"You didn't build that"; And yet..he STILL won??!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Obama handed the GOP the golden opportunity..over and over...on a silver platter:

- Obamacare
- "You didn't build that"
- Benghazi
- Fast and furious
- Oil spill
- "The police acted stupidly" (which the GOP didnt really push, dont know why)
- Oil pipeline not built
- Apology tour
- Credit downgrade

I could go on and on.

But point is....GOP...are you guys really that big of a group of fuckups that you couldnt win wiith all that handed to you? How bad would Bill Clinton have beat you guys haha?
Obama handed the GOP the golden opportunity..over and over...on a silver platter:

- Obamacare
- "You didn't build that"
- Benghazi
- Fast and furious
- Oil spill
- "The police acted stupidly" (which the GOP didnt really push, dont know why)
- Oil pipeline not built
- Apology tour
- Credit downgrade

I could go on and on.

But point is....GOP...are you guys really that big of a group of fuckups that you couldnt win wiith all that handed to you? How bad would Bill Clinton have beat you guys haha?

It’s not the republicans’ fault the voters correctly understood the items you list were non-issues, or had nothing to do with Obama, such as the credit downgrade and oil spill.
But Obama did build a great re-election team, proving his community organizing wasn't such a non-qualifier as his enemies say. Also the mark of someone who is able to govern is how they put together their team for campaigns and other things. He gets an A+.

And to Romney: You didn't win THAT! LOL!
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in fact, Obama won because the Republicans were unable to convince the American people he deserved to lose.
You didn't build that, was one of the stupiest things I've ever heard a president say. It hurt him in the polls, and he deserved it.

I really hope he fired that speech writer.
There was no speech writer for that one.

Crap like that, "not optimal", "bitter clingers" and "spread the wealth around" are the things that come out of his arugula hole when he's off script.

When TOTUS isn't around, the economic dilettante, coldly detached snob and Marxist ideologue in him can't help but reveal itself.
You didn't build that, was one of the stupiest things I've ever heard a president say. It hurt him in the polls, and he deserved it.

I really hope he fired that speech writer.
There was no speech writer for that one.

Crap like that, "not optimal", "bitter clingers" and "spread the wealth around" are the things that come out of his arugula hole when he's off script.

When TOTUS isn't around, the economic dilettante, coldly detached snob and Marxist ideologue in him can't help but reveal itself.

He thought that up himself?


Why am I suprised?
I don't know why you're surprised...He steps on his dick virtually every time he goes off script or isn't carefully coached.....The dude can't vamp to save his life.

No better evidence for that exists than the first debate with Romney,
I remember way back when the Repub brain trust was going to run on gas prices. They changed their campaign strategy more then Bush II his reasons for going into Iraq.
You didn't build that, was one of the stupiest things I've ever heard a president say. It hurt him in the polls, and he deserved it.

I really hope he fired that speech writer.

But it's true. Most people who have successful business got a hand from the bank. Therefore they really didn't 'build that'.
Obama handed the GOP the golden opportunity..over and over...on a silver platter:

- Obamacare
- "You didn't build that"
- Benghazi
- Fast and furious
- Oil spill
- "The police acted stupidly" (which the GOP didnt really push, dont know why)
- Oil pipeline not built
- Apology tour
- Credit downgrade

I could go on and on.

But point is....GOP...are you guys really that big of a group of fuckups that you couldnt win wiith all that handed to you? How bad would Bill Clinton have beat you guys haha?

Astounding isn't it?

Mitt had to work really really hard insulting Americans to lose this election
But Obama did build a great re-election team, proving his community organizing wasn't such a non-qualifier as his enemies say. Also the mark of someone who is able to govern is how they put together their team for campaigns and other things. He gets an A+.

And to Romney: You didn't win THAT! LOL!

Winning an election and being an effective leader have nothing to do with each other.
We've been bitch slapped with that fact enough times haven't we?
Clearly, in his Virginia speech, President Obama was making a point about the way infrastructure supports business and the interconnectedness of the economy and government with personal success and hard work. But, you see, he accidentally said "that" at one point when he meant "those." So release the hounds.

Jon Stewart doesn't cotton to that, though: "Making a big deal out of a misstatement is a great way to win a news cycle... But this ain't a gaffe and Mitt Romney's not having a little fun with it. This deliberate misstating and misrepresentation of Obama's position is now the centerpiece of Romney's campaign."

It's almost like taking Romney's "I like firing people" statement out of context and using it against him. (Although, one could argue that the phrase "I like firing people" is slightly less obscured by being taken out of context than "you didn't build that." After all, that could be anything: a road, a business, a sandcastle, a Death Star...)

But in case one doesn't grasp the real problem with this kind of campaigning, Stewart underlines his point: "Mr. Romney, hanging your attack on a person's slight grammatical misstep is what people do in an argument when they're completely fucked and know they have no argument."


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