You literally have to be the biggest moron in HUMAN HISTORY to believe Joe Biden got more LEGAL votes than any president in history.

Bottom line.....Joe will probably get the WH. The Dems "could" still get the Senate.
They have the House.

This is the unholy trifecta that they have dreamed of for years and will decimate America as you knew it.

I doubt they will create a system where they could ever be challenged again.
It seems this is the time Thomas Jefferson was talking about when he mentioned the Tree of Liberty.

Freedom was never Free. Time to pay up or shut up.
I think it's time to put Democrat party extortionists of countries Congress sent million$ in aid due to poverty.
We're expected to believe a drooling fucktard locked in a basement, with a spawn that has videos of him raping Chinese children on an abandoned laptop, got a TON more votes than the first jogger president and the first potentially female president.

Yeah, sounds legit.

You're telling us Rump is a jogger and "potentially female"? :cuckoo:

Allllllllll righty then.
Hunter Biden is the only one all those fittings, my dear Mr. Pogo. :(
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.,

Actually almost 80 million, and likely will cross that line.

Yahoos show up on this thread apparently willing to look so stupid (post 5 for example) that they think the exact same number of people vote every year. Bizzaro.

One can sort of understand stupid people being stupid. What stupefies the mind is people acting stupid INTENTIONALLY.

People always say that if you don't like somebody, vote them out. So I did, and apparently there are millions of people who agreed with me. What gets me is the number of people who can look at what trump has done in the last four years and actually vote for him to continue. He has caused, unapologetically, an astonishing amount of damage to this nation, our democratic institutions, our people, and our international reputation.
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.,

Actually almost 80 million, and likely will cross that line.

Yahoos show up on this thread apparently willing to look so stupid (post 5 for example) that they think the exact same number of people vote every year. Bizzaro.

One can sort of understand stupid people being stupid. What stupefies the mind is people acting stupid INTENTIONALLY.

People always say that if you don't like somebody, vote them out. So I did, and apparently there are millions of people who agreed with me. What gets me is the number of people who can look at what trump has done in the last four years and actually vote for him to continue. He has caused, unapologetically, an astonishing amount of damage to this nation, our democratic institutions, our people, and our international reputation.

And technically, he's not done.

The Countdown Clock
Bottom line.....Joe will probably get the WH. The Dems "could" still get the Senate.
They have the House.

This is the unholy trifecta that they have dreamed of for years and will decimate America as you knew it.

I doubt they will create a system where they could ever be challenged again.
It seems this is the time Thomas Jefferson was talking about when he mentioned the Tree of Liberty.

Freedom was never Free. Time to pay up or shut up.
I think it's time to put Democrat party extortionists of countries Congress sent million$ in aid due to poverty.
We're expected to believe a drooling fucktard locked in a basement, with a spawn that has videos of him raping Chinese children on an abandoned laptop, got a TON more votes than the first jogger president and the first potentially female president.

Yeah, sounds legit.

You're telling us Rump is a jogger and "potentially female"? :cuckoo:

Allllllllll righty then.
Hunter Biden is the only one all those fittings, my dear Mr. Pogo. :(

uh HUH.

Tell the class what office this "Hunter Biden" holds. Or ran for. You know, as an intro before you tell us what his jogging habits or potential to produce estrogen have to do with the price of acorns in Tierra del Fuego.
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.

Right...Biden got more votes than Obama.

If that makes sense to you then so would Democrat rule (aka Elitist rule)

Elitist rule? The guy that you and your pickup truck adore owns hotels and golf courses here and abroad, places that you could never afford to enter. Do you think that he actually cares about your farm or auto-repair shop or whatever religion you practice? You have been duped, bigtime.
It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

And, what are you "happy" about ?
(I think you're making it up)

You said you were tired of Democrats AND what could you possibly be happy about?

I am happy the election was won by Joe Biden and trump will fail to overthrow it. I put up with the whiny left last time and I will put up with the whiny right this time. I am happy my sons are doing well in their career fields, they went to school for. I am happy my daughter just started a new job in the career field she went back to school for. We are just happy and satisfied, the things we (my wife of 46 years and I) planned for and worked for and sacrificed for paid off and put us and our family in our present position.

Do you realize....for even one second....that you're stating you are happy....your family is happy.......ALL UNDER DONALD TRUMP ?

Can you name even ONE thing that Biden will do for your or your family that will make things better for you or your family? Just one.
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.

Right...Biden got more votes than Obama.

If that makes sense to you then so would Democrat rule (aka Elitist rule)

Elitist rule? The guy that you and your pickup truck adore owns hotels and golf courses here and abroad, places that you could never afford to enter. Do you think that he actually cares about your farm or auto-repair shop or whatever religion you practice? You have been duped, bigtime.

You are confusing Elitism with wealth.

They are not necessarily related or co-dependent.
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It's a snap. You sound sad, angry, in denial, and vindictive. I'm pretty happy!:cool:

And, what are you "happy" about ?
(I think you're making it up)

You said you were tired of Democrats AND what could you possibly be happy about?

I am happy the election was won by Joe Biden and trump will fail to overthrow it. I put up with the whiny left last time and I will put up with the whiny right this time. I am happy my sons are doing well in their career fields, they went to school for. I am happy my daughter just started a new job in the career field she went back to school for. We are just happy and satisfied, the things we (my wife of 46 years and I) planned for and worked for and sacrificed for paid off and put us and our family in our present position.

Do you realize....for even one second....that you're stating you are happy....your family is happy.......ALL UNDER DONALD TRUMP ?

