YOur kind of Christian; Family Research Council

I've got to thank Sky for bringing the FRC to my attention. I was not aware of them but this thread piqued my interest, so I have been researching them in my free time since yesterday.

I have just made a contribution, and I encourage everyone to take a good look at them and consider doing the same. I've started another thread for those who aren't single-issue thinkers:

Thank you for your honesty. By all means, continue to support this hate group. Your kind of folks, apparently.

I have yet to see you provide any evidence of hate.

SPLC calls them a hate group because they disseminate lies about gay people. Kind of like what AllieBaba says of me that 'my people', I guess she means gay and lesbian people, are about depriving and killing children.

The type of lies this group spreads is that all of us gay people are diseased and pedophiles.
The thing is....Bahati's campaign against homosexuals is all wrapped up in the convoluted issues of child abuse that Uganda deals with all the time. Somehow he's gotten it into his head that their child abuse/child soldier/slavery issues have to do with the homosexual community, and if I recall there's a very specific reason he thinks that but I can't find the thread where we addressed this in the past, and I can't find the same sources on the web this time around. Anyway, Bahati's insane campaign against gays most certainly ISN'T supported in any way by any Christian groups. But because Christian groups are the ones who are risking their lives and sending money to Uganda to help the kids, naturally they have had contact with Bahati..and in the perverted minds of the left, that means they support him. Missionaries risk everything to help out in Uganda, and are routinely killed and tortured for their trouble, and the only thing Sky can do is point her witch finger and scream "HATER HATER HATER HATER!" What a freak.
Thank you for your honesty. By all means, continue to support this hate group. Your kind of folks, apparently.

I have yet to see you provide any evidence of hate.

SPLC calls them a hate group because they disseminate lies about gay people. Kind of like what AllieBaba says of me that 'my people', I guess she means gay and lesbian people, are about depriving and killing children.

The type of lies this group spreads is that all of us gay people are diseased and pedophiles.
They're your people because you have identified with them in this thread, you fucking retard.

But who cares, after all, you keep carping that they're "my" kind of people. So once again, you criticize someone for doing what you are doing as you speak the words. What a lying hypocrite.
Family Research Council promotes the lie that homosexualty=pedophilia.

They distorted the research findings in their publications:

The study, “Behavior patterns of child molesters” by W.D. Erickson, N.H. Walbek, and R.K. Seely which appeared more than twenty years ago (1988, to be exact), didn’t set out to determine the sexual orientation of child molesters. The study, of 229 convicted child molesters in Minnesota, (which, by the way, was never intended to be nationally representative in any way) was focused on the types of sexual contact the men engaged in with their victims — vaginal or anal penetration, oral contact, and so forth. In this particular sample, 63 victims were male, and 166 victims were female. But the ”finding” . . . is encapsulated in just one sentence: “Eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”

The authors of the study never made the claim that that 86% of men who abused children -- without regard to gender -- said they were gay or bisexual.

This is not the first time FRC distorted the Erickson study. Last year, FRC head Tony Perkins cited it on MSNBC's Hardball as proof that the organization was not unfairly linking homosexuality to pedophilia.

However, more credible sources, i.e. the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Child Psychiatrists and the Child Welfare League of America, all say that gay men are not more likely to molest children than heterosexual men.

FRC deserves their designation as a hate group.
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FRC considers itself a Christian organization, it needs to act like one.

Spreading untrue stories about the lgbt community and then playing the evasion game when called out on this behavior is a Christian virtue.

Stating that you are a moral, Christian group doesn't necessarily make you one. FRC actions have been most un-Christian.

I'm sorry to see how many of you support them.
You haven't proven anything, liar. You just keep adding false accusations to the original lie.
The Family Research Council has repeatedly argued that gay men are more likely than others to molest children. Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association has said that Hitler was gay and that homosexuality caused the Holocaust. To call such claims misinformed is being generous—they have been repeatedly and roundly debunked. Disseminating these claims doesn't promote discussion; it promotes prejudice and hatred.

Neither the Family Research Council nor the American Family Association condones criminal behavior. But by spreading falsehoods and propaganda, such groups lend ideas and credibility to more extremist elements.

The SPLC has been clear and consistent as to what it means by hate group. Applying the term to high-profile anti-gay organizations isn't just politics. It's asserting that facts matter, that words have consequences and that hate is hate—regardless of how many people support it.
Spreading lies | The Christian Century
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So I guess you have proved one thing...that you're a lying bigot.

