Young people are rejecting the left's pro-abortion propaganda

Around the 3rd paragraph it says that Gen-Xers and others are against the pro-abortion BS by


Also, from site:

[O]ne in 10 voters support the radical abortion views of the Democratic Party... through all nine months, up to and including infanticide for babies surviving a botched abortion.

Democratic Party leadership can name no abortion they oppose.


My mouth literally dropped open reading the following (the above was FAR from a surprise, have known that for years):

For three out of four, [75%] abortion should not be legal at all after a baby can live outside the womb, and nearly all (91%) supported medical care for a child who survives a botched abortion.

And 37% support limits when a baby’s heartbeat can be detected or better, and more than half (54%) said legal rights begin in the womb.


This is unbelievable... especially in light of the fact that I had thought our young people were largely a bunch of hedonistic air-heads with their heads stuck in the machines half the day.

My apologies 1000%

Here's a clue. Those of childbearing age are the most IN FAVOUR of reproductive choice because they are the ones most directly affected by lack of access to reproductive healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth.

Keep thinking that abortion really doesn't matter to women of all ages. That's working well for Republicans so far.
Here’s the lefts view on abortion:

It’s not a baby until it’s born…however, if they went to a doctor for a check up and the doctor accidentally did something that caused them to miscarry, watch how fast it becomes “I’m suing you because you killed my baby!”

It’s only a baby when it benefits them.
Well you’re going to lose nationally and locally because of it
That may be so, but at least they did then right thing, and I’m sure when you dems take power, you’ll wad up the constitution and wipe your ass with it by codifying abortion into law…perhaps if trump wins in ‘24, maybe he needs to be preemptive and just make abortion illegal nationally…I mean, it’s the wrong move, but, we all know what will happen when dems regain control. So hell, might as well do it.

Also, what is it about abortion that makes it “THE issue” with the left? How come we don’t see you championing other women’s causes such as legalizing prostitution nationwide? Isn’t that a “my body my choice” issue as well? Come on you all, people should be able to call 1-800-dial-a-doink any time of day!
If abortion is such a winning issue, why is the Montana AG blocking a November ballot measure on it?
Of course, that's what Republicans are doing. They're undermining democracy in these states. I believe these Republican hypocrites tried to block a people's vote over abortion in Virginia or Pennsylvania and failed. These are the same Republicans who are constantly defunding government programs that help single mothers raise their children. They defund child daycare programs, afterschool programs, school lunch programs, student clothing, and school supplies programs..etc. These Republican "Christian" conservatives are horrible. Then they want to pretend that they care about fetuses in other people's wombs. Amazing the delusion and hypocrisy.

These are the same conservatives harping about mask mandates, and how the government doesn't have the right to force them to wear a mask on their faces, in crowded, public venues, in the middle of a mass, deadly pandemic. They complain about the overbearing, heavy hand of the government, forcing them to do something on their bodies (wear a mask), while pushing the government to force women to remain pregnant for nine months, even when these women are poor, needing to work and support themselves (And perhaps children they already have). These single women, don't even have a fetus in their wombs yet and are being forced to remain pregnant.

Where are the super-holy-roller Republicans, these hypocritical counterfeit "disciples" of Jesus Christ, when these single women whom they're forcing through the authority of government, to bear the burden of pregnancy for nine months, with all of the health hazards and financial expenses that come with it, lose their jobs due to their pregnancies. Where are these conservative "Christian" Republicans when these women can't work and earn an income and are evicted from their apartments and forced to live in a homeless shelter or in a tent under a bridge? Where are these "pro-life", "Christians", where are they? They're nowhere to be found. Hypocrites.
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Here’s the lefts view on abortion:

It’s not a baby until it’s born…however, if they went to a doctor for a check up and the doctor accidentally did something that caused them to miscarry, watch how fast it becomes “I’m suing you because you killed my baby!”

It’s only a baby when it benefits them.
Dude. The argument is over. The sides have been drawn up.

Fuck your arguments

The only question now is what do we do about it.

And the answer is to vote out every possible Republican
When young people can’t get abortions in the US, they will care. The Republicans pushed it back to the States. Are Democrats worried about all of the States dropping abortion? Vermont? Oregon? Washington? California? Massachusetts?
When young people can’t get abortions in the US, they will care. The Republicans pushed it back to the States. Are Democrats worried about all of the States dropping abortion? Vermont? Oregon? Washington? California? Massachusetts?
I wouldn't be so confident, you might find that the Republicans are destroyed in the next election as a result of this abortion issue. For several elections now Dems have won the popular vote. The nation isn't moving to the right, it's moving to the left, gradually but surely. The younger generation isn't right-wing by a long shot, because they're the ones suffering the most from crony-capitalist, conservative policies, that serve the rich elites at their expense.
I wouldn't be so confident, you might find that the Republicans are destroyed in the next election as a result of this abortion issue. For several elections now Dems have won the popular vote. The nation isn't moving to the right, it's moving to the left, gradually but surely. The younger generation isn't right-wing by a long shot, because they're the ones suffering the most from crony-capitalist, conservative policies, that serve the rich elites at their expense.
Do you believe Abortion will end in this Nation? I don’t. Believe in States Rights!

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