YUGE WINNING! Obama's Un-American Mandate Repealed...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.

Oh, i'm not letting feckless GOP leadership completely off the hook. I've probably been Ryan, Boehner, and McConnell's harshest critic over the years. But i have to give credit where due. The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

It is a Civil Rights issue...the Government can't force you to buy something.....

Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years - Breitbart

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.
It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.

Talk about a win-win. Here was a way to kill the most hated (and crucial) part of Obamacare and pass tax cuts. And that is exactly what happened — the American people won a sweet two-fer: lower taxes and freedom from a fascist mandate.


If I purchase a car, I am voluntarily taking on certain civic responsibilities that require the purchase of insurance. I have no problem with that. The Obamacare mandate is something altogether different.

For no other reason other than the fact I am born, the mandate is the federal government forcing me to buy something. This is nothing less than a legalized violation of my civil rights.

Forget the fact that Obamacare so over-regulates the insurance industry that we are now required to purchase a ridiculously expensive, one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan with a deductible so sky-high most of us will never use it. That is the least of this outrage, and something the Senate still needs to fix.

What I am talking about is the principle of the state forcing you to purchase something for your own good and for the good of others.

Sorry to be crude, but f**k that.

Setting a precedent that allows the government to force me to buy something for my own good is as un-American as it gets. What if studies show that the key to a long life is owning a Bible and gun? Is it okay with you Obamacare fans if Trump and Co. mandates the purchase of those?

Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate

With this, I agree with you 100%. Especially when you take into account, almost 90% of the people paying the penalty made 75,000 or less; hardly the rich!

As with everything Democrats do, and usually government in general run by either party; the people that the mandate was supposed to help, were actually the people getting hosed!
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

I always err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. The Mandate was a Gestapo-like use of force by an out of control Big Government. Good riddance.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

I always err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. The Mandate was a Gestapo-like use of force by an out of control Big Government. Good riddance.
Do you feel your freedom and liberty are damaged in any way when you have to pay higher insurance premiums, co-pays, co-insurance and other fees for your care, to pay for those who can't?
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.

The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Delivered exactly what? Nothing for the American People. Just a sick whore and con-man in the Oval Office with a half-clad (third) wife. President Obama at least tried to do good things for us Americans. Now we have a a known prostitute, predator, pig, and warmonger who hates the United States in office.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

It is a Civil Rights issue...the Government can't force you to buy something.....

Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years - Breitbart

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.
It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.

Talk about a win-win. Here was a way to kill the most hated (and crucial) part of Obamacare and pass tax cuts. And that is exactly what happened — the American people won a sweet two-fer: lower taxes and freedom from a fascist mandate.


If I purchase a car, I am voluntarily taking on certain civic responsibilities that require the purchase of insurance. I have no problem with that. The Obamacare mandate is something altogether different.

For no other reason other than the fact I am born, the mandate is the federal government forcing me to buy something. This is nothing less than a legalized violation of my civil rights.

Forget the fact that Obamacare so over-regulates the insurance industry that we are now required to purchase a ridiculously expensive, one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan with a deductible so sky-high most of us will never use it. That is the least of this outrage, and something the Senate still needs to fix.

What I am talking about is the principle of the state forcing you to purchase something for your own good and for the good of others.

Sorry to be crude, but f**k that.

Setting a precedent that allows the government to force me to buy something for my own good is as un-American as it gets. What if studies show that the key to a long life is owning a Bible and gun? Is it okay with you Obamacare fans if Trump and Co. mandates the purchase of those?

Citizens who've supported it are very misguided. It was an act of overreach-force by an out of control Big Government. It's good to see Republicans finally doing something i can fully support.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

I always err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. The Mandate was a Gestapo-like use of force by an out of control Big Government. Good riddance.
Do you feel your freedom and liberty are damaged in any way when you have to pay higher insurance premiums, co-pays, co-insurance and other fees for your care, to pay for those who can't?

That is NOT the point! The point is simple------------------>they should NOT be able to force you to buy a product from the private sector, and if you do NOT, punish you with a tax for not doing it!
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

It is a Civil Rights issue...the Government can't force you to buy something.....

Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years - Breitbart

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.
It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.

Talk about a win-win. Here was a way to kill the most hated (and crucial) part of Obamacare and pass tax cuts. And that is exactly what happened — the American people won a sweet two-fer: lower taxes and freedom from a fascist mandate.


If I purchase a car, I am voluntarily taking on certain civic responsibilities that require the purchase of insurance. I have no problem with that. The Obamacare mandate is something altogether different.

For no other reason other than the fact I am born, the mandate is the federal government forcing me to buy something. This is nothing less than a legalized violation of my civil rights.

Forget the fact that Obamacare so over-regulates the insurance industry that we are now required to purchase a ridiculously expensive, one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan with a deductible so sky-high most of us will never use it. That is the least of this outrage, and something the Senate still needs to fix.

What I am talking about is the principle of the state forcing you to purchase something for your own good and for the good of others.

Sorry to be crude, but f**k that.

Setting a precedent that allows the government to force me to buy something for my own good is as un-American as it gets. What if studies show that the key to a long life is owning a Bible and gun? Is it okay with you Obamacare fans if Trump and Co. mandates the purchase of those?

Then why do we have to buy car insurance?
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.

The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Delivered exactly what? Nothing for the American People. Just a sick whore and con-man in the Oval Office with a half-clad (third) wife. President Obama at least tried to do good things for us Americans. Now we have a a known prostitute, predator, pig, and warmonger who hates the United States in office.

Yeah lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. You sound bleepin deranged. :cuckoo:
Obamacare is so popular, they had to threaten people to purchase Obamacare else be punished by a government fine that's how popular it is.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

It is a Civil Rights issue...the Government can't force you to buy something.....

Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years - Breitbart

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.
It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.

Talk about a win-win. Here was a way to kill the most hated (and crucial) part of Obamacare and pass tax cuts. And that is exactly what happened — the American people won a sweet two-fer: lower taxes and freedom from a fascist mandate.


If I purchase a car, I am voluntarily taking on certain civic responsibilities that require the purchase of insurance. I have no problem with that. The Obamacare mandate is something altogether different.

For no other reason other than the fact I am born, the mandate is the federal government forcing me to buy something. This is nothing less than a legalized violation of my civil rights.

Forget the fact that Obamacare so over-regulates the insurance industry that we are now required to purchase a ridiculously expensive, one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan with a deductible so sky-high most of us will never use it. That is the least of this outrage, and something the Senate still needs to fix.

What I am talking about is the principle of the state forcing you to purchase something for your own good and for the good of others.

Sorry to be crude, but f**k that.

Setting a precedent that allows the government to force me to buy something for my own good is as un-American as it gets. What if studies show that the key to a long life is owning a Bible and gun? Is it okay with you Obamacare fans if Trump and Co. mandates the purchase of those?

Then why do we have to buy car insurance?

1. Do they tax you a special tax if you don't? No! They just won't issue you license plates, duh!

2. Do YOU pay higher auto insurance premiums, so that a poorer person can pay less? NO!
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.

I always err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. The Mandate was a Gestapo-like use of force by an out of control Big Government. Good riddance.
Do you feel your freedom and liberty are damaged in any way when you have to pay higher insurance premiums, co-pays, co-insurance and other fees for your care, to pay for those who can't?

Yes.......and the other problem....it destroys the medical system....because it destroys innovation and competition. The healthcare systems in Europe and around the world are collapsing......obama wanted to do that here.
Obamacare is so popular, they had to threaten people to purchase Obamacare else be punished by a government fine that's how popular it is.

Communists/Progressives have a long history of using force to make Citizens go along. The Mandate was Un-American. I'm glad it's been ended.
Obamacare is so popular, they had to threaten people to purchase Obamacare else be punished by a government fine that's how popular it is.

Yes.....premiums you couldn't afford to pay and had to have the government help you pay, and deductibles so high you couldn't afford to pay them...which meant you didn't actually have access to healthcare.....you were just paying money for insurance that you couldn't afford....
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.
Not everything has to be a handout bud.
This move was just the right thing to do. Unless you want to agree to force people to buy my services too.

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