Can you name even ONE thing that Biden will do for your or your family that will make things better for you or your family? Just one.

Kick Rump's rump out of the People's House, that's what.
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.,

Actually almost 80 million, and likely will cross that line.

Yahoos show up on this thread apparently willing to look so stupid (post 5 for example) that they think the exact same number of people vote every year. Bizzaro.

One can sort of understand stupid people being stupid. What stupefies the mind is people acting stupid INTENTIONALLY.

People always say that if you don't like somebody, vote them out. So I did, and apparently there are millions of people who agreed with me. What gets me is the number of people who can look at what trump has done in the last four years and actually vote for him to continue. He has caused, unapologetically, an astonishing amount of damage to this nation, our democratic institutions, our people, and our international reputation.

WHAT damage? be specific?
Kick Rump's rump out of the People's House, that's what.

that is what every leftists has so far. CNN convinced you....manipulated you....and you obeyed like a good little lemming.

You don't realize it, but that is NOT a good reason in and of itself.
And that's the issue, the Left cannot come up with ANY valid actual reasons Biden is better. None.

Are you really so stupid that you cannot see that you are groveling to make the wealthy Elites wealthier?
You people sure do love your Elites. You truly are slave material.
Did you know Republicans took every toss up House seat...all 27...every single one...

and they took every 'leans Republican'...all 26...

...on top of that they took seven of the 'leans Democrat"...

Sounds like a Red Wave to me...

... yet somehow you expect is to believe Biden won?

I don't think so.

Are you doubling down on Duh Stoopid?

What in the wide world of blue fuck to House races have to do with a repudiation of Orange Crash? Do you actually think House Reps are who vote for the POTUS? Your post is constructed of a nonzero number of idiocies.
Kick Rump's rump out of the People's House, that's what.

that is what every leftists has so far. CNN convinced you....manipulated you....and you obeyed like a good little lemming.

You don't realize it, but that is NOT a good reason in and of itself.
And that's the issue, the Left cannot come up with ANY valid actual reasons Biden is better. None.

Hey Bubbles, you axed for "just one", you got just one. Now you wanna cry the blues because you got your answer. Piss off.

But before you so piss, nice touch with "every leftists". Not because it can't speak English but because there is nothing "left" or "right" or "political" in the answer you got in the fucking first place. I see you grabbing for that crutch, and I just kicked it away.
A common theme emerges......

I have specifically asked numerous leftists to explain how Biden will make America better in any way.

NOT ONE has a valid logical reason.

The answer so far, as expected, is that it got rid of Trump.
So they couldn't care less if America burns to the ground......only that the Orange man is gone.
They have absolutely no idea what Biden will do.....only that CNN said Orange Man bad.

Very low IQ to come up with that.
Americas election process failed because there are too many exceptionally low IQ people voting for Democrats
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.,

Actually almost 80 million, and likely will cross that line.

Yahoos show up on this thread apparently willing to look so stupid (post 5 for example) that they think the exact same number of people vote every year. Bizzaro.

One can sort of understand stupid people being stupid. What stupefies the mind is people acting stupid INTENTIONALLY.

People always say that if you don't like somebody, vote them out. So I did, and apparently there are millions of people who agreed with me. What gets me is the number of people who can look at what trump has done in the last four years and actually vote for him to continue. He has caused, unapologetically, an astonishing amount of damage to this nation, our democratic institutions, our people, and our international reputation.
He told the truth, that's what you can't handle
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.

Right...Biden got more votes than Obama.

If that makes sense to you then so would Democrat rule (aka Elitist rule)

Elitist rule? The guy that you and your pickup truck adore owns hotels and golf courses here and abroad, places that you could never afford to enter. Do you think that he actually cares about your farm or auto-repair shop or whatever religion you practice? You have been duped, bigtime.

You are confusing Elitism with wealth.

They are not necessarily related or co-dependent.

Then explain what you mean by "elitism."
A common theme emerges......

I have specifically asked numerous leftists to explain how Biden will make America better in any way.

NOT ONE has a valid logical reason.

The answer so far, as expected, is that it got rid of Trump.
So they couldn't care less if America burns to the ground......only that the Orange man is gone.

Very low IQ to come up with that.

See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.
Do tell us where these ILLEGAL votes were cast. Biden got almost 75 million votes. There is no law that requires any of us to vote for one candidate or another, and people stood in long lines to vote in this election.,

Actually almost 80 million, and likely will cross that line.

Yahoos show up on this thread apparently willing to look so stupid (post 5 for example) that they think the exact same number of people vote every year. Bizzaro.

One can sort of understand stupid people being stupid. What stupefies the mind is people acting stupid INTENTIONALLY.

People always say that if you don't like somebody, vote them out. So I did, and apparently there are millions of people who agreed with me. What gets me is the number of people who can look at what trump has done in the last four years and actually vote for him to continue. He has caused, unapologetically, an astonishing amount of damage to this nation, our democratic institutions, our people, and our international reputation.
He told the truth, that's what you can't handle

Did he now.

Watch this everybody...........

Hey Bear
------------ where is "the Bronx"?
See, that's exactly why I gave you the simplest, most raw, basic answer I could think of. Because your obviously feeble intellect ("leftists") couldn't handle anything with meat on it.

No, you have no clue what Biden will do. none.
I am attempting to discuss seem unable

I believe you said you are a black person.
For 80 years you voted democrat....and for 80 years they kept you in chains in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore.....yet you continue to praise and lift them.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. Crazy.
You have absolutely ZERO idea how to pull yourself out of the hole. hence the vote for Biden and always.

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