You didn't build that, and now, you didn't earn that

What he ACTUALLY said was what I quoted, and:

"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

He wasn't talking about roads then, he had moved on.

Twisting his words doesn't change them. Mine are direct quotes.

Dishonest hack remains a dishonest hack.

It appears to me that not only does he know more than you, but it pisses you off that he does. Learn, grow, evolve.......or stay's your choice.

You should run a poll to see if you are, as I suspect, one of the least influential people here. I only noticed you the other day....when I saw you posting some batshit crazy shit. That's what you are to me. Batshit crazy. I'm pretty sure that my take on you is consistent with most others here.

Now...Mac and I go way back. He has been lying about this Obama comment since the day he said it. It's a "thing". Mac isn't batshit crazy...he's just a passive aggressive sissy boy who can't admit a mistake.

The next thing you say will be just as meaningless as the last. Peace.

I get all the validation I need and then some. I know more than you...infinitely more. You think you "influence" posters and make them sit back and reflect on your latest piece of pathetic prose of nothingness? Guess again. I will debate you on any topic and destroy you here in cyberville while holding multiple conversations. You are in over your head if you want to challenge me on anything. If I were to suspect that a poster was a passive aggressive pussy with no understanding of the topics at hand, I would put you in the top have a lot of competition when it comes to being a clueless leftard dumb-fuck......try me....I fucking dare ya.

What did I just tell you?

Don't be a pussy....impress the cyber masses with how fucking smart you think you are. I challenged you and called you out. If you tuck tail and run, you show the board that you are a gutless what topic do you think you have mastered? I am giving the coin flip to you.
You should run a poll to see if you are, as I suspect, one of the least influential people here. I only noticed you the other day....when I saw you posting some batshit crazy shit. That's what you are to me. Batshit crazy. I'm pretty sure that my take on you is consistent with most others here.

Now...Mac and I go way back. He has been lying about this Obama comment since the day he said it. It's a "thing". Mac isn't batshit crazy...he's just a passive aggressive sissy boy who can't admit a mistake.

The next thing you say will be just as meaningless as the last. Peace.

From your perspective as a partisan hack with literally zero integrity and not so much as a shred of ethics; one who places the goals of the party above reality itself, what exactly is Mac lying about? Can direct quotes be "lies" if they fail to further the goals of your party?
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?
Obama says we didn't earn that. His side also says whites control everything .

So....if whites control everything....and everything everyone has wasn't earned but rather given.....then DAMN.....those are some awfully nice generous white folks!!!
You should run a poll to see if you are, as I suspect, one of the least influential people here. I only noticed you the other day....when I saw you posting some batshit crazy shit. That's what you are to me. Batshit crazy. I'm pretty sure that my take on you is consistent with most others here.

Now...Mac and I go way back. He has been lying about this Obama comment since the day he said it. It's a "thing". Mac isn't batshit crazy...he's just a passive aggressive sissy boy who can't admit a mistake.

The next thing you say will be just as meaningless as the last. Peace.

From your perspective as a partisan hack with literally zero integrity and not so much as a shred of ethics; one who places the goals of the party above reality itself, what exactly is Mac lying about? Can direct quotes be "lies" if they fail to further the goals of your party?
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!
You should run a poll to see if you are, as I suspect, one of the least influential people here. I only noticed you the other day....when I saw you posting some batshit crazy shit. That's what you are to me. Batshit crazy. I'm pretty sure that my take on you is consistent with most others here.

Now...Mac and I go way back. He has been lying about this Obama comment since the day he said it. It's a "thing". Mac isn't batshit crazy...he's just a passive aggressive sissy boy who can't admit a mistake.

The next thing you say will be just as meaningless as the last. Peace.

From your perspective as a partisan hack with literally zero integrity and not so much as a shred of ethics; one who places the goals of the party above reality itself, what exactly is Mac lying about? Can direct quotes be "lies" if they fail to further the goals of your party?
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!

