You CAN'T Make This UP - Susan Rice: 'CLIMATE CHANGE Reason for Syrian Conflict!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yeah, THAT 'Susan Rice' - the one who went out the day after the Benghazi attack and lied her ass off about the Benghazi attack being nothing more than a 'Protest over a Video Gone Out of Control' (Because I know when I go out to protest a video or a bad movie review I always carry several RPGs, .50 caliber machine guns with thousands of rounds of ammo, and a bucket of grenades....:rolleyes:)...

"In her 'most dramatic speech to date' about climate change, National Security Advisor Susan Rice suggests climate change was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and represents a looming threat to the entire world."


By 'most dramatic speech to date" I assume they mean 'most bat-Shi'ite crazy speech to date', even more so - miraculously - than her diatribe about the 'protest' in Benghazi!

RICE BEFORE THE U.N. (I can just see it now):
"Y'all know why the conflict started in Syria and is still goin' on today? Cause it's HOT...DAMN HOT...'cause the glaciers are melting, the po' polar bears have no place to sit - they just dog-paddlin' in the middle of the ocean, and the Syrians were split on whether Global Warmin' / Climate Change is real or not. This led to all out conflict. That is why I am standin' her today, to warn the International community that if we do not ALL agree once and for all that Climate change is real, our disagreement will PLUNGE the entire world into WAR over this debate! Thank you....oh, and don't forget Benghazi was still just a protest over a video the evil US put out slandering Allah."


Susan Rice Blames Climate Change For Conflict in Syria - Breitbart
Susan Rice is the perfect representative of the Obama Administration: corrupt, stupid, and given to shooting her mouth off.
You can make up anything as anything seems to go these days.
There's an itty bitty teensy weensy link at the bottom of the OP.


“In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record,” she said during a political speech at Stanford University. “Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.”
This isn't new background info. Syria suffered drought for several years, which drove rural people to the city looking for work, which put a strain on the social structure, et cetera.

Everything has causes, and they're usually complex.

Of course it may be new info for the TV mentality....
They've been fighting there for a thousand years. If Bush had spent 20 minutes in a classroom, he would have known.
“In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record,” she said during a political speech at Stanford University. “Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.”

Yeah it has nothing to do with ISIS in Syria, Assad gassing his own people who are revolting, and the rebels trying to overthrow him. It's all about global warming / climate change....
Susan Rice is one of the reasons we should be thankful that Vlad Putin is in charge.
They've been fighting there for a thousand years. If Bush had spent 20 minutes in a classroom, he would have known.
And if Rice had been half as smart as Bush there is no way she could have pushed the 'Protest over a video' or this 'Climate Change Caused the Syrian Conflict' BS! :p
“In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record,” she said during a political speech at Stanford University. “Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.”

Yeah it has nothing to do with ISIS in Syria, Assad gassing his own people who are revolting, and the rebels trying to overthrow him. It's all about global warming / climate change....
So the reason for the revolution is...the people revolting against Assad? Assad gassing the people who are revolting is why there is a revolution?

Fascinating analysis.
She is saying what her boss wants her to say and what he truly believes.

Can't fix stupid.
Yeah, THAT 'Susan Rice' - the one who went out the day after the Benghazi attack and lied her ass off about the Benghazi attack being nothing more than a 'Protest over a Video Gone Out of Control' (Because I know when I go out to protest a video or a bad movie review I always carry several RPGs, .50 caliber machine guns with thousands of rounds of ammo, and a bucket of grenades....:rolleyes:)...

"In her 'most dramatic speech to date' about climate change, National Security Advisor Susan Rice suggests climate change was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and represents a looming threat to the entire world."


By 'most dramatic speech to date" I assume they mean 'most bat-Shi'ite crazy speech to date', even more so - miraculously - than her diatribe about the 'protest' in Benghazi!

RICE BEFORE THE U.N. (I can just see it now):
"Y'all know why the conflict started in Syria and is still goin' on today? Cause it's HOT...DAMN HOT...'cause the glaciers are melting, the po' polar bears have no place to sit - they just dog-paddlin' in the middle of the ocean, and the Syrians were split on whether Global Warmin' / Climate Change is real or not. This led to all out conflict. That is why I am standin' her today, to warn the International community that if we do not ALL agree once and for all that Climate change is real, our disagreement will PLUNGE the entire world into WAR over this debate! Thank you....oh, and don't forget Benghazi was still just a protest over a video the evil US put out slandering Allah."


Susan Rice Blames Climate Change For Conflict in Syria - Breitbart
And Leftards say conservatives are anti-science.
Rice said something stupid, therefore Booooooooooooosh

It's not her's a LIBERAL DISEASE. Whenever anyone points out the completely stupid antics of the Obama administration Liberals suddenly have the compulsion to go back a decade or more to find a Republican - specifically Bush - to use as a diversion and justification.

I'm was thinking of starting up a 'GoFundMe' page to fund the research to find a cure for this affliction....then I decided 'Nah, forget it' because it's funny as hell to see when it happens!
The President of the United States believes leadership on climate change is his top priority. Looney tunes.

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