Thanks for that, anyway.
More lies by FRC:

Family Research Council Deceives Supporters In Misleading Email
November 19, 2009 4:24 pm ET

On November 19, 2009, the conservative Family Research Council sent an email to supporters that falsely claimed the Employee Non-Discrimination Act would "force churches, small businesses run by Christians, and faith-based charities to hire nonbelievers or face federal investigation." In reality, the bill exempts small businesses and religious organizations.
Family Research Council told pastors in a recent bulletin: “Let’s say you preach from Genesis 19 or Romans 1, referencing the homosexual agenda or lifestyle. Your sermon could be heard by an individual who applies it in a way prohibited by a hate crimes law. Not only would the offender be prosecuted under this law, but you could also be prosecuted for conspiracy. Consequently, hate crimes laws would radically impact our freedom of speech as Christians.”


As Becky Dansky, federal legislative director for the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, told the Washington Blade, such claims by the Religious Right are “completely inaccurate, unless their priest or reverend or religious leader is physically assaulting someone based on their sexual orientation while they’re giving that sermon.”

An offended homosexual could accuse a pastor, Sunday School teacher of broadcaster of causing emotional injury simply by expressing the Biblical view that homosexuality is sinful,” blares the Rev. Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association in an e-mail alert.

Over at the Traditional Values Coalition, Andrea Lafferty warns, “Your pastor could be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit a hate crime if it passes and become law. This so-called ‘hate crimes’ bill will be used to lay the legal foundation and framework to investigate, prosecute, and persecute pastors, business owners, Bible teachers, Sunday School teachers, youth pastors – you name it – or anyone else whose actions are based upon and reflect the truth found in the Bible.”

What is the Religious Right’s evidence for these extravagant claims? It doesn’t have any.

The FRC is fond of citing the case of Ake Green, a pastor in Sweden who was sentenced to a month in jail in 2004 after he delivered a sermon attacking gays that he later distributed to local newspapers.

There are two things wrong with this: Green’s case happened in Sweden. Sweden is not part of the United States. It does not have our First Amendment. Secondly, Green’s conviction was later overturned on appeal.

Many members of the clergy are debunking the Religious Right’s claims and support the bill (as does the ACLU). Hundreds of religious leaders endorsed the measure in 2007.

Pastors In Prison?: Religious Right Spreads Lies About Hate Crimes Bill « The Wall of Separation
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Even if it is true (and it probably isn't) doesn't make them a hate group.

If telling lies was all it takes, why, Sky, you would be a hate group.

If having one person who tells lies makes an entire group a hate group, homosexuals would constitute a hate group, and so would Buddhists.
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More FRC lies and hate:

Perkins blamed GLBT rights groups like GLSEN -- which opposes anti-gay bullying -- for recent gay youth suicides. In an October 11 column published at The Washington Post's On Faith blog, Perkins attacked the Gay, Straight, and Lesbian Education Network (GLSEN), an organization that "strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression" and seeks to prevent anti-gay bullying in schools. Perkins claimed that because "mental health problems are higher among those who 'come out of the closet' at an earlier age," the group's "approach" of "encourag[ing] teens to 'come out' when younger and younger" is "likely exacerbating the very problem they claim they want to solve." He continued:

Some homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal -- yet they have been told by the homosexual movement, and their allies in the media and the educational establishment, that they are "born gay" and can never change. This -- and not society's disapproval -- may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide.

Family Research Council leads fight against opponents of anti-gay bullying | Media Matters for America
Try to stay on your own topic, liar. Prove that they support Bahati's plan.

Then we'll debunk all the rest of your weird crap.
Keep supporting this group everyone.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews, at the end of a discussion of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, which boots gays out of military service, asked Peter Sprigg, a senior policy fellow for the Family Research Council, "should we outlaw gay behavior?" Sprigg replied:

"I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which overturned the sodomy laws in this country, was wrongly decided. I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior."

Don't kill U.S. gays, lock them up: Family groups - Faith & Reason
According to the FRC's official lobbying report for the first quarter of 2010, they paid two of their henchmen $25,000 to lobby Congress against approving a resolution denouncing Uganda's plan to execute homosexuals.

See the actual report for yourself here. It's at the bottom of the page.

Joe. My. God.: CHRISTIAN LOVE: Family Research Council Lobbied Congress Against Resolution Denouncing Uganda's Kill Gays Bill

Try to keep up. That one has already been poo poo'd
According to the FRC's official lobbying report for the first quarter of 2010, they paid two of their henchmen $25,000 to lobby Congress against approving a resolution denouncing Uganda's plan to execute homosexuals.

See the actual report for yourself here. It's at the bottom of the page.

Joe. My. God.: CHRISTIAN LOVE: Family Research Council Lobbied Congress Against Resolution Denouncing Uganda's Kill Gays Bill

Try to keep up. That one has already been poo poo'd
The actual document that proves it is in my link.

Try to keep up yourself.
Ugandan MP David Bahati said he had private support from American evangelicals. Bahati is a member of The Family, the religious organization that carries substantial power on Capitol Hill.
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