C'mon, pussy...I am calling you out.....pick the fucking topic already....impress everyone with how fucking smart you think you are so I can shatter the illusion for you. It's the only way you will be able to heal. I'm here to me, help you.
From your perspective as a partisan hack with literally zero integrity and not so much as a shred of ethics; one who places the goals of the party above reality itself, what exactly is Mac lying about? Can direct quotes be "lies" if they fail to further the goals of your party?
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!

C'mon, pussy...I am calling you out.....pick the fucking topic already....impress everyone with how fucking smart you think you are so I can shatter the illusion for you. It's the only way you will be able to heal. I'm here to me, help you.

LoneLaugher is a disgusting retard.
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!

C'mon, pussy...I am calling you out.....pick the fucking topic already....impress everyone with how fucking smart you think you are so I can shatter the illusion for you. It's the only way you will be able to heal. I'm here to me, help you.

LoneLaugher is a disgusting retard.
Poor guy follows me around, posting directly to me, asking me questions, even though he's been on ignore for about three years.

There has to be something wrong with someone like that.

Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.

He was talking to young people...

...who had the luxury of getting a college degree where many of their cohort don't.

In any case, he wasn't talking to you. Stop being the nosy old lady next door.
Okay, I'll stop posting my opinion on an internet political message board.

Looking forward to you telling everyone else that, too.


Or just try not deliberately twisting things.
Yes, that's why I post direct quotes.

And then proceed to translate them into what you want them to say.

I suppose your entire family is littered with PhDs, so you just take that sort of thing for granted.
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.
Not only has his presidency been a horribly wasted opportunity to heal racial divides, he contributes to them here.

Very sad to see. He was our best chance.

He was talking to young people...

...who had the luxury of getting a college degree where many of their cohort don't.

In any case, he wasn't talking to you. Stop being the nosy old lady next door.
Okay, I'll stop posting my opinion on an internet political message board.

Looking forward to you telling everyone else that, too.


Or just try not deliberately twisting things.
Yes, that's why I post direct quotes.

And then proceed to translate them into what you want them to say.

I suppose your entire family is littered with PhDs, so you just take that sort of thing for granted.
Doesn't take a PhD to quote people.

And those two quotes sure are similar. Kind of a theme, y'know?

Too bad.
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.
Not only has his presidency been a horribly wasted opportunity to heal racial divides, he contributes to them here.

Very sad to see. He was our best chance.
your crocodile tears are amusing. now continue trolling and dividing.
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.
Not only has his presidency been a horribly wasted opportunity to heal racial divides, he contributes to them here.

Very sad to see. He was our best chance.
your crocodile tears are amusing. now continue trolling and dividing.
All I have to do is quote what people actually say.

Tough shit.
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.

So, were whites prohibited from this college?

I mean, was it as racist and exclusionary as Obama's speech?
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.

So, were whites prohibited from this college?

I mean, was it as racist and exclusionary as Obama's speech?
Gotta love the irony, huh?
From your perspective as a partisan hack with literally zero integrity and not so much as a shred of ethics; one who places the goals of the party above reality itself, what exactly is Mac lying about? Can direct quotes be "lies" if they fail to further the goals of your party?
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!

C'mon, pussy...I am calling you out.....pick the fucking topic already....impress everyone with how fucking smart you think you are so I can shatter the illusion for you. It's the only way you will be able to heal. I'm here to me, help you.

Covince me that Barack Obama thinks that I did not build my business.
My little stalker friends wub me.


Always. I will always love my little bitch.

You have a female poodle at home?

Good one!

C'mon, pussy...I am calling you out.....pick the fucking topic already....impress everyone with how fucking smart you think you are so I can shatter the illusion for you. It's the only way you will be able to heal. I'm here to me, help you.

LoneLaugher is a disgusting retard.

Of course. And you are envious of me. It's fun.

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