations and 117 countries. Those who recognize Palestine generally consider Israel to be an occupation of Palestine.

There are three basic requirements to be a state.

1) A permanent population commonly called inhabitants.
2) A government created by the inhabitants.
3) Defined borders.

Palestine has a permanent Population.
Palestine has a government.
Palestine has defined borders.

Israel was created without a permanent population.
Israel's government was created by foreigners.
Israel has no borders.
Having joos, doing all the work, and arabs, doing all freeloading.

Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.

Israel came along now we have two countries on welfare.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.

Israel destroyed over 100 factories in Gaza during Cast Lead alone. Israel has bulldozed 1/3 of Gaze's agricultural land and shoots at farmers working their land. Israel has devastated Gaze's fishing industry. Israel will not let the Palestinians export any of their products.

The primary thing that Palestinians can do to take care of themselves is to get rid of Israel.
Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.

Israel came along now we have two countries on welfare.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.

Israel destroyed over 100 factories in Gaza during Cast Lead alone. Israel has bulldozed 1/3 of Gaze's agricultural land and shoots at farmers working their land. Israel has devastated Gaze's fishing industry. Israel will not let the Palestinians export any of their products.

The primary thing that Palestinians can do to take care of themselves is to get rid of Israel.
Thanks for advocating ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.

Israel destroyed over 100 factories in Gaza during Cast Lead alone. Israel has bulldozed 1/3 of Gaze's agricultural land and shoots at farmers working their land. Israel has devastated Gaze's fishing industry. Israel will not let the Palestinians export any of their products.

The primary thing that Palestinians can do to take care of themselves is to get rid of Israel.
Thanks for advocating ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews.

I said nothing about Jews.

Salam Fayyad, and others, have said that the settlers can stay as citizens of Palestine. Hamas has stated that the Jews can stay, it is Israel that must go. Prominent "one staters" like Ghada Karmi and Ali Abunimah state that the Jews have the right to live in the holy land.

Killing or expelling Jews is just Israeli propaganda.
Before Israel Palestine was a self sufficient country.

Israel came along now we have two countries on welfare.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.
Who has prospered more since September 29, 2000?

During that time Palestinians have killed 1,072 Israelis while Israel has killed 6,348 Palestinians.

Now tell me why anyone should profit from the killing?

If Americans Knew
If Palestinians wouldn't kill Israelis, Israelis wouldn't kill Palestinians.
Perhaps if the Palestinians cared more about taking care of themselves than about killing Jews, they could prosper.
Who has prospered more since September 29, 2000?

During that time Palestinians have killed 1,072 Israelis while Israel has killed 6,348 Palestinians.

Now tell me why anyone should profit from the killing?

If Americans Knew
If Palestinians wouldn't kill Israelis, Israelis wouldn't kill Palestinians.

If Israelis wouldn't have taken their land, they'd have no reason top kill israelis.
Who has prospered more since September 29, 2000?

During that time Palestinians have killed 1,072 Israelis while Israel has killed 6,348 Palestinians.

Now tell me why anyone should profit from the killing?

If Americans Knew
If Palestinians wouldn't kill Israelis, Israelis wouldn't kill Palestinians.

If Israelis wouldn't have taken their land, they'd have no reason top kill israelis.
In 1948 there were 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living in Mandate Palestine.
Arab and Jew had coexisted for centuries in that area with no where near the level of violence we see today.
It seems to me if all Arabs and Jews in Palestine had voted on the creation of a Jewish state in 1948, we would all likely be blogging about another subject today.

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