Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

When these salaried employees get docked for leaving early, it will make a difference, absolutely. It is obama's intention to destroy businesses.

That will fix them

Start docking them when they leave early and pay them when they work nights and weekends

See who comes out ahead
Paying for actual hours worked

I call that Socialism

Yep it sure is because our anti American presidunce is a socialist. This is an executive order which can and should be eliminated by another executive order that would restore contract rights. It is also a sure vote loser for democrats.

Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

Since when has a gubmint moron ever out-smarted the Private Sector?


You know that Salaried Employee that this affects? He is an 'at will' employee so I'm gonna fire his sorry $600 a week ass and hire a new guy, or girl, at $400 a week plus overtime.

It should only require a Masters to get the job. No biggie.

So when she puts in 53.7 hours for the week, she can earn the same $600 the guy I just fired earned.

During the weeks she can't quite put in the required hours? Sucks to be her. She gets $400.

If she misses a day because her pussy hurts? She gets docked.

In fact, I might decide that I don't even need her. I'll do like every other industry in the Country has....

The other two salaried employees I have? Pick up the slack, do her job AND yours or you're fired and I'll get somebody who can.

Easy-peezy in this shit economy that the lying cocksucker in chief has created.

A businessman that can't outsmart the gubmint isn't worth his salt anyway.

You people are stupid beyond fucking belief
When these salaried employees get docked for leaving early, it will make a difference, absolutely. It is obama's intention to destroy businesses.

Right. Economically and militarily. He is marching fast, too. And he is successfully covering up and quieting all the attention the doomed Democrat-care law known as the ACA has been receiving. Ha! Affordable! :lmao: He has to go to The Gap and buy some clothes made in China and Vietnam, for his children and to no doubt persuade The Gap to push his Democrat-Care and receive some special perks when they encourage their employees to sign up, or else.
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Paying for actual hours worked

I call that Socialism

Yep it sure is because our anti American presidunce is a socialist. This is an executive order which can and should be eliminated by another executive order that would restore contract rights. It is also a sure vote loser for democrats.

Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

It's not a redistribution because these salaried positions will not have those generous salaries any more. They will be paid no more than hourly workers with the added bonus of docking the pay of employees to have to take time off.
[start by having a fact based argument for why you believe this to be illegal, or why you believe that the president needs congress to make this change.

The OP told you why. The very first words of the constitution after the preamble say that only congress has legislative powers. Case closed.

the op is wrong. congress can delegate power to administrative bodies.
you should look into J.W. Hampton, Jr., & Co. v. United States (1928)
Yep it sure is because our anti American presidunce is a socialist. This is an executive order which can and should be eliminated by another executive order that would restore contract rights. It is also a sure vote loser for democrats.

Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

Since when has a gubmint moron ever out-smarted the Private Sector?


You know that Salaried Employee that this affects? He is an 'at will' employee so I'm gonna fire his sorry $600 a week ass and hire a new guy, or girl, at $400 a week plus overtime.

It should only require a Masters to get the job. No biggie.

So when she puts in 53.7 hours for the week, she can earn the same $600 the guy I just fired earned.

During the weeks she can't quite put in the required hours? Sucks to be her. She gets $400.

If she misses a day because her pussy hurts? She gets docked.

In fact, I might decide that I don't even need her. I'll do like every other industry in the Country has....

The other two salaried employees I have? Pick up the slack, do her job AND yours or you're fired and I'll get somebody who can.

Easy-peezy in this shit economy that the lying cocksucker in chief has created.

A businessman that can't outsmart the gubmint isn't worth his salt anyway.

You people are stupid beyond fucking belief

As though this isn't in effect already.
Yep it sure is because our anti American presidunce is a socialist. This is an executive order which can and should be eliminated by another executive order that would restore contract rights. It is also a sure vote loser for democrats.

Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

It's not a redistribution because these salaried positions will not have those generous salaries any more. They will be paid no more than hourly workers with the added bonus of docking the pay of employees to have to take time off.

They will?

So what will be their incentive to accept those jobs? Hey...I just spent four years in college to make the same money as the guy on the assembly line
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Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

Since when has a gubmint moron ever out-smarted the Private Sector?


You know that Salaried Employee that this affects? He is an 'at will' employee so I'm gonna fire his sorry $600 a week ass and hire a new guy, or girl, at $400 a week plus overtime.

It should only require a Masters to get the job. No biggie.

So when she puts in 53.7 hours for the week, she can earn the same $600 the guy I just fired earned.

During the weeks she can't quite put in the required hours? Sucks to be her. She gets $400.

If she misses a day because her pussy hurts? She gets docked.

In fact, I might decide that I don't even need her. I'll do like every other industry in the Country has....

The other two salaried employees I have? Pick up the slack, do her job AND yours or you're fired and I'll get somebody who can.

Easy-peezy in this shit economy that the lying cocksucker in chief has created.

A businessman that can't outsmart the gubmint isn't worth his salt anyway.

You people are stupid beyond fucking belief

As though this isn't in effect already.

Exactly....If they could fire you at $600 and hire someone else at $400 they would have already done it

Employers like to keep their workforce scared. You can be replaced you know. If you won't work nights and weekends for free, I will replace you with someone who will.
There is a layoff coming you know. You want to make the cut? I better see you this weekend

Each individual law, rule and regulation is not the point.

It's the cumulative effect of them, one after the other.

It's the macro environment.

Let's just stop pretending that this administration is "pro business", that's all I'm asking.

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Yep it sure is because our anti American presidunce is a socialist. This is an executive order which can and should be eliminated by another executive order that would restore contract rights. It is also a sure vote loser for democrats.

Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

It's not a redistribution because these salaried positions will not have those generous salaries any more. They will be paid no more than hourly workers with the added bonus of docking the pay of employees to have to take time off.

I was looking for a Receptionist/Customer Service Rep one time and I had a nice looking girl apply for the job. College Graduate and pretty sharp.

I wanted to hire her because when people first walk into a business, it's nice to see an attractive young lady at the front desk. Especially if they're in pissy mood..... It helps, trust me.

So she starts in on the application and soon tells me, "You can't ask me that question on an employment app. It's illegal." Wasn't my app anyway, it was a standard State Form.

I apologized and told her just to fill out the parts she thought were applicable.

Of course, I didn't hire her. No way. Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't need that kind of shit in my life. No time for it.

I saw her about six months later at Hooters. In a Hooters server uniform. She looked even better than I thought she would. Nice.... :)

But that's where she ended up for a while. How long, I don't know. Don't know, don't care

All four years of College finally got put to good use.... At Hooters. :lmao:

What I'm saying is, employers are going to be more careful about who they hire and who they promote into management positions because of this.

Word :dunno:
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The law didnt change. Obama used his pen and his telephone.

Beautiful isn't it?

A redistribution of wealth. More money in workers pockets. Dare we call it.....Socialism?

If a Republican ever gets to be President again, they can make people go back to working for free

Under Clinton I got bonuses, under GW I had the priviledge of helping my managers collect huge bonuses.
Actually, you are a liar.

Nothing changed between Clinton and Bush except for 9/11...
How does this happen without congress?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.

Care to cite the pertinent Statute verbatim or are you just talking out of your stupid ass?

That's what I thought.

Just another stupid dimocrap, on his knees worshiping his master

Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)
Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

It's not a redistribution because these salaried positions will not have those generous salaries any more. They will be paid no more than hourly workers with the added bonus of docking the pay of employees to have to take time off.

I was looking for a Receptionist/Customer Service Rep one time and I had a nice looking girl apply for the job. College Graduate and pretty sharp.

I wanted to hire her because when people first walk into a business, it's nice to see an attractive young lady at the front desk. Especially if they're in pissy mood..... It helps, trust me.

So she starts in on the application and soon tells me, "You can't ask me that question on an employment app. It's illegal." Wasn't my app anyway, it was a standard State Form.

I apologized and told her just to fill out the parts she thought were applicable.

Of course, I didn't hire her. No way. Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

I don't need that kind of shit in my life. No time for it.

I saw her about six months later at Hooters. In a Hooters server uniform. She looked even better than I thought she would. Nice.... :)

But that's where she ended up for a while. How long, I don't know. Don't know, don't care

All four years of College finally got put to good use.... At Hooters. :lmao:

What I'm saying is, employers are going to be more careful about who they hire and who they promote into management positions because of this.

Word :dunno:

I have enough nightmare hiring employees stories to fill a book the size of War and Peace. Have you ever had one come in and tell you under what terms they will work (time off every day for yoga class a necessity) then spend most of the interview time texting their friends?
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.

Care to cite the pertinent Statute verbatim or are you just talking out of your stupid ass?

That's what I thought.

Just another stupid dimocrap, on his knees worshiping his master

Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)

eat shit scumbag.

fucking cowardly puke

Stand up for what you believe in or hide under the bed calling yourself 'independent'?

That's what I thought.

cite the appropriate language or shut the fuck up and keep hiding behind your Guy Fawkes mask
It seems that a business which requires regular OT is doing well, and it seems that hiring new employees is good for our nation. New employees generally start at a lower wage and many times benefits won't kick in immediately. I doubt the burden Rabbi suggests is anything more than another captious effort by Rabbi to demean President Obama.
I would ask if you understand that hiring new employees is very expensive, esp now with Obamacare, and that previously companies would just get overtime from workers. And now they can't do that. So they will forgo the extra business, perhaps raising prices to compensate.
But the truth is you dont understand that. You never worked an honest day in your life. You are lying dimocrap scum.

There is nothing untrue to what I wrote, and only those companies with more than 50 employees will feel some pain by providing health care for their employees (that fact makes you a liar by omission). I retired in 2005 at age 57 having worked since the age of 16 (not county my years delivery the news paper at 0500). And that fact makes you a liar by commission.

That you're a partisan hack, a homophobe, a callous conservative, a lair, not very bright and a general all around asshole is self evident, to anyone who has read the crap you post.

I dont recall sayingwhat you wrote was untrue. It was ignorant, yes. Companies over 50 employees generally already provide health insurance (not health care--doctors provide that). Obamacare mandates much more expensive policies. I guess that makes you the liar here.
ANd no, you never did an honest day's work. Especially if you retired at 57, probably with a CALPERS pension.
Its nothing but a redistribution of wealth from employers to employees

Freak'n Commie!

It's not a redistribution because these salaried positions will not have those generous salaries any more. They will be paid no more than hourly workers with the added bonus of docking the pay of employees to have to take time off.

They will?

So what will be their incentive to accept those jobs? Hey...I just spent four years in college to make the same money as the guy on the assembly line
The incentive? How about unemployment.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.

Care to cite the pertinent Statute verbatim or are you just talking out of your stupid ass?

That's what I thought.

Just another stupid dimocrap, on his knees worshiping his master

Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)
It seems you're the idiot here. He asked rightly what section of the act gave that power. No one answered him.
Care to cite the pertinent Statute verbatim or are you just talking out of your stupid ass?

That's what I thought.

Just another stupid dimocrap, on his knees worshiping his master

Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)
It seems you're the idiot here. He asked rightly what section of the act gave that power. No one answered him.

why - because he can't read?

Ah you can lead a horse to water
and you can lead an idiot to the truth

but ......

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